
Air Force Test Center – Small Business Event – Vendor Collaboration – Small Business Industry Day (SBID)

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

Air Force Test Center – Small Business Event – Vendor Collaboration – Small Business Industry Day (SBID)

Department of the Air Force

Official Address:
5 S WOLFE AVE Edwards AFB CA 93524-1185

Zip Code:

Doug Hoffelt, Technology Transfer & Research Mgr, Phone 661-277-9111, Email – Dwight L Franke, Director, Small Business Programs Office, Phone 661-277-4519, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:

On 24 April 2017, The Air Force Test Center (AFTC) announced the Small Business Industry Day (SBID) event to be held in Las Vegas, NV, under the title of “Air Force Test Center – Small Business Event – Vendor Collaboration – Small Business Industry Day (SBID),” which focused on the Track 1 of the SBID event.  This supplemental announcement identifies the location and date of the event at the Palace Station in Las Vegas, NV on 7-9 November 2017 and the specific business opportunities for small businesses (SBs) – these are in addition to the opportunities listed on 24 April.

The AF SBID provides a forum for SBs to present products of interest to the AF, learn about upcoming AFTC business opportunities, meet with subject matter experts on technology needs, and meet with major defense contractors for partnership opportunities. Depending on the level of response and associated building capacity, attendance may be limited and/or on a first come, first serve basis.

All SBs are welcome to register at the website below. Registration is required of ALL in order to attend the SBID event.  Track 2 Business Opportunity briefings are designed to provide further information on the requirements listed below.

Through a market research process, some SBs will be specifically invited (in advance and not guaranteed for all attendees) to participate in one-on-one meetings for a question and answer exchange regarding Track 2 Business Opportunities. Time and space permitting, there may be a few open slots during the event for onsite signup. Unfortunately, the opportunity to participate in one-on-one meetings is limited and cannot be afforded to all attendees. Invitations for those meetings will be sent directly to individual small businesses after registration opens; however, an invitation is NOT required for registration and/or attendance. Questions received may be answered via amendment(s) to this announcement, if deemed relevant to all parties, unless a specific request for privacy is included.


The AFTC plays a critical role in developmental test and evaluation (T&E) for AFMC’s air and ground systems and is an essential cornerstone to the command’s consolidation initiative from 12 centers to five. Headquartered at Edwards AFB, CA, AFTC leads the Air Force’s T&E mission, conducting developmental T&E of air, space, and cyber systems to provide timely, objective, and accurate information to decision makers. The AFTC is comprised of the following organizations: 412th TW, Edwards AFB, CA, Arnold Engineering and Development Complex, Arnold AFB, TN, and the 96th TW, Eglin AFB, FL.

Track Two – Small Business Opportunities:

-001 Armored Targets Powertrain Components (Overhaul, Rebuild, Refurbish, Fabricated or New) BPA (multiple award)

Provide a capability for overhauling, rebuilding, refurbishing, fabricating and/or acquiring various engines, transmissions, track components, drive train components and various parts for domestic and foreign track and wheeled assets.  Assets include but are not limited to M-60 and T-72 MBT’s, M-113 and BMP1/2 APC’s and M-900 series and ZIL/URAL trucks.

-003 Advanced Aircraft Compatibility Science and Technology Expansion

This research is defined to be methodology research, scientific study, concept exploration, experimentation, and algorithmic and software development directed at developing and advancing capability for aircraft compatibility. Multi-year research awards shall produce annual milestones defined in terms of specific deliveries and capabilities.

Discover efforts, methods, algorithms and applications that may be beyond the horizon of the Air Force SEEK EAGLE Office (AFSEO).  White papers should address unique and creative solutions to develop predictive capability of complex mechanical, aerodynamic, acoustical, and electrical phenomena, dynamics and interactions where little or no capability exists, and for advancing models, simulation and analysis in support of all aspects of aircraft-store compatibility beyond those currently in use.  Seeking ideas that may be used to develop next generation algorithms, tools, techniques and methodologies, to be leveraged against the many aspects of aircraft compatibility evaluation.  The intent is to facilitate a collaborative and seamless transition of digital tools among the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), acquisition and system engineering communities while significantly enhancing the value of increasingly limited test resources.

Key areas of study include but are not limited to aircraft weapon integration and aero-structural compatibility, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), cavity flows, aero-elasticity, structures and loads, Stability and Control (S&C), and store separation and fly-out.

-004 Spectrum Efficient Ground Receivers (Spectrum Relocation Fund)

The Air Force Transition Plan at Eglin AFB requires AMT users to vacate the frequencies between 1755-1780 MHz auctioned for use by Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Auction 97. 

The existing and effected AMT capability at Eglin AFB consists of three systems: 

 1) test article (weapons/weapon systems/aircraft) transmission systems,

 2) terrestrial receiving systems, and

 3) ground-based radio frequency (RF) management systems. 

