Day: May 11, 2018

LOGNET 18-1: Modernising Defence Logistics

7-8 JUNE 2018   Radisson Blu Edwardian Heathrow Hotel, 140 Bath Road, Harlington, Hayes UB3 5AW   LOGNET is the Ministry of Defence’s logistics support enterprise engagement and future development event. We want to engage with the logistics and engineering industry, academia, international partners and allies to optimise military logistics and promote UK prosperity; not […]

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GB-Leicester: Care Home – start date

Scheme comprises demolition of single residential unit and construction of a three storey 72 bedroom care home (class 2), access, parking, landscaping, trees and other associated works (amended plans). The associated works include sewer systems, landscapi

BAE Systems chosen for optical seeker on precision munitions

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), through the US Air Force Research Laboratory, has awarded BAE Systems a $13.1 million contract to demonstrate a new, cost-effective optical seeker for precision-guided munitions. The seeker is designed to improve navigation, as well as automate target location and homing, for different types of munitions that are […]

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Packaging: The Best Deal – Ship any Shape

James Milne, Managing Director of Clip-Lok, examines the important role of logistics in the military and highlights the need to adopt the reusable model.  Modern conflicts are far more fluid and dynamic than the static trenches of WWI. Forces are usually deployed by air or road, equipped to deal with their immediate mission, but only probably self-sufficient with food, ammunition […]

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