Day: December 20, 2017

2017 the year in Cyber Security

As 2017 comes to a close, we’d like to draw your attention to a number of the cyber security stories we’ve talked about this year that we think you’ll find interesting, thought provoking and perhaps, in some cases, concerning. WannaCry Of course, the story that caught all of the mainstream

GB-Blackpool: 411 Residential & Commercial Units

Scheme comprises demolition of buildings and construction of up to 410 residential units, up to 190sqm commercial/community space (use classes A1/A2/A3/B1/D1 with residential above) between two and four storeys in height, associated accesses from Rigby Ro

Record number of organisations sign the Armed Forces Covenant

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has announced that 2,000 organisations have now signed the Armed Forces Covenant. The news comes after a record-breaking year for the Armed Forces Covenant with more employers signing up in a single year than ever before. O2 is the latest employer to sign the Armed Forces Covenant, bringing the total number of signatories […]

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