Day: June 5, 2018

GB-Bristol: Office Building

Scheme comprises construction of seven storey office building (class B1) over ground floor with basement car parking and cycle storage, bridge link to 3 Glass Wharf, natural ventilation, rooftop plant, ancillary soft and hard landscaping and associated pu

DASA and DARE to hold get the ship in shape innovation event

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) and the Royal Navy Innovation Team, DARE (Discovery, Assessment and Rapid Exploitation) are to hold an innovation event alongside the crew of the HMS Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier in July. HMS Queen Elizabeth, and sister ship HMS Prince Of Wales, are the new cutting edge UK Aircraft Carriers and the […]

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ViaSat-2 communications available for Canadian Armed Forces

Viasat has announced the availability of satellite communications (SATCOM) service over ViaSat-2 for Canadian Armed Forces and government applications. The move will see both the Canadian Armed Forces and government users will be able to use the system for bandwidth intensive tasks, with complete security through accredited encryption systems, which have been approved by the […]

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