
A look back on 2020 and defence procurement


Last year the UK made the Largest Defence Budget Rise Since The Cold War, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) published its procurement pipeline and Manned security soared due to the spread of COVID-19.

We take a look back on defence procurement in 2020.


Defence budget boost

The Conservative Party manifesto pledged to modernise and invest in training and equipping the Armed Forces during their time in government.

In November 2020, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson approved the country’s largest increase in its defence budget since the end of the Cold War, with £16.5 billion ($21.9 billion) in additional funding made available for spending across shipbuilding, space, cyber, research, development and technology over the next four years.


DIO procurement pipeline

Construction suppliers were delighted when the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) published their procurement pipeline in October 2020, it included over 40 opportunities for construction suppliers.

The Procurement Pipeline replaces the Procurement Plan and complements the DIO Commercial Strategy.

Estimated contract values within the pipeline ranged from £200,000 to £113.6 million and there were opportunities for businesses of all sizes.


Manned security contracts and coronavirus

Security has been a key sector in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Security services have been vital during this time to limit the number of people who can enter a building at any one time, and ensure social, distancing in public spaces.

Last year security firms across the UK were involved in the planning and security for hospitals across the country, including critical care units for treating patients with coronavirus and the NHS Nightingale hospitals.

Security staff have also supported both the public and the private sector over the past year and the sight of a security guard outside a store or public building has become the norm as organisations strive to put the safety of the public first.

Aside from manned guarding, CCTV monitoring, alarm response, key-holding, incident assistance and high-risk product protection have all been services in demand, as organisations have wanted to keep safe in this ‘new normal’ world.


New year, new opportunities

2021 is now upon us.

Make your defence procurement strategy your new years resolution and start winning more opportunities in the UK and internationally.

DCI can support you with this, get started by booking an appointment with a member of our team today.

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