Counter Terrorism And Security Tenders

The increase in political tension across the globe, the threat of terror and the growth of intelligent cyber attacks is set to fuel spend around counter terrorism not just in the UK, but internationally.

Our defence intelligence solution is well positioned in the market to support suppliers and buyers with security tenders.

Latest Counter Terrorism & Security Tenders

An ICT Resource to Assist with Development and Support of the PIMS Lite in House System


Department of Rural and Community Development_158143

An Individual Technical ICT resource to Set up a Read Only version of the awarding authority’s existing Programme Information Management system (PIMS) Lite off premises, And Support the running of both the existing PIMS Lite system and the PIMS Lite Read Only version on an ongoing basis. PIMS Lite The...

PfH Business Solutions and Supply Management Framework


Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)

Lot 5 offers a comprehensive range of office and business furniture designed to meet the diverse needs of modern work environments. This includes desks, chairs, storage solutions, and meeting furniture, all aimed at providing high-quality, flexible, and aesthetically pleasing options for the public sector. Additional services such as space planning,...

National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Data Validation Services

Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

A number of NHS organisations are currently migrating, or are expected to migrate from a legacy Patient Administration System (PAS) to modern Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems. Many legacy PAS are not Referral to Treatment (RTT) compliant and, therefore, RTT Pathways and associated Events for migration have to be manually...

United Kingdom-London: Core Services Integrator (CSI)


Home Office

This Contract Notice outlines the Home Office's intent to competitively assess, select and award a contract to deliver the Core Services Integrator requirement. The Home Office has international objectives to reduce threat upstream, protect citizens at home and abroad, and secure the borders. These cross-cutting objectives include Counter Terrorism, Serious...

United Kingdom-Bristol: £12,515,833


Ministry of Defence

The Platform Equipment Delivery Team part of the Ministry of Defence, intends to award a contract to Naval Group Limited (“Naval Group”) for the purchase of four additional Fresh Water Cooling Heat Exchanger (HEATEX) units (“Units”) to be installed on submarines.

Over 9,000 Counter Terrorism & Security Tenders Published By DCI In The Last Year

1457 UK & ROI Notices

5915 Europe Notices

1675 Global Notices

Work With UK Defence Organisations

The MOD realises that it is vital to invest in plans to procure innovative and forward-thinking technologies to maintain its military advantage, keep the country secure and mitigate threats from terrorist organisations.

As the UK is facing a number of different terrorist threats it has created a counter terrorism strategy called CONTEST which aims to “reduce the risk to the UK and its citizens and interests overseas from terrorism so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.”

The Security Tenders Market Is Lucrative For Suppliers


Value of UK & ROI Notices published on DCI in 2016

Counter Terrorism Funding

The current Defence Plan involves spending over £186 billion on equipment and support over the decade from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2028 – this includes planned spending on a variety of counter terrorism related projects offering opportunities to suppliers both directly and within the defence and security supply chain.

The UK Government has stated that police, security and intelligence agencies will work with the private and public sectors to ensure that the UK is a safe place to live and work in – and counter terrorism procurement has a huge role to play in achieving this.

If you are interested in winning defence opportunities in the UK, learn more.

International Counter Terrorism

Countries around the world are addressing terrorist threats to their urban spaces – a real challenge considering the current security climate. To tackle this, partnerships must exist between all levels of government and law enforcement agencies and the broader public sector.

The nature of national security and counter terrorism in the 21st century means that government organisations have to deal with a number of sophisticated challenges, and they rely on the procurement process to find the suppliers who can provide the products, services and solutions that they need for this.

NATO’s Commitment To Counter Terrorism

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is a military alliance of 29 North American and European nations. It is currently working on its counter terrorism strategy and leading the way in defence innovation.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has estimated that European countries and Canada will spend an extra $266 billion on defence between 2018 and 2024 to modernise their defence capabilities and boost the fight against terrorism.

The organisation has stated that:

“NATO’s work on counter terrorism focuses on improving awareness of the threat, developing capabilities to prepare and respond, and enhancing engagement with partner countries and other international actors.”

NATO’s commitment to this area will provide future counter terrorism tender opportunities for suppliers to work with global defence organisations. If your organisation is interested in engaging with buyers from the defence world, learn how with our defence intelligence solution.

Cyber Terrorism

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, governments across the world share concerns that the impact from a major cyber attack could have a crippling effect on critical infrastructure in developed countries.

Public services such as hospitals are highly dependent on networks and their cyber counterparts. For example, when WannaCry struck in 2017, the ransomware cost public sector organisations across the world millions of pounds, while in the UK thousands of NHS patient appointments were cancelled due to the attack.

To tackle evolving threats, defence organisations must engage with private sector suppliers and specialists within the cyber security sector. If your business can offer expertise in this area visit the Cyber Security Procurement section of our website.

Win More, Engage Earlier

Countering terrorism requires partnerships.

For this kind of partnership to be successful, the UK Government must engage with a diverse range of suppliers. If your business is interested in expanding its client portfolio, the counter terrorism marketplace is open for business for innovative suppliers.

To win counter terrorism contracts, it is vital that you are practising early engagement with the defence buying community. This will prepare your business for future demands, and buyers that engage early with suppliers understand requirements better by speaking directly with industry experts and market leaders.

Find Counter Terrorism Tenders With Defence Intelligence

DCI’s suite of defence intelligence tools is suitable for any business that is already working with buyers within this marketplace.

Our service streamlines the search for counter terrorism contracts and saves suppliers looking for these opportunities time, resource and money – thanks to our defence tender alerts service.

If your business is seeking to secure more opportunities in defence, early engagement is crucial to winning counter terrorism contracts. DCI supplies users with a wide range of data and insight, from market news through to spend data and advance notice of framework renewals.

Learn more about how your business can access key decision makers, bidders and influencers with our suite of defence intelligence tools.

Find Security Tenders Today With A Demo Of DCI

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Simply fill in the form to request a demo and our team will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.

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