
Construction / Installation / Restoration of Irrigation Canal – Short Deadline

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Tajikistan

Contract type: Public works contract
Contracting authority: ACTED, Dushanbe Dostoevsky Street, Building 7, Tajikistan. / /
Object of the contract
Construction / Installation / Restoration of Irrigation Canal
“The national water resource management Project”
The awarding authority as part of the “Improving livelihoods and food security through sustainable natural resource management” Project funded by EuropeAid, invites suppliers to send their offers for the below mentioned batches. Full activities breakdown available in Dushanbe ACTED office:
Batch – Description – INCOTERMS / Delivery point – Delivery deadline
Lot 1 – Implementation of construction and installation works on the irrigation canal in Rezgif village – DDP in Rezgif village of Kuhistoni Mastchoh district – 20-Aug-18
Lot 2 – Implementation of the restoration of irrigation canal and the reconstruction of the mudflow in the Sayron, the Fatmovut, Pohut, jamoat Rarz, – DDP in Fatmovut and Pohut villages of Ayni district – 20-Aug-18
Lot 3 – Implementation of bank protection in Darg village, jamoat Shamtuch, Ayni district – DDP in Darg village of Ayni district 20-Aug-18
Lot 4 – Implementation of the bank protection works Imbef village, jamoat Ivan-Tojik, Kuhistoni Mastchoh district – DDP in Imbef village of Kuhistoni Mastchoh district – 20-Aug-18
The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Documents (in both English and Russian) may be collected free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address:
Representation of the Authority Or requested by e-mail at the Awarding Authority
Or can be downloaded from the Authority website under the section “Tender” or from the IAPG website at under the section “Latest Tender”
Potential bidders have to visit the sites before the submission of the tender and / or bidding documents (mandatory).
Potential bidders are encouraged to consult the Authority website regularly for potential modification to the present tender and / or the bidding documents on the website below.
All bids must be submitted before 30.07.2018 18:00 PM (Dushanbe time) at the top of the page : ” T / 03CQK / 60R / A20-21-22-23-25-28-C8 / Tadj / 12-07-2018 / 10
– not to be opened before 31 .07. 2018 ” or by E-mail at Cc , . Late Bids will be automatically rejected.
The awarding authority will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the BT in the connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to awarding authority.
A tender opening session will take place 07/31/2018 at 10:00 AM , in the ACTED representative office in Dushanbe Dostoevsky Street, Building 7. The presence of bidders’ representative is allowed.
Inquiries regarding, all for the this tender, please contact the ACTED Representative office in Dushanbe or by E-mail AT Cc: , .
To ensure that funds are used for compliance purposes, and in compliance with ACTED’s anti-terrorism policy. To this end, ACTED reserves the right to carry out anti-terrorism checks on the contractor, its board members, staff, volunteers, consultants, financial service providers and sub-contractor. ”
if you witness or suspect unethical business practices during the tendering process, please send an e-mail to awarding authority.
CPV: 45247111, 45247000, 45240000, 45232121, 45232120
Administrative Information
Tender Ref. # T / 03CQK / 60R / A20-21-22-23-25-28-C8 / Tadj / 12-07-2018 / 10
All bids must be submitted before (Dushanbe time) 30.7.2018 (18:00)
For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
Other Information
If you witness or suspect unethical business practices during the tendering process, please send an e-mail to awarding authority.
Please refer the website above for documentation

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