
Certification Lead for GOV.UK Verify – Short Deadline

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: Government Digital Service part of Cabinet Office. Web: , E1 8QS.
Object of the contract
Address where the work will take place London.
GOV.UK Verify has ongoing activity in regards certification documentation. This supports developing LOA models and reviews reliying partners certification needs and requirements. Awarding Authority need an Information Assurance professional, with knowledge of identity related digital certification models, to undertake this options analysis, alongside the identity team.
CPV: 79132000, 72260000, 72261000, 72262000, , 72000000, 48730000, 72212730, 72212732,
Administrative Information
Closing date for applications 30.4.2018 (23:59)
For further information regarding the above contract notice please visit
Other Information
Deadline for asking questions Wednesday 25 April 2018 at 11:59pm GMT
Latest start date Monday 28 May 2018
Expected contract length 6 months
Maximum day rate £750
About the work
Early market engagement
Who the specialist will work with The specialist will be working with the identity standards and fraud prevention team in the GDS identity assurance programme. This includes two identity advisors and two identity fraud analysts. They will be working independently on the project, but will be involved in regular face to face meetings and team collaboration in order to share and incorporate essential knowledge into the model.
What the specialist will work on Cyber security consultant
Minimise the chance of data or information systems security breaches. Ensure information is protected against unauthorised or unintended access. Put systems in place to prevent data destruction or disruption.
Work setup
Working arrangements Work no more than two (2) days a week from 9am – 5.30pm, for 6 months. Expected to use conference capabilties, google hangouts, email, Slack and other channels to keep in contact with the team when working remotely. Will produce, develop and update technical documentation and options papers, as well as attending team meetings, such as stand-ups, planning and retrospectives.
The intermediaries legislation doesn’t apply to this engagement: this is out of scope for IR35.
Security clearance SC clearance is essential; DV would be advantageous
Additional information
Additional terms and conditions “All expenses must be pre-agreed with between the parties and must comply with the Cabinet Office (CO) Travel and Subsistence (T&S) Policy.”
“All vendors are obliged to provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of GDPR and ensures the protection of the rights of data subjects. For further information please see the Information Commissioner’s Office website:”
Skills and experience
Buyers will use the essential and nice-to-have skills and experience to help them evaluate suppliers’ technical competence.
Skills and experience
Essential skills and experience
Minimum five years experience to show: An understanding of certification models for assessing identity related digital and technology services
Minimum five years experience to show: A background in information assurance, security, audit and certification
Minimum five years experience to show: An understanding of the identity assurance and identity standards for UK government
Minimum five years experience to show: Experience of passing on knowledge in a clear and structured manner
Minimum five years experience to show: Ability to work independently in a fast paced environment
Nice-to-have skills and experience
Minimum five years experience to show: Experience implementing a certification model(s) for an existing digital service
Minimum five years experience to show: Previous experience working in or working closely with a government department
Minimum five years experience to show: Previously audited or worked on an identity related service during audit
Minimum five years experience to show: Experience of public/private sector relationships
Minimum five years experience to show: Demonstrable knowledge of security risks to digital identity services
How suppliers will be evaluated
How suppliers will be evaluated
Opportunity attribute name Opportunity attribute value
How many specialists to evaluate 3
Cultural fit criteria
Collaborative worker, with a good approach to knowledge sharing
Committed to team working and open to team feedback
Enjoys working in an open and transparent environment
Willing to work according to Agile practises
Adaptable and keen to expand knowledge base
Assessment methods
Work history
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence
Cultural fit


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