Day: November 22, 2019

Avionics Test Bench Software Development



The Department of Defense, United States Air Force (USAF), Air Force Test Center (AFTC), Specialized Contracting Branch (PZIE) at Eglin AFB is currently conducting market research seeking cap

Cyber security’s big threat? Finding the talent

Writing for Defence Online, Melanie Jones, Product Director for cyber security portfolios at Global Knowledge, examines the skills shortage in cyber security professionals. Recent cybersecurity surveys from Cybersecurity Insiders and IBM agree that the main security-related concerns for businesses are data loss and leakage, and the effect they have on an organisation’s bottom line and reputation.  The organisations that experience data breaches, no matter […]

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Cyber threats are relocating to enemy countries – and no expert can stop them

As part of Defence Online’s focus on cyber security, Ariel Hochstadt from vpnMentor, at the recruitment of veteran cyber experts by enemy countries to help develop their cyber threat. Imagine other countries could get access to your country’s most guarded cyber weapons, and even use them against you, without you ever selling them a single line of […]

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