
700 Houses & Care Home/Primary School/Community Hub

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: 700 Houses & Care Home/Primary School/Community Hub
Client name: Bellcross Homes
Site address: Land North Of Highover Farm, Highover Way, Stotfold Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0RQ
Value: GBP 50470000
Start date: 15/10/2018
Region: East of England
Sector: Private Housing, Hotel & Leisure, Infrastructure, Health, Offices, Utilities, Private Housing, Retail, Community & Amenity, Education


Planning stage: Early Planning, Outline Plans Submitted
Contract stage: Contract Awarded, Contract Awarded

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Storeys: 3
Units: 700
Floor Area: 500
Council name: North Hertfordshire
Application number: 18/01154/OP, 17/00680/1SCP, 16/02022/1SO
Application date: 19/06/2018, 17/03/2017, 11/08/2016
Published: 24/08/2016
Last updated: 02/07/2018
Project ID: 16306244

Latest information: Outline Application have been submitted.

Tender information: Contract has now been awarded

Scheme description: Scheme comprises outline application with all matters reserved other than access, comprising residential led development of up to 700 residential units of use class C3 (residential units) and an element of C2 (residential institutions/care home use), a strategic community hub containing approximately 500sqm of retail/community facilities (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 or D2) a new primary school, open space, play space and other green infrastructure, associated accesses (vehicular, pedestrian and cycle), including a new primary access off stotfold road with limited access off high dane including SUDS. The associated works include sewer systems, landscaping, cable laying, infrastructure, enabling works and access roads.

Planning description: An application has been submitted for outline approval.

Client: Bellcross Homes, 48 – 50 Reginald Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01582 730528. Fax: 01582 456430. Website: Email:
Client: Ms. S Smith, Clifton Heights, Triangle West, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: Not Available.
Land Owner: Bellcross Homes, 48 – 50 Reginald Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01582 730528. Fax: 01582 456430. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Lee Butler. Job title: Director

Master Planners: Planit-ie Ltd, 2 Back Grafton Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0161 928 9281. Fax: 0161 928 9284. Website: Email:,, Contact: Mr Andy Roberts. Job title: Partner
Contact: Ms Elizabeth Hunger. Job title: Senior Urban Designer
Contact: Mr John Willerton. Job title: Principal Urban Designer

Landscape Consultant: Planit-ie Ltd, 2 Back Grafton Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0161 928 9281. Fax: 0161 928 9284. Website: Email:,, Contact: Mr Andy Roberts. Job title: Partner
Contact: Ms Elizabeth Hunger. Job title: Senior Urban Designer
Contact: Mr John Willerton. Job title: Principal Urban Designer

Architect: Planit-ie Ltd, 2 Back Grafton Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0161 928 9281. Fax: 0161 928 9284. Website: Email:,,, , Contact: Mr Andy Roberts. Job title: Partner
Contact: Ms Elizabeth Hunger. Job title: Senior Urban Designer
Contact: Mr John Willerton. Job title: Principal Urban Designer
Contact: Mr Louise Fountain. Job title: Project Urban Designer
Contact: Mr Lindsay Humblet. Job title: Partner

Landscape Consultant: Steve Jowers Associates, Manor Farm, High Street North, Tiffield, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01327 350 292.
Planning Consultant: Rapleys Ltd, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Falcon Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0370 777 6292. Website: Email: Contact: Ms Chloe Ballantine. Job title: Graduate Planner

Drainage Engineers: WSP Group, 1st Floor, Station House,Exchange Station, Tithebarn Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01516005500. Website: Email:,, , , Contact: Mrs Hilary Hampton. Job title: Flood Risk Consultant
Contact: Mr Simon Gilliland. Job title: Principal Engineer

Acoustic Consultant: WSP Group, 1st Floor, Station House,Exchange Station, Tithebarn Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01516005500. Website:
Mech & Elec Consultant: WSP Group, Unit 9, The Chase, John Tate Road, Foxholes Business Park, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01992 526 000. Fax: 01992 526 001. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Martin Stillion. Job title: Highways & Drainage Consultant

Main Contractor: Bellcross Homes, 48 – 50 Reginald Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01582 730528. Fax: 01582 456430. Website: Email:
Additional information: Start date, contract period and value are guidelines only.

We are unable to verify the address details for the Client since 24/03/2017.

We are unable to verify the address details for the Landscape Consultant since 02/12/2017.

We are unable to verify the contact details for the Master Planners since 06/06/2018.

We are unable to verify the contact details for the Drainage Engineers since 21/12/2017.

We are unable to verify the contact details for the Mech & Elec Consultant since 31/10/2017.

Sector categories: Hotel & Leisure, Infrastructure, Health, Offices, Utilities, Private Housing, Retail, Community & Amenity, Education

Materials: Fittings, Fire escapes~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Soakaways~Walls, Brick~Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Floors, Timber~Floors, Carpets~Roof, Pitched~Roof, Timber truss~Fittings, Suspended ceilings~Windows, Double glazed~Doors, Timber~Doors, Fire~Site Works, Kerbing~Site Works, Drain Covers~Site Works, White Lining~Site Works, Hardcore~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Power Cables~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Road Drainage~Site Works, Sewer Outfall~Fittings, Kitchen~Fittings, Bathroom~Fittings, Access controls~Fittings, Emergency Lighting


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