Manned Guarding Tenders

More and more organisations are looking to implement manned guarding in residential and commercial properties and local authority and other public buildings to ensure areas are as safe and secure as they can be. Every public and private sector body commissions security services.

If your organisation is looking for manned guarding tenders in the defence marketplace, Defence Contracts International publishes a range of manned guarding opportunities across the UK and internationally that your organisation can win.

Latest Manned Guarding Tenders

United Kingdom-Glasgow: Public Order Requirements


Scottish Police Authority

Public Order Requirements

536_25 Hire of Plant (without operator)



Note: The Closing date for submission of Tenders has been extended to 12:00, 07 April 2025. Renewal of a national framework for the hire of a wide range of plant and equipment, without operator. The framework is intended to meet the requirements of local authorities and other eligible public sector...

United Kingdom-Essex: ECFRS00315 Planned Preventative Maintenance Wethersfield and Orsett training Facilities


Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are seeking a supplier to provide Planned Preventative Maintenance of metal containers used for fire training at our Wethersfield and Orsett Training Facility sites. The work includes live fire training container repairs, maintenance and heat tile repair and replacement. The procurement covers surveys, planned...

United Kingdom-London: GLA Electoral Information Portal

Transport for London

The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to notify the market of TfL's intention to carry out early market engagement to assess the current market capabilities and appetite for the requirement. Transport for London, on behalf of the Greater London Authority, are seeking to procure an Electoral Information Portal....


Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire

The Customer wishes to establish a single Provider Contract for the provision of an Out Of Court Resolution Pathway The Service will manage referrals on an "offender-pays" basis As part of the national move towards the 2-tier out of court resolutions framework mandated under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts...

Global Manned Guarding Contracts

Manned guarding opportunities are not limited to just the UK. As organisations across the globe adopt security methods to align with modern approaches and evolving demands, there will be a continued emphasis on the importance of manned guarding as well as electronic security, two types of security tenders that offer a host of benefits for organisations. Over the next decade, demand for manned guarding contracts is set to increase, as governments and businesses increase their global security spend to match the political climate. If your business is interested in working in manned guarding contracts and growing within the defence marketplace worldwide, you can search manned guarding tender opportunities in:
  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Asia
  • Oceania
Since its establishment, DCI has built a long and proud history of working with organisations of all sizes and in all industries to help them expand within the defence industry in the UK and overseas. With the support of DCI and its range of powerful business intelligence tools, there are opportunities out there for your organisation to win.

UK Manned Guarding Contracts

The UK remains a huge hub for manned guarding procurement, and it is a market available to all suppliers from around the world.

The UK is facing considerable security challenges in the present landscape. The UK national threat level (in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) is currently ‘substantial’, which means a terrorist attack is likely. Organisations need to maintain vigilance by implementing appropriate safety and security measures where possible, which is why the role that defence procurement plays is crucial to future developments in this area.

The concerns around terrorism and cyber attacks are the key drivers for market growth. In 2018, the UK manned guarding market maintained value growth, rising 2.2% despite some difficult trading conditions, primarily due to Brexit uncertainty. However, the market is forecast to maintain growth over the next five years as the UK establishes its position outside Europe and sets further security strategies.

Find UK And International Manned Guarding Tenders

What types of manned guarding contracts can my organisation find?

Manned security guards

One of the most popular types of security tenders, manned security guarding is commonly used by commercial clients and private customers. Manned guarding entails having security offers on hand to protect a property, premises or event from intruders. They also deal with loss prevention and provide protection against assault or violence, making decisions quick decisions during any incident in a way that electronic security cannot.

Any organisation around the world can require manned security guarding at any time, making it an attractive market for new and existing defence suppliers.

Traffic marshals and car park security

Officers are utilised to ensure the safe movement of vehicles around a site, allowing for constant smooth movement and reducing the risk of accidents. Traffic marshals and car park security are a popular option for large event venues, including corporate events and tourist attractions, to add an emotional human response to security measures. Car park security can also prevent theft and damage to vehicles through the use of static guarding, mobile patrols, CCTV monitoring and controlled access. Combining the use of traffic marshals with electronic security produces the safest results.

Mobile patrols

Similar to manned guarding, officers will patrol a commercial or private property in a security vehicle at specific times of day. This is a particularly effective method of security in larger locations and open spaces, where it is difficult to cover ground. Mobile patrols can dissuade thieves from breaking into or vandalising property, particularly as the appearance of a security vehicle is often unexpected.

We highlight other areas of manned guarding procurement your organisation may work in below.

Get Started

Within the manned security market, buyers want to work with defence suppliers that can offer the following services:

  • Security guards
  • Crowd management
  • Event security stewards
  • Canine services
  • Training courses
  • Close protection
  • Surveillance


DCI hosts the largest defence database in Europe, offering a completely unique set of business intelligence tools and powerful data that can transform your organisation’s manned guarding procurement.