Day: August 15, 2017

Cyber Attack on UK Parliament

A cyber attack on UK Parliament on Friday 23 June compromised up to 90 email accounts belonging to MPs, peers and lords. Officials are said to have disabled remote access to the emails of those working in Parliament as a safeguard and as a result fewer than 1% of the

British paratroopers take part in Exercise Noble Partner

British paratroopers have proved their worth as ‘noble partners’ during a major multinational exercise in Georgia. Some 160 paratroopers from C (Bruneval) Company, 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment joined a 2,800-strong contingent from eight different nations to take part in the two week manoeuvre, dubbed ‘Exercise Noble Partner’. The objective was clear; to train Georgian troops […]

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BAE Systems bid for SEA 5000 Future Frigate programme

BAE Systems has officially launched its bid to helm the Australian government’s hugely ambitious SEA 5000 Future Frigate programme. The successful bidder will partner up with the Australian government to develop a long-term ship building strategy, with nine Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates currently proposed for the Royal Australian Navy. BAE Systems has pitched the Global Combat […]

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Agile Security Testing

There is a need to undertake continuous PEN testing/vulnerability assessments of existing and new features within the application. Additionally to automate security testing within a CI/CD environment.