Day: January 11, 2018

Provison of Intranet and Internet Support Services (COPFS)

The Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal’s Service (COPFS) has appointed a supplier to provide Intranet and Internet Support Services. The service will be efficient, cost-effective and provide scheduled and remedial maintenance services for its Intranet and

Fire Risk Alteration Works

The works include various fire precautions to the named schools within the tender. These works were picked up in the school’s annual Fire Risk Assessment carried out by Fire and Security Consultancy. Works are to happen during term and half term dates at

DIO launches commercial strategy for working with industry

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) has launched its commercial strategy outlining its vision for future methods of working with suppliers in the soft and hard facilities management, construction and property advisory sectors. DIO, working on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, currently spends around £3 billion per year buying infrastructure services to allow defence personnel to […]

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New MOD Chief Information Officer appointed

Charles Forte has been appointed new Ministry of Defence Chief Information Officer and will be responsible for the development of MOD strategy and policy on all MOD Information and Communications Technology, including cybersecurity. Following an open competition to both internal military and civilian candidates and to candidates from outside the MOD, the Permanent Secretary Stephen Lovegrove […]

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Saab wins deal to upgrade German army vehicle simulators

Saab has received an order worth SEK 107 million from the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support, BAAINBw, for upgrade of the German Army’s vehicle simulators. Saab will provide new software and hardware to German Army vehicles and tanks operating the laser simulator BT 46, such as Leopard, Fennek, Marder and […]

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