Day: September 27, 2018

Hotel/Pub/Restaurant Unit

Scheme comprises reserved matters application to in respect of the scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline planning permission 17/01243/OUT for the construction of 4 retail units, 82 bedroom hotel and pub/restaurant, together with associate

British Autonomous technology put to the test in CUE 18

Canadian forces have put British autonomous technology able to scour urban environments for enemy advances through its paces alongside an arsenal of futuristic military technology on the streets of Montreal. The revolutionary technology developed by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and UK industry partners, known as SAPIENT, saw British sensors making autonomous decisions, […]

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BAE Systems developing eye tracking technology to control fighter jets

Experts at BAE Systems are developing technologies to enable pilots to control the fighter jet of the future with the blink of an eye. Responding to the ever-changing landscape of technology, BAE Systems’ specialist team of Human Factors engineers have collaborated with pilots to better understand and anticipate their needs in this challenging environment. One […]

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US Air Force to retire UH-1N Huey fleet in favour of Boeing MH-139

The US Air Force plans to replace its 40-year-old fleet of world-renowned UH-1N ‘Huey’ helicopters with 84 Boeing MH-139 aircraft, it has been revealed. The programme, valued at a staggering $2.4 billion, encompasses manufacture of the 84 aircraft along with additional training devices and associated support from Boeing. “We’re grateful for the Air Force’s confidence […]

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