
Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT), Cost Estimating and Analysis Services in Support of Project Manager Soldier Warrior (PM SWAR)

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT), Cost Estimating and Analysis Services in Support of Project Manager Soldier Warrior (PM SWAR)

Department of the Army

Official Address:
6515 Integrity Court
Building 4310
Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 21005-3013

Zip Code:

Ryan T. Baker, Contract Specialist, Phone 4102780736, Email – Peter Buckless, Mr., Phone 410-306-1887, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:
Performance Work Statement (PWS)

Cost Estimating and Analysis Services
In Support of
Project Manager Soldier Warrior (PM SWAR)

3 June 2019

Project Manager Soldier Warrior (PM SWAR) under Program Executive Officer (PEO) Soldier supports Soldiers through the acquisition of integrated Soldier systems. PM SWAR product managers develop and integrate components into complete systems designed to increase Soldiers’ situational awareness and combat effectiveness, decrease combat load, and improve mission flexibility.


The Contractor, under this Performance Work Statement (PWS), shall provide cost estimating support for PEO Soldier and PM Soldier Warrior programs. The services to be provided is a subject matter expert in the use of the Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT) who is an expert in developing and applying operations research, statistical, mathematical methodologies and techniques to develop cost positions. Develops and documents cost data to support Program Office Estimates (POEs), Acquisition Program Baselines (APB), Army Cost Position (ACP), Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD) and other acquisition milestone decision documents. Contractor must be expert in analyzing and synthesizing complex data from a variety of sources in order to design and carry out project approaches, prepare reports, and briefings on assigned projects.

C.2.1 Non-Personal Services.
The Government shall neither supervise contractor employees nor control the method by which the contractor performs the required tasks. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to manage its employees and to guard against any actions that are of the nature of personal services, or give the perception of personal services. If the Contractor believes that any actions constitute, or are perceived to constitute personal services, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to notify the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO) immediately.

C.2.2 Period of Performance.

The period of performance shall not exceed 1,000 hours per year 12 month base period with four follow on 12 month options not to exceed 60 months total.

C.2.3 Government Furnished Equipment / Materials /Facilities.

C.2.3.1 The Government will provide the Contractor with access to unclassified documents, studies, costs and budget analysis reports and other documents required to perform the work listed throughout the PWS.

C.2.3.2 The Contractor will work remotely. Place of duty will be the contractor’s local facility. Government workspace and office equipment will not be provided.

C.2.4 Contract Management and Administration.

C.2.4.1 The Contractor shall ensure efficient, effective accomplishment of all tasks and shall establish a process to insure quality control of deliverables and performance. The Contractor shall make necessary travel arrangements for employees. The Contractor shall have a senior Point of Contact responsive to the Government Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and/or Government Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR).

C.2.4.2 In discharging the Contractor’s responsibility under the contract, the Contractor shall only use fully trained, experienced and technically proficient personnel. PM SWAR retains the right to refuse any person who is bid that does not meet minimum required skill levels.

C.2.5 Contractor Personnel, Disciplines, and Specialties.

C.2.5.1 The Contractor shall accomplish the assigned work by employing and utilizing qualified personnel with appropriate combinations of education, training, and experience.

C.2.6 Location and Hours of Work.

C.2.6.1 Place of Performance. Local contractor facility located in the Northern Virginia, Fort Belvoir area.

C.2.6.2 Employee hours are NTE 1,000 hours annually.

C.2.7 Identification of Contractors in the Work Place.

All Contractor personnel shall ensure that they properly identify themselves as Contractors when in Government facilities, in their emails or other written correspondence to Government personnel or other Government Contractors, when attending meetings, or when working in situations where their actions could be construed as official Government acts. Contractor personnel that work in Government facilities shall prominently display the proper security badge identifying them as Contractors.

C.2.8 Training.

Contractor training not tasked by the Government will not be Government reimbursed. Costs incurred by the Contractor for training Contractor personnel to qualify for any positions in this contract shall not be billed to the Government. Training will be performed by the Contractor at their own expense, except when the Government has given prior approval for training to meet special requirements. The Government will evaluate all Government authorized training and will pay either the cost for the training to include tuition, travel and per diem (whichever are applicable) OR the Contractor’s associated labor costs for each of the individuals enrolled in training. The Government’s decision will be based upon the most cost effective approach. Training at Government expense will not be authorized for replacement personnel nor for the purpose of keeping Contractor employees abreast of advances in the state-of-the-art or for training Contractor employees on equipment and computer operating systems that are generally available to the commercial market. However, limited training may be provided by and at the expense of the Government, at the discretion of the COR / COTR when changed by the Government and on-going task necessitates.

C.2.9 Data Rights.

The Contractor shall grant the Government “Unlimited” data rights for all documents and data produced under this PWS in accordance with DFARS 252.227-7013.

C.2.10 Data/Correspondence.

The electronic format of correspondence and documents shall be compatible with Windows 10 operating systems, Microsoft Office 2013 suite of programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and MS Project Profession 2013 and the Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT).

C.2.11 Distribution Statement.

The following distribution statements shall appear on the cover of all data produced or reproduced under this contract (unless the document is classified or Government provides subsequent direction during contract execution):

“Distribution D. Distribution authorized to U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. DOD Contractors only. Reason: To protect technical or operational data or information. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Product Manager Ground Soldier Systems, Ft. Belvoir, VA. 22060”.