AMT test article transmission systems include a radio transmitter/antennas to transmit real-time mission critical data to the ground receiving system.  The AMT transmitters are currently being modified to:

 1) no longer transmit in the frequencies transitioned for the AWS use,

 2) utilize more spectrally efficient modulation and coding techniques to optimize the utilization of the remaining AMT frequencies, and

 3) transmit in all of the frequencies recently made available by the National Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA) in Report and Order 27 April 2015.

Ground based telemetry receiving systems must also be modified to be compatible with the new transmitters while also providing isolation from the increasingly crowded RF spectrum adjacent to the remaining AMT spectrum.  A necessary receiving station modification is to purchase telemetry receivers which can decode the AMT modified transmitters without sacrificing mission performance.

-006 Additive Manufacturing Capability for Advanced, Embedded Temperature and Heat Flux Sensors

Develop or apply existing additive manufacturing technology and methodology to automate the manufacture of temperature and heat flux sensors and provide cheaper, more uniformly built sensors in a variety of sizes (diameters and thicknesses), with tailored response time constants and “thermal masses”.

-007 Multi Parallel Processor Optimization of Large State Kalman Filter

Innovative techniques required to apply massive parallel processing to “auto-tune” kalman filter for TSPI sensor post-mission solution. Objective is to significantly reduce hands-on time required to optimize multi-state (100+ state) filter.

-008 Millimeter-Wave (MMW) Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (Vid-SAR) Real-Time Diagnostic Imaging System (RTDIS)

ID scattering centers on targets for RCS diagnostic measurements. Real-Time (video) SAR Imagery. 8-12, 14-18 & 33-37 GHz. High Resolution in range and cross range (2″x2″). Measurement range: 1-100

-009 Machine Learning Applied to Measurement Assessment

NRTF future RCS measurements capability is expected to significantly out paces the Signature Analyst’s ability to perform

The necessary multi-dimensional analysis to assess measurement and data quality. Machine Learning is an emerging technology that is well suited for the multi-dimensional analysis tasks by examining wideband products for patterns provided via training samples to determine if errors are present, their impact to the measurement and suggest data/signal processing tools to be applied to the data set as required.

-010 A semi-autonomous field survey device

Develop a low-cost semi-autonomous mobile observation device that has the capability to collect data required to comply with the Endangered Species Act, the Sikes Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that would otherwise require “booths on the ground”.

-011 Scientific Data Server

Provide a capability similar to the HDF Server project (), but that also supports: (a) IRIG 106 Chapter 10 (CH10) data files, (b) cell level security access similar to Accumulo (), (c) SQL-like data queries, (d) Capable of both server-side analysis of data-of-interest rather and client-side analysis, and (e) hostable in a Cloud environment. Also expect an analysis-of-alternatives for storing data in native HDF5 or CH10 formats versus selected NoSQL data containers.

-012 Moving Missile Plume Simulator

Provide a capability similar to the HDF Server project () , but that also supports: (a) IRIG 106 Chapter 10 (CH10) data files, (b) cell level security access similar to Accumulo (), (c) SQL-like data queries, (d) Capable of both server-side analysis of data-of-interest rather and client-side analysis, and (e) hostable in a Cloud environment.  Also expect an analysis-of-alternatives for storing data in native HDF5 or CH10 formats versus selected NoSQL data containers.

-013 Nonintrusive Air Data Measurement System

A need exists for nonintrusive dynamic measurement of local flow field parameters in wind tunnel test and evaluation. Current instrumentation relies on static pressure ports in wind tunnel models or requires that a probe be inserted in the air stream. Nonintrusive techniques are needed to measure the boundary layer and separated shear layer air properties, such as temperature, pressure, velocity, and flow angularity.

-014 3D Additive Manufacturing Hybrid-Material Tiles

Develop an additive manufacturing process/machine to print metal and polymer tiles to replicate cloned runway surfaces for predicative tire wear testing, to include new advanced runway testing. The 3D additive manufacturing shall create a representative topographical surface from 3D runway data. Machine will fabricate robust, long lasting tiles, integrated on 704 TG/OL-AC dynamometers.

-015 Highly Targeted Non-toxic Predator Aversion Training Devices

Development of predator aversion training devices that have the potential to radically reduce predation on Federally Threatened and Endangered Species and to provide data to comply with the Endangered Species Act and the Sikes Act and other “sensitive species” that would otherwise require “boots on the ground”.

-018 Airborne Infrared Signature/Atmospheric Measurement System

There has been a recent rise in the number of long range passive infrared target detection and tracking sensors. Test and evaluation of these systems, also known as infrared search and track (IRST) sensors, require precise measurement of target IR signature and atmospherics between the IRST and target. Currently atmospherics are neglected and the target IR signature state is unknown, leaving a large unknown in data analysis. This calibrated system must measure dynamic airborne aircraft infrared signature in the mid-wave and long-wave infrared bands as well as measure atmospherics from near the sensor under test, to the target. The IRST detection and tracking performance depends on target airspeed, throttle position, afterburner, skin condition, target aspect, treatments, etc… and thus target JR signature must be quantified as a function of all of these variables. There are some systems in existence that may satisfy most of these requirements. However a thorough investigation must occur before any decision is made. If successful, this research, development, manufacturing and certification will not only provide a key test and analysis capability for efficient, consistent, repeatable, objective airborne IRST performance for any customer with such a sensor, but will also provide the basis for training both for 775TS/ENVD discipline engineers as well as Test Pilot School (TPS) students.

