
Catholic Priest

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

Catholic Priest

Department of the Air Force

Official Address:
377 MSG/Contracting Division
8500 Gibson SE, BLDG 20202 Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5606

Zip Code:

Anita Denise Zambrano, Contract Specialist, Phone 5058466673, Email – Brett Moore, Contracting Officer, Phone 5058461291, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:


      1.1. The purpose of this performance based non-personal services contract is to provide, Roman Catholic Priest services for the 377th Air Base Wing, Kirtland AFB, NM.



      2.1. The contractor shall provide religious and spiritual leadership to meet the needs of Catholic military personnel, their family members and other authorized personnel assigned to the 377th Air Base Wing, Kirtland AFB, NM, will support individual rights under the First Amendment to the US Constitution and provide an opportunity for the free exercise of their religious beliefs as outlined in Appendix A within the 377th Air Base Wing area of responsibility which includes Kirtland AFB.



      3.1. The contractor shall provide services for the 377th Air Base Wing Installation Ministries Roman Catholic support requirements. The contractor shall coordinate efforts with Chaplain Corps personnel and work in a multi-denominational and pluralistic religious environment to include, but not limited to, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Orthodox, and Islamic faiths. The contractor shall provide all services in accordance with (IAW) the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) faith requirements.

         3.1.1. Dress and appearance standards are business casual or appropriate religious garments.


      3.2. DAILY SCHEDULE. The contract is for a 40-hour work week per the attached monthly schedule.  The Contractor will often be required to work weekends and on holidays to complete all Catholic religious support services for Kirtland AFB.  The contractor shall be compensated for overtime hours for pre-determined contingencies or for other ministry approved by the COR.

         3.2.1. Contractor shall submit clear and legible after action reports for emergency ministry requirements within 72 hours to the COR.

         3.2.2. Contractor shall complete the monthly access user file for Air Force Chaplain Corps Activity Reporting System (AFCCARS) by the end of the third day after the services have been provided. The AFCCARS file should include daily entries or at the least data entries within three days of performed services and should be submitted to the COR.


      3.3. MONTHLY SCHEDULE. The COR shall provide the contractor a monthly written schedule that shows the areas being serviced for that month. This schedule shall be given to the contractor at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the month the schedule is to begin. Additionally, the contractor may work on an on-call basis for emergencies as pre-determined by the COR, who approves the additional work done at the end of each month. When an unforeseen facility closure, inclement weather, or other event is found to be an acceptable delay by the COR, which precludes completion of services on a regularly scheduled work day, the contractor shall reschedule the work (if required) to be performed and notify the COR of the new time.


      3.4. PERIODIC PROGRESS MEETINGS.  Quarterly meetings shall be established after

contract award. The COR and the contractor shall periodically meet to discuss the

contractor’s performance. At a minimum, the following issues shall be discussed:

opportunities to improve the contract deliverables; any modifications required to the contract; unsatisfactory inspections and trends regarding each performance objective observed;

positive performance and steps taken by the contractor to prevent unsatisfactory occurrences

in the future.  The COR shall provide a summation of unsatisfactory inspections and

customer complaints and provide insight into any identified trends. The minutes of these

meetings will be recorded in writing, signed by the contracting officer (CO) and any others as deemed appropriate, and distributed to the COR, other applicable Government personnel and the contractor. Should the contractor not concur with the minutes, the contractor shall provide a written notification to the CO identifying areas of non-concurrence for resolution within five business days.


      3.5. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. Services performed under this contract are subject to inspection by the COR at the completion of each task.  Inspection of the performance of this contract will be conducted by use of a checklist utilizing random sampling, and/or customer feedback. The contractor shall promptly correct unsatisfactory service at no additional expense to the Government. The individual having responsibility for inspection and acceptance is the Kirtland AFB COR.  The COR will have the right to reject performance or require correction of any deficiencies found in deliverables.  In the event of rejection of any deliverable, the contractor will be notified in writing, using the corrective action report (CAR) at appendix D by the COR of the specific reasons why the deliverable was rejected.  The contractor shall have 30 calendar days to correct the rejected deliverable and resubmit to the COR for re-inspection.  If no comments are provided within 30 calendar days of deliverable receipt, the deliverable will be deemed to have been accepted by the Government.




