Day: January 3, 2018

OJEU 2018 Procurement Thresholds – What’s Changed?

  The new OJEU Procurement Thresholds for 2018 have been announced. The value thresholds for contract opportunities that must be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)  changed on 1 January 2018. Public sector bodies are legally required to follow the European procurement process. The new OJEU

DHRA – CIO IT Support Services

1. The Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA), Chief Information Officer (CIO) Directorate is issuing this follow up Sources Sought Notice as a means of conducting market research to identify parties having an interest in, and the resources for, providin

ICT Consultancy Services – Exporting Opportunity

Sectors Financial & Professional Services and Software & Computer Services
Opportunity type Public Sector
A tender has been issued for consultancy services for a systems audit review.
You should be able to:
undertake a vulnerability assessment of the ag

CPI Radant Technologies secure deal for satellite communications radome

The Radant Technologies Division of Communications & Power Industries (CPI) has won a contract worth an estimated $3 million to develop a satellite communications radome for a US military airborne platform. The radome will be compatible with, and enable connectivity with, any wideband satellite communications system, including commercial Ku-band and Ka-band systems and military Ka-band […]

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