
AE Services for Renovation of AFLCMC Admin Facility 20016, WPAFB, OH

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

AE Services for Renovation of AFLCMC Admin Facility 20016, WPAFB, OH

Department of the Army

Official Address:
PO Box 59 Louisville KY 40201-0059

Zip Code:

April C. Judd, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:
1. SYNOPSIS: This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. The proposed services, which will be obtained by a negotiated Firm Fixed Price Contract, is for Full Design Architect/Engineer Services Contract to Renovate AFLCMC Admin Facility 20016 located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. This design contract will be for the Renovate AFLCMC Admin Facility 20016 and associated facilities. The estimated construction cost for the project is between $50 Mil and $60 Mil.

The selection authority will, in order of preference, list the firms most highly qualified to perform the work. At least three of the most highly qualified firms will be requested to submit a proposal. Negotiations will begin with the most preferred firm in the final selection. If a mutually satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, the contracting officer will terminate negotiations with that firm and initiate negotiations with the next most preferred firm on the list. If a mutually satisfactory contract is negotiated with the most preferred firm, no additional negotiations will occur. Only one firm will be selected.

Firms will be selected for negotiation based on demonstrated competence and qualifications for the required work. If necessary, secondary selection criteria will be used as a tiebreaker between firms considered as technically equal. Significant emphasis will be placed on the A/E’s quality control procedures, as the District will perform the quality assurance role only. Estimated start date is October 2018.

In accordance with FAR 36.604 and supplements thereto, and upon final acceptance or termination, all A/E services contracts above $35,000 will receive a performance evaluation. An interim performance evaluations may be prepared at any time. Performance evaluations will be maintained for use in future source selections for A/E services.

2. PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION: The Renovate AFLCMC Admin Facility 20016 project will modernize a building originally built in 1927 and modified in 1934 and 1939 to provide a basement under the entire facility. A renovation was completed in 1981 but did not address utility infrastructure. No comprehensive renovation has occurred since 1981 however random piecemeal renovations, reconfigurations and repair have been completed. The intent of this project is to bring the building into compliance with current building codes and life safety codes to include fire detection, alarm and suppression, egress requirements, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, Architectural Barriers Act (ABA), Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection (AT/FP), Seismic and Progressive Collapse. The renovated building will also need to be energy and spatially efficient. The building is approximately 231,635 Square Feet (SF), basement and first floor, to include office/administration and secure space. Work will address exterior repairs to the building envelope including windows, roof and exterior walls.

Comprehensive interior and exterior renovation and space consolidation of facility 20016 (approximately 231,635 SF total). Work includes demolition, lead and asbestos abatement and other hazardous material mitigation, site restoration, and seismic mitigation. Comply with DoD minimum Antiterrorism Standards for buildings per Unified Facilities Criteria and all applicable Air Force Instructions. Replace facility utility systems (HVAC, plumbing, power, lighting, and communications). Repair exterior, including: replace leaking, energy efficient windows, doors, and clerestory lights with energy-efficient, anti-terrorism/force protection compliant windows and doors, repair exterior finishes, and repair clerestory roofs. Consolidate and renovate building to increase personnel capacity. Remove, relocate, and construct non-loading bearing walls. Install and repair fire detection and suppression systems. Replace interior finishes. Reconfigure and renovate 64,300 SF of secure space in the basement of the facility. Relocate 15,254 SF of Non Appropriate Fund (NAF) and community support activities (Bank, Post Office, Restaurant, AAFES shop) within the building.

This renovation will provide greater efficiency of space increasing the current occupancy of 900 personnel to 1,100 personnel. Efficiencies are gained by the consolidation of HVAC equipment, more efficient design of secure work areas, conversion to office space of areas currently used for storage and commercial tenants (Credit Union). Primary consolidation occurs with a more efficient use of open office space in F/20016 allowing existing secure space to be returned to open office. As part of the domino moves approximately 150 seats in secure space in F/20557 that are occupied by a non-secure use will be consolidated into F/20016 into open space and the secure requirement will be relocated to F/20557 saving AF investment dollars of duplicating secure space requirements. Further consolidation objectives for relocation of AFLCMC Mobility Directorate personnel are achieved with the realignment of 90% of required 1120 seats into two adjacent facilities.

3. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection criteria in descending order of importance are listed below. “a” through “d” are primary, and “e” is secondary.

a. Professional Qualifications:
The government’s evaluation of professional qualifications will consider education, training, certifications, registrations, overall experience, relevant experience, and longevity with the firm and longevity in current role/design discipline in the firm.

b. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence and Partnered Relationships:
The government’s evaluation of Specialized Experience and Technical Competency will consider example projects in SF330 Section F which include the Specialized Experience and Technical Competencies noted below. Specialized Experience and Technical Competencies will also be evaluated under the SF330 Section E resumes as indicated in the brackets below.