         4.1.1. Contractor’s Qualification Requirements

   Contractor shall be a Roman Catholic Priest in good standing with his home diocese and the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) and have a completed DD Form 2088. Faculties must be provided for sub-contracted clergy.  Final approval and award of this contract is contingent on endorsement of contractor and any subcontractors by AMS and receipt of the aforementioned documents.

   Roman Catholic clergy who are contractors are not chaplains and will not use the duty title of “chaplain”. The contractor shall not use the duty title of chaplain while performing services, to include but not limited to printed documents and electronic communications.

   The contractor must meet the same educational requirements outlined in AFI 52-102 v.1, Chaplain Professional Development and provide a valid DD Form 2088, Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement from AMS in his proposal

   Ability to administer both the documentation of services performed and the timely rendering of payment for services (if used) is required.

   English is the operational language of the Air Force. The contractor shall be able to read, write, speak and understand English fluently.  English shall be the only language used with regard to this contract for written correspondence, discussions and other business transactions.

   In accordance with DODI 1402.5 E3.2.c., each individual working with children under the age of 18 in conjunction with this contract shall successfully complete a Tier 1 background check.  The results of an FBI advanced fingerprint check must be obtained prior to a person’s employment under Line of Site Supervision (LOSS). Additionally, in accordance with DODI 1402.5 E4.f  all individuals working under LOSS must wear conspicuous items such as distinctive clothing, badges, wristbands, etc. that clearly identify him as not being authorized to be alone with children. Additionally, posters or other printed information must be readily visible informing children’s guardians of what the conspicuous identification means. Failure to satisfactorily complete, maintain and present compliance of the criminal history background check requirements listed above shall result in termination of the contract.  The background check process must be initiated by the contractor no later than thirty days after the award of the contract.

   Annual Responsibilities To Maintain Currency Required For Contract

      Contractor will maintain dialogue with his Ordinary or Religious Superior and provide copies of his quarterly reports to the AMS.

      Annual training shall be completed by the contractor every year, which shall be provided by the chapel staff and shall cover:

         Privileged communication IAW AFI 52-101

         Child care criminal history background checks IAW Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 1402.5

         Family advocacy program IAW Air Force Instruction (AFI) 40-301

         Sexual assault prevention and response policy IAW AFI 90-6001

         Information assurance training IAW DoD 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program



         4.2.1. Core Elements For Catholic Personnel Required For A Catholic Program

   Contractor personnel given permission/faculties by the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) to serve Catholic personnel are to ensure implementation and support of these elements in the interest of Free Exercise of Religion.

      Sunday, Holy Day and daily Mass.

      Comprehensive Religious Education and Sacramental preparation, with an emphasis on character formation, individual moral development, and military family cohesion and readiness.

      Comprehensive Sacramental Ministry. This includes the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage and the Sacrament of the Sick.

      Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

      Young Adult Ministry (Catholics Seeking Christ and other programs) focused on spiritual readiness for active duty (18-29 years of age).

      Spiritual Enrichment programs (e.g. faith formation retreats, marriage retreats, etc.).

      Catholic Pastoral Care.


   The contractor serves as the subject matter expert for the Roman Catholic program on Kirtland AFB. The contractor must work collegially with any other contractors, particularly those serving the Kirtland AFB Catholic Community in the interest of the common good of the Catholic community.

   Contractor serves as the definitive advisor to the senior chaplain on the Catholic program in his role as the subject matter expert.

   Contractor shall utilize a Pastoral Advisory Council to assist him in providing for those in his care. Such councils are consultative and not deliberative. Given that the contractor is contracted to care for the active duty population and their dependents, he may restrict retiree representation on the pastoral council.


   The contractor will ensure the following:

      The Blessed Sacrament must be reserved on all installations that have Roman Catholic Priest supporting a Roman Catholic program. The Blessed Sacrament Room shall be for the exclusive use of the contractor and for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament.

      The Blessed Sacrament must be reserved in the Blessed Sacrament Room under the exclusive care of the contractor. This responsibility of safeguarding and care of the Sacrament must never be entrusted to any other person under any condition. The contractor will provide guidance to any Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) who are trained and appointed to assist him in this responsibility.

      Only Catholics approved by the Archdiocese may function as Lay Leaders (LL), Catholic Representatives (CR) and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC). Additionally, the CR and LL must be active duty in the grade of E5 or higher. Authorizations are specific as to duration as well as to location. There is a mandatory training requirement for each of these three functions.

