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Video Surveillance System (CCTV) Upgrade of the cameras and systems at The Busway Babraham Park and Ride, St Ives Park and Ride

This is a preview of contract notice: Video Surveillance System (CCTV) Upgrade of the cameras and systems at The Busway Babraham Park and Ride, St Ives Park and Ride that was published on February 11, 2025. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: Video Surveillance System (CCTV) Upgrade of the cameras and systems at The Busway Babraham Park and Ride, St Ives Park and Ride

The project is to upgrade the cameras x 79 and the information points x 17 on the Guided Busway from St Ives to Cambridge City and also to upgrade the cameras at the Park and Rides in Cambridge at St Ives , Babraham , there is also a request to install 4 ...

Published Date: February 11, 2025

Industry Sector: Technology and Equipment