Day: June 14, 2018

How poor cyber security can damage your reputation

The latest major cyber attack has left millions of customers’ details exposed. The UK media has reported that Dixons Carphone has lost around 6 million customer bank card details and over a million personal data records in a cyber security breach that took place in 2017 but was apparently not

Robotic Research wins US Army autonomy kit contract

The US Army has awarded Robotic Research a three year, $49.7 million contract to provide Autonomy Kits for large convoy resupply vehicles as part of the Expedient Leader Follower (ExLF) program. The purpose of ExLF is to extend the scope of the Autonomous Ground Resupply (AGR) program by developing and installing sophisticated Autonomy Kits for […]

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Lockheed Martin to supply sniper advanced targeting pod to QEAF

The Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) has chosen Lockheed Martin’s Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) for its Rafale aircraft. Lockheed Martin will provide the QEAF with pods, spares and deployment support for the Rafale – the 10thplatform to fly with Sniper ATP. Integration efforts are ongoing, with flight tests currently in progress. Sniper ATP detects, identifies, automatically tracks […]

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Sir Simon Gass appointed Commandant Royal College of Defence Studies

Sir Simon Gass has been appointed as the next Commandant Royal College of Defence Studies. Sir Simon joins the Ministry of Defence following a long and successful career as a British diplomat who has lead the development of national policy and strategy to address some of the most pressing international security challenges. As the Foreign […]

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