      Priest-trainers are accountable for ongoing communication with deployed LLs/CRs. In the contractor’s absence, CRs and LLs, when authorized by the AMS, may conduct a Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest and the Liturgy of the Hours.  However, this will not include the reservation, transportation or distribution of Holy Communion.  Communion Services performed solely by CRs or LLs are not permitted in the AMS.


   The contractor shall not receive any stipend for services provided in accordance with (IAW) this performance work statement (PWS).

   Non-KAFB services are not included in this contract.

   Contractor shall be at the respective places of worship and prepared for each service no later than 15 minutes prior to the designated starting time of any service, and no later than 15 minutes prior to the designated starting time of any Special Services for preparations.

   The celebration of Sunday Mass is critical to the spiritual life of the community and must be available at Kirtland AFB whenever possible. This celebration must conform to the General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM). The location of the GIRM can be found here:

   The unnecessary multiplication of Sunday Masses will be avoided through coordination with the COR. Vigil Masses that are mere celebrations of convenience, of poor quality, or divisive of the community will be determined by the COR and addressed accordingly.

   The contractor shall conduct Masses as shown in the table in Appendix A.


   Catholics in the military will have access to a weekly scheduled celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The scheduled times must be separated from Mass by at least 15 minutes and will be as shown in Appendix A.


   The principal responsibility of the contractor is to provide for the spiritual care of Catholic military personnel, their families and other authorized personnel. Such spiritual care includes the moral formation and spiritual readiness of Catholics.

   Consistent with operational contingencies and mission essential requirements, the contractor must be freely available for active duty Catholics, family members and other authorized personnel seeking his counsel. Since this is a primary mission responsibility, the contractor’s access to work spaces conducive to confidential counsel or confession is a mission essential requirement. Military personnel and their family members have a right to privilege communication. The contractor will provide spiritual counseling sessions and IAW DoD guidelines these conversations are privileged communication. Privileged communication is protected communication IAW Military Rule of Evidence 503

(). Under this rule, “a person has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing a confidential communication by the person to a clergyman or to a clergyman’s assistant, if such communication is made either as a formal act of religion or as a matter of conscience.”  The contractor shall complete annual training on privileged communication provided by the chapel staff.

   Deacons, qualified religious and laity may be contracted to assist the contractor. The contractor will ensure that deacons have been granted faculties by the AMS and if required, these contracts will be solicited, monitored, and administered by 377 CONS in coordination with 377 BW/HC.

   In keeping with the essential requirements named above, the contractor must ensure that suitable lay ministers are properly selected, trained, commissioned and certified to AMS standards, ensuring comprehensive religious education and normative liturgical celebrations.


   The contractor is the Director of Religious Education (DRE) and has the vested responsibility to provide services within his area of responsibility in accordance with the directive of the Archdiocese for Military Services (AMS), USA (AMS Priests’ Manual, para 3.1).

   The Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) is that contractor who manages the day-to-day operation of the religious education program. Together with other instructors, they are one of the means by which religious education is presented. This must be done in coordination with AMS and the contractor (AMS, Priests’ Manual, para 3.1.2.). The services of the CRE are considered Government-furnished; under no circumstances (e.g., while the CRE contract goes unfilled) is the contractor authorized to assume CRE duties.

   All final decisions for the content of Catholic religious instruction belong to the Contractor (AMS, Priests’ Manual, para 3). Instructional materials used in religious education must be contained in the Conformity Listing maintained by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

   The Catholic Program Coordinator (CPC) is a contractor or volunteer who administratively and logistically coordinates the functioning and activities of the program and the role and needs of the contractor. The contractor shall provide guidance to the CPC. The contractor is the subject matter expert for CPC qualifications.  The contractor will provide programming guidance to the CPC. The services of the CPC are considered Government-furnished; under no circumstances (e.g., while the Coordinator contract goes unfilled) is Contractor authorized to assume any Parish Coordinator duties and may not bill the Government for them.




   Department of Defense Instruction 1300.17 Accommodation of Religious Practices within the Military Services states that “the DoD places a high value on the rights of members of the Military Services to observe the tenets of their respective religions or to observe no religion at all.”  The Air Force similarly places a high value on religious accommodation in a pluralistic environment and holds that spiritual health is fundamental to the well-being of Air Force personnel and their families.  For these reasons the contractor must refrain from proselytizing (seeking to convert someone to the contractor’s faith).  If asked, the contractor can respond to questions about his faith, but should not evangelize those of other faiths.  The contractor should make every effort to accommodate individuals of other faiths by assisting them to contact a chaplain.  The contractor may not denigrate any faith group or offer literature that denigrates other beliefs. 

