
GB-Bristol: 40 Retirement Flats

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: 40 Retirement Flats
Client name: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd
Site address: Plot MU5 Land At Junction Of, Hayes Way, Charlton Boulevard, Patchway, Bristol, Avon, BS34 5AG
Value: GBP 2000000
Start date: 11/07/2017
Contract period: 13 months.
Region: South West
Sector: Private Housing, Private Housing, Offices, Utilities, Infrastructure


Planning stage: Plans Approved, Detail Plans Granted
Contract stage: Contract Awarded, Contract Awarded

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Storeys: 4
Units: 40
Council name: South Gloucestershire
Application number: PT16/4976/F
Application date: 14/09/2016
Published: 23/09/2016
Last updated: 30/05/2017
Project ID: 16344321

Latest information: Application number PT16/4976/F has been approved. We are currently trying to establish further information on this project.

Tender information: Contract has now been awarded

Scheme description: Scheme comprises construction of a part three, part four and part two storey building comprising 40 retirement living apartments with associated communal lounge, guest suite, house managers office, refuse and electric buggy store, sub-station and communal landscaped grounds accesses and parking. The associated works include sewer systems, landscaping, infrastructure, enabling works and estate road.

Planning description: Detailed plans have been granted.

Client: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd, First Floor Blackbrook Gate 1, Blackbrook Park Avenue, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01823 200500. Website: Email: Contact: Ms Jess Pople. Job title: Commercial Co Ordinator

Plans By: The Planning Bureau Ltd, First Floor Blackbrook Gate 1, Blackbrook Park Avenue, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01823200500. Email: Contact: Mr David Williams. Job title: Planner

Architect: The Bishop Wand Church of England School, Unit 10, Ty-Nant Court, Morganstown, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 029 2022 7926. Fax: 029 2022 8255. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Jeremy Osborne. Job title: Design Manager

Drainage Engineers: Hydrock, Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01454 619 533. Website: Email:,,, Contact: Mr Richard Hughes. Job title: Engineer
Contact: Mr David Lloyd. Job title: Director Flood Risk
Contact: Mr Simon Mirams. Job title: Senior Flood Risk Consultant
Contact: Ms Elzbieta Gawor. Job title: Infrastructure Engineer

Acoustic Consultant: Hydrock, Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01454 619 533. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Sunil Patel. Job title: Engineer

Main Contractor: McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd, First Floor Blackbrook Gate 1, Blackbrook Park Avenue, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01823 200500. Website: Email: Contact: Ms Jess Pople. Job title: Commercial Co Ordinator

Additional information: Start date, contract period & Value is a guideline only.

For plot MU6 please refer project id: 16344876.

Sector categories: Private Housing, Offices, Utilities, Infrastructure

Materials: Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Floors, Timber~Floors, Carpets~Roof, Pitched~Roof, Timber truss~Fittings, Suspended ceilings~Windows, Double glazed~Doors, Timber~Doors, Fire~Lift, Passenger~Site Works, Block Paving~Walls, Brick~Site Works, Kerbing~Site Works, Drain Covers~Site Works, Soakaways~Site Works, White Lining~Site Works, Hardcore~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Lighting Columns~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Power Cables~Site Works, Bollards~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Road Drainage~Site Works, Sewer Outfall~Fittings, Fire escapes~Fittings, Fire alarm system~Fittings, Kitchen~Fittings, Bathroom~Fittings, Access controls~Fittings, Emergency Lighting


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