Day: March 19, 2019

Exclusive interview with Jacqui Rock: DIO now focusing on “value, not price”

In a recent interview with Defence Online, DIO Commercial Director Jacqui Rock said that she is “committed to change” when it comes to modernising the way the Defence Infrastructure Organisation procures. The interview, which features in the Ministry of Defence supported ‘Guide to Defence and Security 2019’, discusses changing the

“Cyber security threat goes far beyond Russia” according to the NCSC

An article in the MOD Guide to Security and defence 2019 states that “UK cyberspace is under siege”. It also highlights the progress made by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as it celebrates its second anniversary. We publish an excerpt from this exclusive piece of content below.   “Under

GB-Halifax: Road Works

Scheme comprises halifax town centre and a629 improvement works. Including demolition, creation of new public realm and improved bus, cycle and pedestrian facilities includes Sustainable drainage system.
An application has been submitted for detailed appr

Conversion of Mission Training Complex (MTC) for CTSF

Contracting Office Address

U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Fort Worth; P.O. Box 17300; 819 Taylor Street; Room 2A17; Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300.



This announcement is set aside