   The contractor must be aware that he is performing the duties under this contract in a military environment.  At all times the contractor should show respect to military customs and traditions. The COR is an excellent resource should questions concerning military customs, traditions arise.




                        5.1.1. REPRESENTATIVE (COR).  The Contracting Office (CO) will appoint a Contracting Office Representative (COR) for management of the day to day activities of the contract. The identity, title, and authority of this representative will be provided in writing to the contractor after contact award.  The contractor shall meet with the COR to ensure understanding and control of chapel facilities, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Operating Instructions (OIs) and procedures.



         5.2.1. Contractor shall provide advertising and promotional bulletin announcements, articles, flyers and materials to the COR, or designee, for approval prior to them being distributed to chapel congregations, included in chapel bulletins, published in the installation newspaper or posted on bulletin boards.

         5.2.2. Provide an annual review of the program as noted in Appendix E providing a summary of activity, trends and progress during the preceding year. Include information and suggestions regarding future program direction.

         5.2.3. A monthly schedule shall be provided to the contractor by the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) on a quarterly basis at least fifteen days prior to the schedule’s start date.

         5.2.4. Provide written after-action reports on all special events, retreats, emergency calls, etc. as listed in Appendix E to include suggested changes of direction, trends, and problem areas to be submitted within three duty days of completion of the event to the COR.

         5.2.5. Provide input for youth ministry and all other program requirements in the annual ministry plan and include their projected costs.

         5.2.6. Provide the COR or designated chaplain with refined and updated financial

      projections on a quarterly basis.

         5.2.7. Provide ordering information in the authorized format for supplies and resources to support activities.

         5.2.8. Attend 377 BW/HC weekly staff meeting and update the Catholic portion of weekly HC “Staff Meeting Slides”.



         5.3.1. The contractor shall recruit volunteers from the chapel services to assist in the conduct of the program.  A volunteer roster to include name, address, phone number, military affiliation and role must be maintained and updated with the 377th Air Base Wing Chaplain Corps Security Manager.  It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the moral character of volunteers recruited to assist in youth activities will be commensurate with their responsibilities to provide values-based leadership consistent with religious teaching within the chapel programs. Selection of volunteers will be IAW applicable installation regulations and contractor must protect personal information of volunteers.

       5.3.2. The contractor shall ensure training is accomplished to teach and train volunteers in all aspects of the Catholic program. He shall help volunteers become comfortable in performing their duties, teaching them the skills and confidence to be effective volunteers.



         5.4.1. Any specific government or contractor furnished property is delineated within the descriptions below and as defined in this section.  The Government shall provide the areas and facilities to conduct services.  For access to the facility during non-duty hours a key will be provided.  Ensure facilities are secured after services are provided, such as rehearsals, meetings, and classes (close and lock windows, turn-off lights, secure equipment, lock doors).  The contractor shall safeguard the key to avoid unauthorized access to government-owned facilities and property.  Final payment under terms of this contract will not be issued until all facility keys and any other provided equipment are returned to the appropriate personnel.

         5.4.2. All items required to complete assigned duties will be provided to include: office space, computer, office supplies, printer and copier access.

         5.4.3. The contractor shall furnish his/her own transportation to and from the work site at no additional cost to the government.  The government shall not furnish the contractor with government living quarters.

         5.4.4. Limited use of Military Transportation vehicles for the transportation of youth for specified events.  Requests will be made through the COR.  All requests are subject to approval and dependent upon availability of vehicles and authorized drivers.  The contractor is not allowed to drive government vehicles.

         5.4.5. Contractor shall ensure personal property is clearly marked and identified to preclude misidentification as chapel property.  Contractor shall be liable for loss, damage, or theft of chapel property due to the contractor’s carelessness and/or negligence. Negligence will be determined by appropriate investigative or Report of Survey findings.

         5.4.6. Contractor will coordinate reservation, set up, clean up, and lock up of the facilities needed as well as safeguard all government and chapel funds, facilities, property, equipment and supplies before, during and after all activities.  Contractor is accountable for security and cleanliness of all facilities utilized in conjunction with their programs.  The contractor coordinates all support requirements with the chapel staff.

