
Defence Estate Optimisation Programme – Industry Events

12-14 DECEMBER 2017 – LONDON


The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is holding a series of specialist industry events for the construction and infrastructure sector to provide an update on the progress of the Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Programme.

Sessions will focus on funding and strategic corporate opportunities, disposal and development opportunities for surplus sites, and construction and technical requirements for building projects to be undertaken on MOD retained sites.

This event follows an introductory industry day held in December 2016 and the industry webinar on the London estate in February this year, after the Better Defence Estate announcement in November 2016. The DEO Programme aims to reduce the MOD’s built estate by 30 per cent and re-provide a substantial amount of new facilities on core sites.


Interested parties are invited to attend the below days:


Tuesday 12th – Funding & Corporate Strategic Advisors

Wednesday 13th – Disposal & Development Partners

Thursday 14th – Construction Partners & Technical Specialists


For more information, and details of how to register for the event, please email:

Please note, spaces are limited.


For more on the strategy, please watch our video:

image © Crown Copyright

The post Defence Estate Optimisation Programme – Industry Events appeared first on Defence Online.


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