Day: May 17, 2017

Call for submissions: EDA Defence Industry workshop

Call for submissions: EDA Defence Industry workshop looking at the long-term outlook for RPAS. EDA has opened a call for submissions from defence industry representatives on the topic of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS). This call is in response to the agreement between EDA defence ministers to develop a more structured and regular dialogue with […]

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Niteworks(R) Industry Day

The Niteworks service exists to provide trusted, impartial, industry-informed advice to the MOD on a range of capability questions. The Niteworks(Replacement) project is tasked with delivering a replacement for the current Niteworks3 service. The Niteworks partnership ethos, principles and behaviours are considered unique within defence. Underpinned by a commercial model that protects and shares information; […]

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Veterans need earlier addiction support

Recent research by Combat Stress, the UK’s leading mental health charity for veterans, has found that former servicemen and servicewomen are struggling with alcohol addition until later in life. Rather than seeking help, veterans with alcohol addiction are putting off seeking help until their sixties, and are more likely to be admitted to hospital for […]

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Australian Naval Shipbuilding Plan

The Australian Government has released its Naval Shipbuilding Plan, in which it outlines its intent for The Australian Navy and the country’s shipbuilding enterprise. The current intent is to provide significant investment into the sector over the coming decades, thus laying the foundations for an Australian-wide naval shipbuilding enterprise. By investing into the sector, the […]

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USAF C-130 aeromedical trainer on-motion and ready for training

CAE, the Canadian manufacturer of simulation technologies, modelling technologies and training services for the aviation and defence industries, has announced that its C-130 Aeromedical Evacuation Training System for the US Air Force at Dobbins Air Reserve Base (ARB) is now on-motion, fully operational and ready for training. The addition of a motion platform for an […]

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Emergency Services Center (ESC) at Ft. Hunter Liggett, CA

DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Army Corps OF Engineers (USACE) Louisville District intends to issue a Request for the construction of a new Emergency Services Center (ESC) that consolidates the Police, Security, Fire, Crash-Rescue, and Emergency Medical Team (EMT)