1. Successful execution of a 100% designed renovation of Large (greater than 100,000 square feet) Administrative Buildings with secure space (greater than 10,000 square feet), HQ or Command and Control Headquarters Building. Projects that incudes phased construction will be given higher consideration. [Project Manager, Mechanical Designer, Electrical Designer, Structural Designer, Architect Designer]

2. Successful Demonstration of developing effective Phased Construction Schedules in the Design of Large Renovation (Greater than $20M) Projects [Project Manager]

3. Seismic Design and Progressive Collapse Design [Architect Designer, Structural Designer]

4. Design of Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection (ATFP) measures [Mechanical Designer, Electrical Designer, Structural Designer, Civil Designer, and Architect Designer]

5. Sustainable Design [Mechanical Designer, Electrical Designer, Architect Designer]

6. Use of USACE CADBIM Policies and Procedures [CAD – Mechanical Designer, Electrical Designer, Structural Designer, Architect Designer]

7. Construction cost estimating using MCASES MII [Cost Engineer]

8. Performance of Design Charrettes [Project Manager]

9. Use of SpecsIntact [Mechanical Designer, Electrical Designer, Structural Designer, Civil Designer, and Architect Designer]

10. ABA Design Experience [Architect Designer and Interior Designer]

Additional consideration will be given to offerors who provide a Design Quality Management Plan in SF330 Section H that demonstrates a clear understanding of USACE quality management policies and that details quality management activities that will be used in addition to those required by USACE policy.

Additional consideration will be given to offerors who demonstrate successful execution on previous projects that are comprised of the same AE team that is proposed for this project in Section G of the SF330.

c. Capacity:
The government’s evaluation of the offeror’s capacity narrative included in the Design Quality Management Plan in SF330 Section H will consider the offeror’s ability to complete the work in the required time with the understanding that this contract may require multiple design teams to complete this project on time and within budget.

d. Past Performance:
The government’s evaluation of past performance will consider the offeror’s ability to design this project within funding limitations, comply with performance schedules, provide high quality design products, achieve required LEED Certifications, and minimize cost and time growth of the project during construction.

e. Small Business Participation:
The government’s evaluation of the offeror’s Small Business Participation plan will consider level of participation of Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman-Owned Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and Veteran Owned Small Business team members.

4.) SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Offerors must submit four (4) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy on CD of the SF 330, Part l, and one copy of the SF330, Part II for the prime firm. Each branch office that will have a key role in the proposed contract must also submit a copy of the SF 330 Part II. Offerors must submit a current and accurate SF 330, Part II, for each proposed sub-consultant. Any firm with an electronic mailbox responding to the solicitation should identify such address in the SF 330, Part I. Please identify the Dun & Bradstreet number of the office(s) performing the work in Block 5 of the SF 330, Part I. Dun & Bradstreet numbers may be obtained by contacting (866) 705-5711, or via the internet at

The proposal shall be submitted as one file using Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Font size shall be 10 or larger on white letter-sized paper (8 inches by 11 inches). The SF 330 will be no longer than 100 pages in length (excluding the SF 330, Part IIs) and Section H will be 20 pages or less in length and shall only include the Narratives described and required in this Presolicitation Notice. Each printed side of a page will count as one page. The data on the CD shall not substitute for the hard copy submission. Dividers, bindings and cover sheets do not count against the total page count of the response to the RFP.

Do not furnish design portfolios, prints, magazines, newspaper clippings, or CDs of completed projects. All requirements of this notice must be met for a firm to be considered responsive.
Additional instructions and clarifications for SF330:

SF330 Section D:
The offerors shall submit an organizational chart as required by SF330 Section D. Offerors can submit a folded 11″x 17″ organizational chart as part of their submission. This will be considered only one page of their submission.

SF330 Section E:
The individuals identified by the project roles on the SF330 may not have multiple duties or be “dual-hatted.” Offerors shall provide individual resumes in SF330 Section E for each of the individuals listed below in lines 1 thru 20. Individuals included in SF330 Section E must possess the certifications and registrations listed below and must have performed in their respective role (i.e. project manager, architect designer, etc.) on projects similar to those listed in Paragraph 2 of this solicitation for the amount of time listed below.

The checker is defined as one who has performed a review within their respective discipline to verify correct design assumptions, calculations, and accuracy and adequacy of design, and check plans and specifications for consistency and coordination. The checker must have demonstrated at least one project in which they performed as a checker and at least 3 years of the years of experience as a checker. Projects listed on the SF330 must include if roles and responsibilities performed were design phase services or construction phase services and the duration of services performed.

