
GB-Bristol: Project Management, Project Controls and Integrated Logistics Delivery Partner

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

MOD Addendum
GB-Bristol: Project Management, Project Controls and Integrated Logistics Delivery Partner

Region Codes: UKK1

Section I: Contract Title
Contract Title: GB-Bristol: Project Management, Project Controls and Integrated Logistics Delivery Partner

Section II: Identification Numbers
MOD Contract Notice Nr: PMPC/0001
Contract Number: PMPC/0001

Section III: Issuing Branch / Organisation Details
Notice Address:
Ministry of Defence, Agencies/Misc, Other
LARCH 0A# 2021, Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH, United Kingdom
Tel. 0306 79 37693, Email:, URL:
Contact: Catherine Miller, Attn: Catherine Miller

Section IV: Product / Service Descriptor Code
Industry Codes:
79421000 – Project-management services other than for construction work.

Section V: Summary of Requirements / Description of Work
Summary of Requirements / Description of Work: Project-management services other than for construction work. The UK MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) is notifying the market of a potential forthcoming procurement to appoint a Project Management, Project Controls and Integrated Logistics Delivery Partner.


The UK MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) performs a vital, bespoke and challenging role in support of national security: it equips and supports the UK’s Armed Forces for operations now and in the future. In procuring new military equipment, commodities and services, supporting in-service equipment through-life and managing global logistics operations, DE&S is responsible for delivering some of the most complex products and services in the world which covers around £14bn per annum of the MOD’s total third party spend with industry. DE&S employs a mix of civil servants and military personnel, plus contractor staff to perform specialist roles and its internal workforce is deployed at numerous locations in the UK and overseas. The bulk of the workforce however, is located on several main operating sites, with over half based at the main acquisition hub at Abbey Wood, Bristol.

DE&S’s activities range from the provision and support of complex equipments, such as nuclear submarines and combat aircraft, through to global logistics operations in hostile environments and high volume, low value items such as clothing and commodities such as fuel and food. This often involves innovative technologies, complex safety assessments, sophisticated supply chains and the full spectrum of sourcing strategies. The outputs from DE&S are used by the UK’s Armed Forces in uncertain environments and operational roles that are subject to changing demands.

Director of General Programmes DE&S

Director of General Programmes provides the leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that DE&S has the proper operational controls, as well as administrative and reporting procedures in place to effectively transform the organisation, ensuring enhanced capability and operating efficiency. The role is accountable for Project Management, Project Controls, Engineering and Integrated Logistics across DE&S. The three functions relevant to this procurement are:

The Project Management Function – The Project Management function ensures efficient and effective utilisation of Portfolio, Programme and Project Management (P3M) resources (personnel & tools from various functions) within the DE&S. The Function is responsible for PM policy and process as well as the deployment of P3M resource. Within the DE&S balanced matrix Portfolio, Programme and Project Managers are accountable for delivery of the outputs and outcomes defined within agreed Command Acquisition Support Plans (CASP), and other external / internal agreements.

The Project Controls Function – The Project Controls function is critical to enabling other DE&S Functions and in particular the Project Management and Integrated Logistics functions to deliver what we have promised to our customers – to the required scope, to cost and on time. Project Controls is the eyes; ears and conscience of every project, providing the right information, at the right time, in the right format to drive better informed decision making. The remit is to establish clear project baselines and manage subsequent delivery against those baselines. Through analytics and insight, the function highlights any material divergence from agreed project baselines, provides prompts that action is required, provides information that guides management decisions, maintains and exploits project data across a range of Estimating, Risk Management, Scheduling, Cost Control and Project Control Management specialisms.

The Integrated Logistics (iLog) Function – Integrated Logistics is DE&S’ functional authority for the management, optimisation and service delivery of in-service support. It covers a breadth of disciplines that are important to sustaining military capability in our Armed Forces. Standing-up the Integrated Logistics function means a professional home for industrial, non-industrial and military staff, who manage and deliver the services that provide in-service support.


DE&S is developing the Commercial Model for the provision of a Delivery Partner to assist in the delivery of a wide range of Project Management, Project Controls, and Integrated Logistics related products, services, and tasks. In addition, the Partner will be a key provider of temporary, suitably qualified and experienced personnel to meet DE&S resource shortfalls in these three Functional areas across a range of our role profiles. The Partner will have the capability to readily access a range of specialist and SME personnel/services including but not limited to the following:
• P3M;
• whole life cost estimation/risk and opportunity analysis;
• strategic resource management analysis and expertise ;
• asset management solutions;
• operational/logistics management;
• quality assurance and forensic schedule analysis and
• cost management including Earned Value Management.

The Partner must be able to demonstrate core corporate capabilities in the three functional areas as detailed above. They will be required to be agile and flexible to the requests of DE&S and work closely with the Functions to integrate and continuously improve the way Services are delivered in order to achieve a number of benefits including but not limited to:
• Reduced cost;
• Enhanced quality;
• Improving the way in which services are provided and the speed of their delivery;
• Enhancing the forward planning of products and support services to business units;
• Standardising the way in which products and services are requested and defined, and;
• Standardising the delivery of outputs (where applicable).

This requirement will form part of DE&S’s ongoing transformation strategy towards a best-in-class delivery organisation.

DE&S is keen to engage with suppliers from across industry. This acquisition is expressly not limited to those with defence sector experience as experience and knowledge in other market sectors may well have value to offer to us. It is envisaged that the majority of people to be provided will be deployed in Bristol, although there is the potential for other locations across the United Kingdom. DE&S is an equal opportunities employer and is seeking a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Additional Information
A pre-procurement market engagement session with interested parties will be held on 16th November 2017 at 14:00 – 16:00. Delegates are asked to arrive at 13:30.

The venue address is as follows:

The Holiday Bristol Filton
Filton Road,
BS16 1QX.

The primary purpose of this event is to outline the current DE&S organisation, the intended requirement, procurement and project timescales followed by a question and answer session. The event is aimed at any interested party and there will also be the opportunity for networking following the event.

Numbers for the event will be limited initially to two attendees per company. Those interested in attending are invited to respond by email to, clearly stating in the subject PM, PC and ILog Delivery Partner Industry Day with the following information by 13th November 2017 (this date has been extended from that previously published):

1. Company details
2. Attendees details:
a. Full name
b. Contact details (email address and telephone number)
c. Position within company

A confirmation email will be issued to responding companies no later than 15th November 2017 containing arrival and administration details for the event.

Please note that no expenses will be paid for attendance at the industry day and any discussions remain subject to contract and without commitment to placing a contract.

Non-attendance of the Industry Day or failure to express an interest at this juncture will not preclude or prejudice engagement with this potential requirement at a later date.


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