
Cynnydd Project – ESF to Support Young People at Risk of Becoming NEET

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

2. Awarding Authority: Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest, GB, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1TP. Tel: 01437775905. Fax: 01437776510. Email: Web: Buyer profile:
3. Contract type: Service contract
Prior Information Notice
4. Description: The Awarding Authority are holding a Briefing Session prior to advertising a tender opportunity for the Cynnydd Project.
Please see the ‘additional information’ section on the website below for further details
Lot No: 1
Volunteering Sport and Activities
The Awarding Authority are looking for tenderers with a proven track record of working with young people aged 11-24 who can offer a range of outcomes and accreditations that will assist the learners in their future personal and social development, reduce their vulnerability and who can demonstrate progression and improvement in their attendance at school or college, behaviour and attainment. They must be able to offer a wide range of interventions aimed at reducing a young person’s risk of becoming NEET.
The Awarding Authority intends to award the Framework at the beginning of January 2019 with a commencement date of 1st March 2019. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to change this timeframe at their discretion.
Main Aim
Reducing vulnerability to disengage from Education and training amongst 11 to 24 year olds, including those with additional learning needs.
Improving attendance, behaviour and attainment outcomes.
Sustaining improvements at age 16 to 19 to achieve reductions in the numbers who are NEET aged 11 to 24 as well.
Ensuring that all young people are supported through education and training whatever their intended destination may be.
Supporting better engagement and progression for all young people and contributing to higher achievement rates.
To promote longer term employability of those young people.
Linking with a wider range of initiatives seeking to support this group of young people.
Working in an integrated way across existing local authority partnerships (e.g 14 to 19 Networks, EPC-led multiagency meetings) and cross-sectorally (Local Authority, Schools (including Special Schools), FE Colleges, Third Sector, Training Providers and Careers Wales).
Participants will be identified for activities by Schools. Vulnerability will be measured by Vulnerability Assessment Profiles which will draw on a range of data that the School will hold on each individual. Referrals will be managed by the School.
Lot No: 2
Complimentary Sports Provision at Informal and Non-Formal Settings
The Awarding Authority are looking for tenderers with a proven track record of working with young people aged 11-24 who can offer a range of outcomes and accreditations that will assist the learners in their future personal and social development, reduce their vulnerability and who can demonstrate progression and improvement in their attendance at school or college, behaviour and attainment. They must be able to offer a wide range of interventions aimed at reducing a young person’s risk of becoming NEET.
The Awarding Authority intends to award the Framework at the beginning of January 2019 with a commencement date of 1st March 2019. The Council reserves the right to change this timeframe at their discretion.
Main Aim
Reducing vulnerability to disengage from Education and training amongst 11 to 24 year olds, including those with additional learning needs.
Improving attendance, behaviour and attainment outcomes.
Sustaining improvements at age 16 to 19 to achieve reductions in the numbers who are NEET aged 11 to 24 as well.
Ensuring that all young people are supported through education and training whatever their intended destination may be.
Supporting better engagement and progression for all young people and contributing to higher achievement rates.
To promote longer term employability of those young people.
Linking with a wider range of initiatives seeking to support this group of young people.
Working in an integrated way across existing local authority partnerships (e.g 14 to 19 Networks, EPC-led multiagency meetings) and cross-sectorally (Local Authority, Schools (including Special Schools), FE Colleges, Third Sector, Training Providers and Careers Wales).
Participants will be identified for activities by Schools. Vulnerability will be measured by Vulnerability Assessment Profiles which will draw on a range of data that the School will hold on each individual. Referrals will be managed by the School.
5. CPV Code(s): 80000000, 92620000, 92600000, 92000000
6. NUTS code(s): UKL, UKL1, UKL14
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Place of performance
NUTS code:
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: Reference number: PROC/1819/056
WA Ref:86241
9. Estimated value of requirement: Estimated total value: Value excluding VAT: 350 000.00 GBP
10. As no deadline date has been specified please contact the awarding authority for further information.
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information/documentation regarding the above contract notice please visit
12. Other information: Communication: Additional information can be obtained from the above mentioned address
Type of the contracting authority: Regional or local authority
Main activity: Education
Information about lots: This contract is divided into lots: Yes
Estimated date of publication of contract notice: 19/10/2018
Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: No
Additional information
The Awarding Authority are holding a Briefing Session prior to advertising a tender opportunity for the Cynnydd Project.
The Awarding Authority will be advertising a tender for the Cynnydd Project – ESF to support young people at risk of becoming NEET.
The Briefing Session will be held at County Hall, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1TP on Friday 19th October 2018 at 10.00am.
The event will provide an overview of the services we are seeking to procure and the procurement process with an opportunity to ask questions on matters relating to the tender.
We would encourage you to attend the event to obtain further information.
In order to register and confirm your place at the event, please email

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