Day: April 3, 2018

Fueling resilience

How Defence FMs can drive savings and compliance across assets Think of the fundamental assets of an air force, naval or army base and you are likely to think of the obvious – fighter jets, vessels, ships, and armoured vehicles. Ask Henry Simpson, Director at Defence FM specialist Adler & Allan, and his response is rather […]

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Provision of GDPR Data Protection Officer Functions

As a public authority under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the awarding authority needs to appoint a statutory Data Protection Officer (DPO) to the standards of, and to perform the tasks set out in, Articles 37-39 of the GDPR.
The awardin

ViaSat-2 communications services available for military applications

Viasat has announced the availability of ViaSat-2 satellite communications (SATCOM) service for government, defence and military applications. The service leverages the world’s most advanced communications satellite, ViaSat-2, along with innovations in ground networking technologies, that will deliver significant performance advantages over any other commercial or US Department of Defense (DoD) SATCOM system. Earlier this month, […]

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Australian CSIRO to explore submarine capabilities with QinetiQ

CSIRO, the Australian national science agency, has combined forces with QinetiQ to investigate how submarines can stay submerged for longer while using less power and improving conditions on board. Crucially, this cutting-edge technology could potentially be integrated into the Australian Government’s Future Submarines Programme, SEA1000 – the largest and most complex military programme ever undertaken […]

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Babcock calls for small businesses to join them at Innovation Zone

Babcock International is offering start ups and small businesses the opportunity to showcase their latest innovations at the Undersea Defence Technology (UDT) conference and exhibition in Glasgow in June 2018. The Babcock Innovation Zone will be available for businesses to promote their contemporary technologies, innovations and industry solutions at the international event and interested parties […]

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