Day: November 17, 2017

Defence and security technology entrepreneurs invited to apply for Pitch@Palace

Pitch@Palace offers the chance for start ups and small businesses to present in front of an audience of influencers who can catapult them to the next level. As part of our remit to find innovators who can benefit the defence and security of the UK, the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to support the […]

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Vulnerability Assessment: Protecting Your Organisation

The awarding authority is looking to appoint a provider to develop and deliver Vulnerability Assessment: Protecting Your Organisation to our client.This Prior Information Notice is to alert interested Bidders of the opportunity. We welcome responses from

Large Force Shaker Systems

The objective of this effort is to acquire a Large Force Shaker System (LFSS), with an option for a second LFSS, to support the Survivability, Vulnerability, Assessment Directorate (SVAD) located at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), as part of the Applied

Marshall to provide AJAX turret simulator shelters

Training of turret crews on the British Army’s AJAX, the new multi-role family of medium armoured fighting vehicles, is to be carried out using simulator shelters assembled by Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group. Marshall has been contracted to provide 25 shelters to Lockheed Martin UK, the AJAX turret manufacturer and integrator.  This is in support […]

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Advanced Flank Array for submarines successfully built and tested

The Naval Undersea Warfare Centre (NUWC) has put Northrop Grumman’s new hull-mounted Advanced Flank Array through its paces, following a period of intense testing. The Advanced Flank Array (AFA) employs innovative and streamlined manufacturing techniques to deliver greater value to the U.S. Navy. To date, Northrop Grumman has invested more than $3M to develop this […]

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BAE Systems sign agreement to support Hawk aircraft in the UAE

BAE Systems has recently penned an agreement with AMMROC to support Hawk aircraft engineering in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) up until 2020. The UAE agreement renews BAE Systems successful partnership with AMMROC – the Advanced Military Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Center. AMMROC is a joint venture organisation owned by Emirates Defence Industries Company, Lockheed Martin Corporation […]

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