C.2.12 Other Direct Costs (ODCs).

Contractor reimbursement for ODCs is authorized with prior Government approval of expenditures. All ODCs greater than $25,000.00 shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer (KO), validated by the COR/COTR with final approval by the KO. All ODCs $25,000.00 or less shall be submitted to and approved by the COR / COTR.

C.3.0 Performance Requirements

Expert use of the Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT), operations research, statistical, mathematical methodologies and techniques will be used to develop cost positions that support development of Program Office Estimates, Acquisition Program Baselines, Army Cost Position, Cost Analysis Requirements Description, cost tradeoffs, funding drills and other milestone decision documents.

Expert ability to analyze and synthesize complex data from a variety of sources in order to design and carry out project approaches, prepare reports and briefings on assigned projects.

Establishes quantitative relationships between investments costs, readiness and sustainment. Review operational documents, specifications, logistics support requirements and other project or program data supplied by PEO Soldier and PM SWAR’s subject matter experts to develop approaches for identifying cost factors.

Expert in applying operations research concepts, principles, and practices related to the mission, objectives, purposes, configuration, characteristics, and parameters for PEO Soldier and PM SWAR’s programs. Identify cost factor and relationships to develop models to estimate the logistics performance outputs associated with resourcing courses of action. Devises models by utilizing advanced quantitative analytical techniques and methodologies such as learning curves, regression analysis and other mathematical equations. Integrates information into comprehensive recommendations and reports.

Has expert knowledge of rules, regulations, procedures, and policies governing cost and economic studies in order to prepare, evaluate, or validate estimates of personnel, equipment, sustainment resources required to produce, modify, or support complex systems. Adapts or develops models to predict and optimize the allocation of resources across the Planning, Programming, and Budget Execution System (PPBES).

In-depth knowledge of statistical analysis; mathematical modeling, estimating methods, weapon system life cycle; acquisition process; trade-off methodologies and analysis methods; parametric methods; non-parametric methods; programmatic effects on cost; DA Cost Analysis Manual and Work Breakdown Structure/Cost Element Structure.


This section describes the special requirements for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.


The Contractor shall provide deliverables as specified below and throughout various sections of the PWS. Format and delivery schedule for deliverables shall be outlined in CDRLs.

C.5.1 Meetings and Reviews.

The Contractor shall support each meeting and review and provide supporting documentation as required.

C.5.2 Monthly Cost and Status Reports.

The Contractor shall submit monthly cost and status report, in accordance with CDRL A170. The report shall also reflect the labor and travel notes on the invoice. In addition, the report shall reflect actual and anticipated labor hours and labor categories, travel and ODC incurred. The information shall list all Contractor employees and sub-Contractor employees, by name, applicable labor category, and number of hours, attributed to the Contractor employee and provide linkage back to submitted invoices.


C.6.1 AT Level 1 Training.

All Contractor employees requiring access to Army installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete Anti-Terrorism Level 1 awareness training prior to performing activities related to this contract on Army installations, facilities and controlled access areas. The Contractor shall submit current certificates of completion for each Contractor employee requiring access to Army installations to the COR or to the Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO), if a COR / COTR is not yet assigned, within 30 calendar days after completion of training by each of the Contractors personnel, but NLT prior to accessing Army installations, facilities or controlled access areas. Anti-terrorism level 1 awareness training is available at the following website:

C.6.3 Access and General Protection/Security Policy and Procedures.

All Contractor employees requiring access to Army installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall comply with applicable installation, facility and area commander installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures (provided by a Government representative). The Contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by the installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services, or Security Office, should they be required. Contractor workforce must comply with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by the DOD, HQDA and/or local policy. In addition to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition at any individual facility or installation change, the Government may require changes in Contractor security matters or processes.

C.6.4 Employee Verification.

The Contractor will implement an employee verification process, whether through background checks or other similar processes and provide a written response to the COR/COTR explaining how the verification process was completed and attest to the trustworthiness of the workforce, within 45 days of contract award.

C.7.0 Travel.

C.7.1 Travel Cost. In order to perform the tasks under this PWS travel may be required on occasion to work sites away from the Northern Virginia area. All travel must be authorized in advance by the Government COR or Contracting Officer. Authorized travel will be payable as a direct cost.

C.7.2 Travel Arrangements. Air travel will be accomplished on regularly scheduled commercial flights in the most economical manner consistent with the successful accomplishment of the mission. Reimbursement for the cost of lodging and incidental expenses will be considered to be reasonable and allowable to the extent that costs submitted for reimbursement do not exceed the rates and amounts allowed by the Joint Travel Regulation as applies to civilian employees of the United States Government.

C.8.0 Invoices.

The Contractor shall submit invoices to the Government COR monthly, due 15 calendar days after the end of the preceding month. In months where the 15th day falls on a weekend or holiday, said report is due on the next business day. Contractor format for the invoice is acceptable. The Contractor shall submit to the Government, along with the invoice, certain backup information pertaining to the invoice. The Contractor shall submit a copy of each employees travel claim when travel is performed under this contract. Holiday leave or other administrative leave shall not be charged to the Government on this contract. The invoice information shall segregate the labor, travel, sub-contractor and other direct costs and any special projects assigned pursuant to the PWS. The final invoice must be received no later than 60 calendar days after the period of performance ends.




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