DCI Features & Benefits

With features built to support your business growth at every level, whether you are an SME relatively new to working with the defence sector, or a large multinational corporate company looking for deeper market insight, DCI provides a range of market-leading tools to help you to engage earlier, be more competitive and sell more effectively.

Market Leads

Market Leads is a powerful tool that gives you instant visibility of potential private sector leads, public sector framework opportunities and pipeline contracts long before they’ve even been tendered.

Market Intelligence

DCI’s in-house professional journalists research business and government news daily from our database of more than 5,000 unique sources, and only provide you with market updates matching your unique business profile for maximum relevance.

Archive Data

Business decisions are reached through understanding not only the current marketplace, but what has gone before, which is why we provide historical contract notices, awards, PINs, frameworks and renewal information for you to analyse and use to your advantage.

Spend Analysis

Spend Analysis collates and publishes all UK defence sector and English public sector spend data in line with the Government’s Transparency Agenda, which requires UK local and central government to publish details of all transactions over £500 and £25,000 respectively.

Commercial Projects

Both government and private sector outsourcing increased in 2018 – with so much opportunity available in the private sector marketplace, learn how to expand your business portfolio with DCI’s Commercial Projects tool.


Find new framework contracts and explore active framework agreements to gain key insight to help with business growth and competitor strategies.

Dynamic Purchasing Systems

With innovation at our core, DCI is an early adopter of highlighting DPS opportunities for suppliers. DPS work in a similar fashion to the traditional framework agreements but are essentially always open for suppliers to join (or leave) as they wish.

Bid Manager

Bid Manager is designed to make your public sector tendering process more efficient. The tool allows you to create bids for any tender notices of interest and manage these through to completion.

Contract Alerts

DCI’s Contract Alerts service provides you with access to more tender opportunities and awards notices than anyone else in Europe, providing you with all you need to find, bid for and win public and private sector business.

FastTrack Growth Reports

FastTrack Growth Reports provide a robust, effective and proven approach to converting high volumes of data into the intelligence needed to secure growth in a competitive marketplace.

Membership Benefits

Unlock the potential of your DCI membership with a range of exclusive benefits worth up to £2,000.

As a DCI member, based on your package level you have access to a range of exclusive benefits all designed to help you engage earlier, be more competitive and sell more effectively.

Procurement Consultancy

Our Procurement Consultants are vastly experienced in the public sector procurement arena, and have been engaged in delivering procurement consultancy services in projects across the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Africa for over 20 years.Whether part of a package or a standalone requirement, we offer on or offsite access to a Procurement Consultant who will work closely with you and provide the following services that best benefit your organisation.

Bid To Win Workout

Your Bid to Win Workout is key to getting the most from your new DCI Contracts service.

Designed and delivered by our expert PASS procurement consultants, it helps you prepare to win more public sector contracts.