         5.4.7. Contractor personnel are required to wear or prominently display installation identification badges or contractor-furnished, contractor identification badges while visiting or performing work on the installation.

         5.4.8. The contractor may use additional personal items of equipment or music as part of his/her performance of duties with approval of the COR.  The Government will not be liable in any way for personal equipment including loss, damage, theft, or maintenance.

         5.4.9. The Contractor shall be liable for repair/replacement for any government or private property damaged by contractor personnel, vehicles, and equipment.  The contractor shall immediately advise the COR of any damages and provide an action plan for repairs or replacement.



         5.5.1. The contractor shall manage all data created for government use or legally controlled by the government, in support of the functional activity or required by Air Force publication, IAW Air Force records management procedures in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 33-322, Records Management Program, paragraph 10, Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 37-123, paragraph 7.4, Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 37-138, paragraph 2.13, and the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (AF RDS) located at


         5.5.2. The contractor will manage sacramental records IAW the instructions provided in the AMS Priest’s Manual.


      5.6. AIR FORCE ANTI-TERRORISM (AT) PROGRAM.  The AT program seeks to deter or limit the effects of terrorist acts against the Air Force by giving guidance on collecting and disseminating timely threat information, providing training to all Air Force members, developing comprehensive plans to deter and counter terrorist incidents, allocating funds and personnel and implementing AT measures. IAW AFI 10-245 para, DOD contractors shall be offered Level 1 – AT Awareness Training. AT Awareness Training may be accomplished by either a Level I – qualified instructor, or by completing the “Force Protection” computer based training (CBT) course on the Advanced Distributed Learning System (ADLS) or the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) at for individuals without access to NIPR, possessing a CAC card, nor enrolled in DEERS. Compliance with the training will be monitored by the COR.


      5.7. SAFETY.  The contractor shall perform all work in a safe manner as required by OSHA

Safety and Health Requirements and follow all DOD Safety regulations.  The contractor shall provide a verbal and written notification to the COR within 24 hours of an accident resulting in death, injury, occupational disease, etc.


      5.8. FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE. The contractor shall make sure they practice utilities conservation. The contractor shall be responsible for operating under conditions that prevent the waste of any utilities used. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining proper conduct and good discipline within the contractor occupied work area(s). Contractor personnel shall be encouraged to be alert to report any suspected situations of fraud, waste, and abuse, or other intentionally dishonest conduct against the Government observed during, or in the performance of this contract.


      5.9. SMOKING. The contractor shall comply with AFI 40-102 Guidance for Controlling Tobacco use in DA Controlled Facilities which outlines uniform policies governing use of tobacco products in Government facilities. This also applies to all Kirtland chapel facilities.


      5.10. PERMITS, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS.  Unless otherwise specified in this contract, the contractor shall obtain all necessary permits, licenses, and certifications; give all required notices; and comply with applicable federal, DOD, Air Force, state, county, and local laws, codes, and regulations in performance of the requirements of this contract. Maintain records of such requirements and make the documentation available to the Government for review.

         5.10.1. Resources may be made available for Archdiocese for the Military Services required training for Catholic Youth and Religious Education coordinators that support the current chapel programs.


      5.11. GOVERNMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE. The contractor shall be responsible for quality control for all work accomplished during the performance of the task. The contractor shall create, provide and maintain a quality control plan (QCP) which ensures the requirements in this PWS are met. The QCP will be considered acceptable and approved unless the contractor is notified by the CO prior to award. The QCP shall be included in the technical proposal for evaluation and acceptance.  As a minimum, the contractor shall develop quality control procedures that address the areas identified in the Service Delivery Summary.

         5.11.1. The Contracting Office (CO) will periodically evaluate the contractor’s performance by appointing a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) to monitor performance to ensure services are received.  The COR will evaluate the contractor’s performance IAW the quality assurance surveillance plan (QASP) for this requirement.


      5.12. HOLIDAYS OBSERVED. Because of the nature of services being provided, services may be required on holidays and Holy Days associated with the Catholic faith.