Additional consideration will be given to offerors who provide individual team members who possess a current LEED BD+C credential. Additional consideration will be given to offerors who provide environmental engineers with a professional engineering (PE) registration and/or communications designer with a registered Communication Distribution Designer (RCDD) certification. Additional consideration may be given for resumes that demonstrate more than the required minimum experience.

1. Project Manager; Registered Architect or Professional Engineer, 15 Years
2. Architect Designer, Registered Architect, 15 Years
3. Architect Checker, Registered Architect, 10 Years
4. Civil Designer, Registered Professional Engineer, 15 Years
5. Civil Checker, Registered Professional Engineer, 10 Years
6. Structural Designer, Registered Professional Engineer, 15 Years
7. Structural Checker, Registered Professional Engineer, 10 Years
8. Mechanical Designer, Registered Professional Engineer, 15 Years
9. Mechanical Checker, Registered Professional Engineer, 10 Years
10. Electrical Designer, Registered Professional Engineer, 15 Years
11. Electrical Checker, Registered Professional Engineer, 10 Years
12. Interior Designer, certified by the National Council of Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ), registered interior designers, or registered architect with at least five years of experience and training in interior design, 10 years
13. Interior Designer Checker, certified by the National Council of Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ), registered interior designers, or registered architect with at least five years of experience and training in interior design, 10 years
14. Building Renovation Environmental Designer, No certification required, 10 years
15. Building Renovation Environmental Checker, No certification required, 10 years
16. Communication Distribution Designer, No certification required, 10 years
17. Communication Distribution Checker, No certification required, 10 years
18. Cost Engineer, Certified Cost Engineer (CCE), Certified Cost Consultant (CCC), or comparable certification (American Society of Professional Estimators or Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering), 10 Years
19. Fire Protection Engineer, Registered Fire Protection Engineer, 10 years
20. Commissioning Agent, 5 years

Note additional disciplines and respective rates for those disciplines will be requested from the selected firm to include but not limited to Environmental Designer and Checker, CAD Technician Senior and Junior and Typist/Office Tech.

SF330 Section F:
For all projects included in SF330 Section F, construction must be substantially complete. Substantially complete is defined as a construction project when the project and/or facility can be used for its intended purpose. Of the up to ten projects included in SF330 Section F, projects must be substantially complete within 10 years, a minimum of two must be fully designed by the offeror. The date in the Professional Services Block, Block 22, for the designers must be within 10 years of the date of this proposal submittal. Projects substantially complete outside of 10 years may be submitted but may be considered less relevant. An IDIQ contract may NOT be substituted as one of the ten projects however individual task orders meeting these requirements may be submitted.

Proposal shall include a minimum of one renovation project designed with a minimum construction cost of $20 Million. Additional consideration will be given to offerors who provide projects that are similar to the project features as described in paragraph 2.

SF330 Section H:
In SF330 Section H, include an evaluation of performance from the client/owner for all example projects included in SF330 Section F. Performance evaluations will not be counted against the 20 page limit of SF330 Section H or the 100 page limit for the entire SF330.

In SF330 Section H, each offeror shall present a Design Quality Management Plan including an explanation of the firm’s management approach; management of sub-consultants (if applicable); quality control procedures (for plans, specification, design analysis and electronic documents); procedures to insure that internal resources are not over committed; and an organizational chart showing the inter-relationship of management and various team components (including sub-consultants). The Design Quality Management Plan shall also include a Capacity Narrative describing the offeror’s ability to complete the work with available resources.

In SF330 Section H, all large businesses shall present a Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with Public Law 95-507 as part of the response to this RFP. The number of pages of the Small Business Small Disadvantaged Business Plan do not count against the total page count for the response to the RFP. Additionally, estimate the proposed extent of participation of Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman-Owned Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and Veteran Owned Small Business team members in the contract team using a chart showing each firm that is a team member, their small business category, and their proposed level of participation measured as a percentage of the overall estimated effort (i.e. a chart with 3 columns, respectively entitled ‘Firm Name’, ‘Small Business Category’, and ‘% Participation’).

In SF330, Section H, the proposal may include up to a one page narrative on past performance on Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contracts with federal agencies.

Release of firm status will occur within 10 days after approval of any selection. All responses on SF 330 to this announcement must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time on 27 July 2018. No other general notification to firms under consideration for this project will be made. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. Solicitation packages are not provided and no additional project information will be given to firms during the announcement period.

To be eligible for award, a firm must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database, via the SAM Internet site at

Submit questions and responses to US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, ATTN: April Judd, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pl., Room 821, Louisville, KY 40202-2267.

Contracting Office Address:
USACE District, Louisville, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Room 821, Louisville, KY 40202-2230

Point of Contact(s):
April Judd USACE District, Louisville

Attachment #1: NAVFAC/USACE Past Performance Questionnaire (Form PPQ-0)

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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