Day: May 9, 2018

How much are cyber attacks costing the UK?

The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 has revealed that four in ten businesses and two in ten charities have suffered from a cyber security attack in the last 12 months. In addition, it is now less than a month unti the new EU regulations on data protection – GDPR –

GB-Leicester: Care Home Contract Awarded 20180227

Scheme comprises demolition of single residential unit and construction of a three storey 72 bedroom care home (class 2), access, parking, landscaping, trees and other associated works (amended plans). The associated works include sewer systems, landscapi

Raytheon to develop America’s first drone-testing airspace corridor

The Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance has chosen Raytheon as a key partner in the development of America’s first and most advanced unmanned aircraft system-testing airspace corridor in New York state. The company will will help plan, design, build and support the state’s next-generation air traffic management system to safely test and manage drones. […]

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US Army awards Orolia contract to deliver personnel recovery devices

Orolia subsidiary, McMurdo, has been awarded a $33.9 million contract to manufacture Personnel Recovery Devices (PRD) for the US Army. This PRD is a dual-mode, MIL-SPEC Personal Locator Beacon that will be integrated into the Army’s Personnel Recovery Support System (PRSS). The PRD will be capable of transmitting both open and secure signals (training-combat dual […]

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The logistical leviathan: the MOD’s new Defence Fulfilment Centre

Logistics. Let’s face it, moving materiel from A to B has never really captured the public imagination in the way that infantry assaults, tank battles, aerial dog fights and naval heroics have. Few schoolchildren dream of becoming a military logistician. After all, logistics are something people only really notice by its absence. We ignore it at our […]

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