Federal holidays:

a. New Year’s Day, January 1

b. Martin Luther King Jr Day, the third Monday in January

c. Presidents’ Day, the third Monday in February

d. Memorial Day, the last Monday in May

e. Independence Day, July 4

f. Labor Day, the first Monday in September

g. Columbus Day, the second Monday in October

h. Veterans’ Day, November 11

i. Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thur in November

j. Christmas Day, December 25

k. Any other day designated by Federal statute, executive order, or Presidential proclamation.



         5.13.1. Contractor/Employee–since this requirement is due to the individual having regular and reoccurring contact with children, the Tier 1 background check, State Criminal History Checks with fingerprints will be conducted by the 377 BW/HC Security Manager. In the event the DoD CAF cannot make a suitability determination due to derogatory information, the suitability determination authority levels are identified as FSS/CC or MSG/CC (AFI 34-144, para The 377 BW/HC Security Manager will in-process the contractors into their JPAS PSMnet with no access granted and notify 377 BW/IP via email. Should the contract employee terminate employment with the government, the USM must out-process the contract employee from JPAS PSMnet and notify 377 BW/IP.

         5.13.2. Pass and Identification Items. The contractor shall ensure the pass and identification items required for contract performance are obtained for employees and non-government owned vehicles.

         5.13.3. Retrieving Identification Media. The contractor shall ensure all identification media, including vehicle passes are surrendered to the government upon departure for any reason before the contract expires; e.g. terminated for cause, retirement, etc.

         5.13.4. Traffic Laws.  The contractor shall comply with base traffic regulations.

         5.13.5. Weapons, Firearms, and Ammunition. Contractor employees are prohibited from possessing weapons, firearms, or ammunition, on themselves or within their contractor-owned vehicle or privately- owned vehicle while on military installations.

         5.13.6. For Official Use Only (FOUO). The Contractor shall comply with DoD 5400-7-R, Chapter 4, DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program requirements. This regulation sets policy and procedures for the disclosure of records to the public and for marking, handling, transmitting, and safeguarding FOUO material.

         5.13.7. Reporting Requirements. Contractor personnel shall report to an appropriate authority any information or circumstances of which they are aware may pose a threat to the security of DoD personnel, Contractor personnel, resources, and classified or unclassified defense information. The COR shall ensure the contractor has been briefed on all general security policies.

         5.13.8. Physical Security. The Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all government property and controlled forms provided for Contractor use. At the end of each work period, all government facilities, equipment, and materials shall be secured.

         5.13.9. Controlled/Restricted Areas. Contract employees shall be escorted by an individual meeting entry requirements to controlled/restricted areas.

         5.13.10. Key Control/Access Badge Control. The contractor shall establish and implement methods of making sure all keys/badges issued to the contractor by the Government are not lost or misplaced and are not used by unauthorized persons. The contractor shall not duplicate any keys issued by the government.

         5.13.11. Lost Keys. The contractor shall immediately report to the COR any occurrences of lost or duplicated keys. In the event keys, other than master keys, are lost or duplicated, the contractor may be required, upon written direction of the contracting officer, to re-key or replace the affected lock or locks without cost to the government. The government may, however, at its option, replace the affected lock or locks or perform re-keying and deduct the cost of such from the monthly payment due the contractor. In the event a master key is lost or duplicated, all locks and keys for that system shall be replaced by the government and the total cost deducted from the monthly payment due the contractor.

         5.13.12. Prohibited Use. The contractor shall prohibit the use of keys, issued by the government, by any persons other than the contractor. The contractor shall not provide access to other contractors for government facilities without COR approval.

         5.13.13. Lock Combinations. The contractor shall control access to all government provided lock combinations to preclude unauthorized entry. The contractor is not authorized to record lock combinations without written approval by the government Program Manager. Records with written combinations to authorized secure storage containers, secure storage rooms, or certified vaults, shall be marked and safeguarded at the highest classification level as the classified material maintained inside the approved containers.

         5.13.14. Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE). The Contractor shall establish and implement procedures to ensure all ADPE, to include laptops and other data processing devices, issued to the Contractor by the Government are not lost or misplaced, are not used by unauthorized persons or are not subject to unauthorized external devices. The Contractor shall immediately report to the CO or COR any occurrences of lost ADPE within two (2) hours of discovery of occurrence. In the event that ADPE is lost, the Contractor may be required, upon written direction of the CO, to replace the equipment at no additional cost to the Government. The Government may replace the equipment and deduct the cost of such from the monthly payment due the Contractor.




Performance Objective



Performance Threshold



Conduct one weekend Mass with an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation per week.


