
Future Royal Navy warships design overview

Following the MOD’s recent announcement of investment in new Type 26 Global Combat Ships, DCI looks in depth at the new designs and what this investment will mean to UK industry.

Due to arrive in 2021, the new Royal Navy warship design has been called a “significant milestone” by MOD officials and will replace the 13 existing Type 23 Frigates.

Set to become the “backbone” of the Royal Navy, the new fleet will boast a helicopter hangar, capacity for unmanned air, sea or water vehicles, vertical missile silos for a range of weapons, and stealth design features to make the fleet more difficult to detect.

Former Minister for Defence Equipment Peter Luff said: “The Type 26 will be the backbone of the Royal Navy for decades to come.

“It is designed to be adaptable and easily upgraded, reacting to threats as they change.”

The MOD as yet have not confirmed the exact number of new vessels expected; however, the investment is part of a larger programme which is hoped will generate “thousands of UK shipbuilding jobs”.

Geoff Searle, BAE’s programme director, said a team of 350 people across the entire UK including marine engineers, designers and accountants have already been involved in the work, with more benefits to come across UK industry when construction begins.


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