
2017 the year in Cyber Security

cyber security

As 2017 comes to a close, we’d like to draw your attention to a number of the cyber security stories we’ve talked about this year that we think you’ll find interesting, thought provoking and perhaps, in some cases, concerning.


Of course, the story that caught all of the mainstream headlines this year was the WannaCry ransomware attack that crippled the NHS, infected hundreds of thousands of computers and put cyber security in the spotlight. As the story unwound over 2017 we talked a lot about the lessons that could be learned from it.


Important Cyber Security Knowledge

Throughout the year moves have been made to help organisations become more cyber secure.

In October 2017, the Government released the Industry Security Notice DEFCON 658 that states all suppliers to Defence who bid for new contracts from the MOD need to show that they meet the cyber security standards mandated by the MOD. It states Cyber Essentials certification is a mandatory requirement for organisations wishing to win business with the MOD.


On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect. GDPR is the European Union’s attempt to bring data protection up to date with the new or previously unforeseen ways that data could be used and will affect Britain regardless of Brexit. Those that fail to comply are set to incur large fines.

With this in mind, we suggest reading up on the subject and making sure that your organisation is going to be good to go once GDPR is introduced.


Accusations of Russian cyber hacks are nothing new; many believe that Russian hacking of emails had an impact on the result of the 2016 United States election. In 2017 Russia continued to be synonymous with cyber hacks, and has even been accused of targeting the UK in the process.

UK Government

The UK Government has come under scrutiny this year due to the perceived careless attitude to cyber security that some MPs have displayed, particularly in the wake not just of WannaCry but also attacks on both the UK and Scottish Parliaments.

How Easy Is It To Carry Out A Cyber Attack?

Earlier in the year we conducted an interview with Geoff Siskind of the popular Hackable? podcast that we recommend you read. In it he talks about how his own thoughts on cyber security have evolved during the production of the show. We also have the cyber crime statistics from 2016-17 which many will find shocking.

Warnings for the future

Heading into 2018, the number of warnings that many in the UK are not prepared for a cyber attack has to be concerning. UK organisations must take events such as WannaCry as a sign of what could lie ahead and prepare accordingly.

Cyber Essentials

As we head into 2018, the first step to keep your organisation safe from potential future cyber attacks is to be certified with Cyber Essentials.

Certification to the Government’s Cyber Essentials Scheme is a mandatory requirement for organisations wishing to win business with the MOD, and can help your organisation prepare and defend itself against malicious cyber attacks, regardless of the sector you operate in.

Become Cyber Essentials Certified today


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From publishing the first national directory of public sector contracts, to being the first to market with our online Tracker solution, we have been the true pioneers of technology and innovation in the public sector marketplace. Throughout our 39 years, we have continued to evolve and chart new territory – placing our customers at the heart of everything we do. Take your business to the next level with Tracker now.