Must meet the standards of the Archdiocese for Military Services (AMS) Priests’ Manual, para 4.3 and achieve a greater than 3.5 out of 5 or 60% on Annual “Satisfaction Survey of Parish Members”

Annual survey and reviewed by COR.

Conduct weekday Mass four times per week


Must meet the standards of the AMS Priests’ Manual, para 4.3 and achieve a greater than 3.5 out of 5 or 60% on Annual “Satisfaction Survey of Parish Members”

Annual survey and reviewed by COR.

Availability of Contractor for Spiritual Care per posted office hours


Must provide solid pastoral care to Catholics achieving greater than 3.5 out of 5 or 60% on Annual “Satisfaction Survey of Parish Members”

Annual survey and reviewed by COR.

Religious Education


Must meet the standards of the AMS Priests’ Manual, para 3 and achieve a greater than 3.5 out of 5 or 60% on Annual “Satisfaction Survey of Parish Members”

Annual survey and reviewed by COR.

Maintain Endorsement

No discrepancies per year

Submit quarterly reports to COR.  Reports will be forwarded to AMS.

Contractor shall meet with COR on a quarterly basis to review and obtain the schedule of services for that quarter.


No discrepancies per year

Required scheduled meetings.

Contractor shall be at the respective places of worship and prepared for each service no later than 15 minutes prior to the designated starting time of any service, and no later than 15 minutes prior to the designated starting time of any Special Services for preparations.

No more than 2 discrepancies per month

Random checks by COR.


Dress and appearance standards are business casual or appropriate religious garments.


No discrepancies per year

Random checks by COR.

Contractor shall complete the monthly access user file for Air Force Chaplain Corps Activity Reporting System (AFCCARS) by the end of the third day after services are provided. The file shall be forwarded to the base recorder by the COR. The AFCCARS file should include daily entries or entries within 3 days of performed services.


No more than 2 discrepancies per year

AFFCARS data is compiled monthly and will identify data lag entry exceeding 3 days.

Submit after action reports for emergency ministry requirements within three duty days.


No more than 2 discrepancies per month

As events occur

Complete annual privileged communication training.

No discrepancies per year

Reviewed by COR.

Contractor completed criminal history background check., 5.13.1.

No discrepancies per year

Reviewed by COR.




Appendix A – Projected Schedule of Service and Definition

Appendix B – Monthly Schedule template

Appendix C – Kirtland AFB Maps and Chapel Locations

Appendix D – Corrective Action Report

Appendix E – List of Reports





A.1. Services are held in any of the facilities on Kirtland AFB, the contractor is expected to provide his own transportation to and from services.  Contractor shall normally be notified 72 hours in advance of a projected move and/or time change.

      A.1.1. Monthly schedule shall be provided by the COR to the contractor on a quarterly basis at least 15 days prior to the start date of the new schedule.

      A.1.2. For Kirtland AFB maps and installation information, visit

Primary Place of Performance of services will be location (Bldg #20107) and other chapel buildings located on Kirtland AFB, NM.


Kirtland Chapel 1 Oct to 30 Sep

Worship Services


Avg. Number of Services Annually

Weekday Mass

4 per week


Weekend Mass

1 per week


Holy Day Mass/Lenten Services

As required by liturgical calendar


Seasonal Penance Service

As needed


Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confessions

30 min prior to each Mass


Special Services






As needed.


Graveside Service


Emergency Sacrament


Weekly 377 BW/HC Contractor Meeting




      A.1.3. Contractor maintains an estimated minimum 40-hour work week to complete responsibilities IAW PWS.  The 40-hour work week includes but is not limited to Masses, Holy Days, Sacraments, Religious Education engagement/oversight, training, office hours, retreats and any administrative duties necessary to complete duties in this PWS.  See definitions and estimated allotted times in para. A.2.


        A.1.3.1. A primary Roman Catholic Priest shall perform at least 75% of the services.

        A.1.3.2. Oversee planning for weekly Roman Catholic services and programs

        A.1.3.3. Contractor shall attend 377 BW/HC Staff meeting Wednesday/1300/Chapel conference room.

      A.1.4. Administrative duties may include:

        A.1.4.1. Complete required sacramental paperwork and submit to AMS.

        A.1.4.2. Provide Catholic-specific sacramental counseling to include but not limited to marriage prep, marital counseling, child and adult Catholic religious education concerns.

