
GB-Burnham-On-Sea: Golf Club House

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: Golf Club House
Client name: Brean Leisure Park Ltd
Site address: Brean Leisure Park, Coast Road, Berrow, Burnham-On-Sea, Somerset, TA8 2QY
Value: GBP 4500000
Start date: 17/07/2017
Contract period: 12 months
Region: South West
Sector: Hotel & Leisure, Utilities, Infrastructure, Offices, