Day: May 29, 2017

WannaCry Ransomware: Latest NCSC Guidance

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released its latest guidance note for small business and enterprise users  about the WannaCry ransomware that was behind the much publicised worldwide cyber attack that infected millions of computers.  This guidance note is aimed at supporting businesses to tackle the threat that version 2 of

Cranfield director points way for innovation and R&D in defence

  Cranfield University’s Dr Simon Harwood has long experience in defence R&D and procurement from different perspectives. Here he explains to defence features writer Peter Jackson how some challenges tend to recur and how the industry should face them. Fast-moving geopolitical events, accelerating technological advances, international terrorism and cyber warfare are driving fundamental re-examinations of […]

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GB-Witney: Warehouse (New/Alterations)

Scheme comprises construction of new warehouse (classs use B8) with associated offices, car parking and service yard, alterations and formation of additional vehicular access, including SUDS. The associated works include sewer systems, landscaping, infras