        A.1.4.3. Religious Education duties may include:

            A. Oversight of sacramental preparation within the religious education program; coordinate support (i.e. books, retreats, supplies) as the Director of Religious Education.

            A. Weekly Parish Visits (pastoral visit) -Visits limited to the Catholic youth group, Catholic Men and Catholic Women groups/Bible studies and the Religious Education (grade/middle school) throughout the year; to also include visits with RCIA (Adult Education).


A.2 Definitions

      A.2.1. Weekday Mass – Weekday services are normally held Monday-Friday.

      A.2.2. Weekend Mass – Weekend services are held Saturday and Sunday.

      A.2.3. Holy Day Mass/Special Service – Celebrate the Mass according to the current Roman Catholic Rite for the specific Holy Day being celebrated.   

      A.2.4. Holy Day Masses:

            -Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God

            -The Ascension of Our Lord

            -The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

            -All Saints Day

            -The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception


      A.2.5. Special Service-may include but not limited:

            -Ash Wednesday

            -Holy Thursday

            -Good Friday

      A.2.6. Seasonal Penance Services during Advent and Lent: Perform the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of schedule Communal Penance Services.

      A.2.7. The Kirtland AFB Catholic priest contractor shall coordinate additional priest support with the COR.           

      A.2.8. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confessions:  Perform the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is usually performed in conjunction with the designated weekend mass. To also perform the sacrament for 1st Communion candidates, this shall be known as 1st Reconciliation.

      A.2.9. *Sacraments of Initiation:  Perform the below religious ceremonies in accordance with Roman Catholic doctrine.


            -1st Communion

*Note: May only be administered to AD military, Guard and Reserve while on orders, authorized DoD civilian personnel and their dependents.

      A.2.10. Sacramental Rehearsals: Time required prior to the sacrament or mass to go through the ritual and sacrament with the participants. The below services shall require a rehearsal:


            -1st Communion

            -Catechetical Sunday

            -Easter Vigil

      A.2.11. Training of Lay Personnel:  Training of altar servers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Lectors.

      A.2.12. Funeral Vigil:  Vigil prayer services on the eve prior to the funeral mass.

      A.2.13. Funeral Mass:  Celebrate the Funeral liturgy for Active Duty and their immediate dependents.

      A.2.14. Graveside Services:  Celebrate the Graveside liturgy for Active Duty and their dependents.

      A.2.15. Emergency Sacrament:  To include but not limited to Anointing of the Sick and Confession – In the absence of the assigned Roman Catholic Priest, conduct sacraments with Active Duty personal and their dependents requesting to see a Roman Catholic priest to perform emergency ministrations such as Anointing of the Sick or Confession.

      A.2.16. Wedding Ceremony:  Celebrate Wedding Ceremony/Con-Validation for Active Duty and their dependents.










Kirtland AFB, South Dakota

Note: The below calendars reflect the total monthly services for Kirtland AFB, the contractor and COR shall coordinate all dates and times.


        [LOCATION] (Monthly Schedule Example)



















[Time] – Daily Mass

[Time]- 1st Friday Mass









[Time]- Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass


[Time] – Daily Mass




[Time] –







Staff Mtg.




















[Time]- Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass


[Time] – Daily Mass




[Time] –







Staff Mtg.




















[Time]- Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass


[Time] – Daily Mass




[Time] –







Staff Mtg.




















[Time]- Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass

[Time] – Daily Mass


[Time] – Daily Mass




[Time] –







Staff Mtg.
















Additional Location of Services [LOCATION]- (Monthly Schedule Example)





















Daily Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Confession- [Time] Mass- [Time] @ [Location]








Mass- [Time] [Location]

Staff Mtg.




Daily Mass- [Time]@ [Location]

Confession- [Time] Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Mass- [Time] [Location]














Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Staff Mtg.




Daily Mass- [Time]@ [Location]

Confession- [Time] Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Mass- [Time] @ [Location]














Mass- [Time] @ RAC

Staff Mtg.




Daily Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Confession- [Time] Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Mass- [Time] @ [Location]














Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Staff Mtg.




Daily Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Confession- [Time] Mass- [Time] @ [Location]

Mass- [Time] @ [Location]












For KIRTLAND AFB maps and installation information, visit




CORRECTIVE ACTION REPORT: COR shall obtain current form from the Contracting Officer as needed.

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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