
DSTL announces satellite station

DSTL has announced a new satellite station in Portsdown West as part of the MOD’s space programme.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) has acquired a site in Prtsdown West for a new satellite station. The station will control satellites in low-Earth and geosynchronous orbits and forms part of the DSTL’s Science & Technology (S & T) programme.

The station will use a 6.3-metre antenna to direct satellites in orbit. The station will take its first satellites at the end of this year and will be used to control multiple missions and ground assets by 2021.

Gary Aitkenhead, DSTL Chief Executive, said: “Dstl is building world-class expertise in developing systems for the space environment. Creating a ground infrastructure for future Space S&T missions is a key milestone in the continued rapid growth in our Space programme, supporting both Dstl, our colleagues across the MOD, and our other national and international partners.”

DSTL is conducting research into test software for satellite missions and training military and civilian personnel in mission operations. The MOD has also pledged support to the Virgin Orbit programme and US-UK satellite operations.

The station is the start of new in-orbit research goals and concept demonstrator missions for the MOD to understand the space domain and ensure freedom of action for UK missions in the future. They aim to ensure the protection of future UK operations against emerging space-based threats from hostile powers.

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