-019 High-Response Pressure Transducers for Hypersonic Vehicle Testing

Provide a NIST-traceable, calibrated pressure sensor that provides consistency between multiple sensors for measuring high-frequency instabilities on a hypersonic vehicle that cause boundary layer transition. Despite decades of research and testing, boundary layer transition (BLT) at hypersonic speeds is still not well-understood and requires extensive ground testing to predict. Instabilities responsible for BLT often occur at high frequencies which limits the types of pressure sensors available to measure them. Existing pressure sensors do not have defined, NIST-traceable calibration procedures and have variation in output between multiple sensors. This SBIR topic will address the need for a calibrated sensor with consistent outputs.

-020 External Drum Dynamometer Runway Texture Coating

Develop a texture coating application method that can survive on an external dynamometers to create the same friction interaction between the tire and the dynamometer as seen in the field. The texture coating should be able to match 3D scanned field data and survive high speed and load conditions of aircraft landing / takeoff operations. The coating process and application method should be able to be transitioned to the 704 TG for use on current external drum dynamometers.  Texture coating should be removable to restore dynamometers to original conditions

-021 Time-Resolved High Energy 3D Imaging

Develop the capability to obtain time-resolved photogrammetric 3D position data for materials inside metal-enclosed volumes such as rocket motors. Adapt such techniques as computed tomography, x-ray interferometry, particle or x-ray attenuation, acoustic methods, etc. into a measurement capability for dynamic industrial applications.

-022 Egress Mannequin TSPI and Orientation System

Develop a small system that can be added to an egress mannequin that will precisely determine time, position, pitch, roll, and yaw of an ejected mannequin without effecting the dynamic characteristics of the subject under test. The data must be easily extracted after a test event. The errors on the time, position and orientation measurements cannot exceed 0.5 microseconds, 1 foot and 1 degree respectively. The system must be capable of surviving forces up to 10 Gs as well as the other harsh environmental conditions associated with ejection seat testing. The system must be fully self-contained within the mannequin and capture data from the test initiation, through the full egress event and mannequin fly-out.

-023 Free Flight Hypersonic Erosion and Ablation Measurement System

Legacy methods of measuring eroded mass during a high speed testing relied on inferring data from multiple photographs. Modern technology (photogrammetry/laser scanning) can be used to develop a system that is capable of recording shape change. Similar technology has been proven at speeds up to 5,000 ft/s. Allows facilities with long erosive fields (G-Range/Holloman) comprised of multiple generation system to determine the effects of individual fields (pre/post field measurement) instead of assuming a linear erosion effect. Provides more accurate method to measure geometry change for facilities that do not have a test article recovery capability (NASA & UAH).

-024 Extremely Small Balance Technology

The ability to measure the forces and moments on extremely small wind tunnel test models is to be developed. A small 6 DOF force and moment balance system is to be developed to enable the forces and moments on wind tunnel models with characteristic dimensions down to the order of ½ inch is needed. This technology would be used in wind tunnel testing with flow fields ranging in Mach number from 0.1 to 2.5, altitude pressures from -1000 to 100,000 ft, and temperatures ranging from -200 deg F to 100 deg F.

-025 Aeroelastic Vulnerability Assessment

Develop a validated computational tool for evaluating aeroelastic effects of threat-damaged flight surfaces in support of Title 10 USC Live Fire Test & Evaluation (LFT&E) vulnerability assessments. This topic solicits a time-accurate, fast-running algorithm for describing the aeroelastic response of damaged structures, and for defining critical damage/flight conditions constituting a loss of load-carrying capability of the structure, jeopardizing a 30-minute sustained flight capability post-impact. This tool is needed to quantify the aeroelastic response to ballistic and/or thermal damage mechanisms relative to the limits of the structure’s normal fight envelope for a general analyst to use and assess a platform’s dynamic vulnerabilities.

-026 Solid State Solar Simulator

Develop a solid state solar simulator source for space simulation testing that has a highly stable, spectrally representative output over an operational period of time greater than COTS lamp lifetimes. Solar radiation, especially ultraviolet radiation, is a critical component of the orbital space environment that deteriorates the performance of spacecraft systems. Current lamp technology is limited to a few hundred hours and longer test durations are required to accurately replicate true mission environments. Provide a solid state source that improves reliability, availability, and maintainability; supports system calibration

Send event venue questions to:  Ms. Camille M. Piazza at

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