Day: April 17, 2018

GB-Loughborough: 5 Retail Units

Scheme comprises construction of food retail store (class A1), coffee shop with drive through and take away facility (class A3 restaurant/A5 takeaway), three retail units (class A1 shop/A2 bank/A3 restaurant) with associated access, car parking and landsc

Defence Secretary reaffirms Gulf defence relationship

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has met with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, and his Emirati counterpart, Mohammed Ahmad Al Bowardi, reaffirming the historic and very successful defence relationship. In his first visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman, the Defence Secretary reaffirmed the historic and very successful defence relationship between […]

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Endeavor Robotics secure US Army contract to develop back-packable robot

Endeavor Robotics has been awarded the Engineering Manufacturing Development (EMD) contract for the US Army’s Common Robotic System–Individual (CRS-I) program. The company are one of two finalists sharing $429 million awarded contracts to compete for the Common Robotic System-Individual (CRS-I) production program Final award of the production contract will occur after the EMD down-select for full […]

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DASA to hold improving crowd resilience demonstration day

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) will be holding a collaboration event in London on Thursday 3 May 2018 to demonstrate the successfully funded proposals and identify opportunities for collaboration with other organisations. Following the 2017 terror attacks which targeted crowded places, the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) and Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) […]

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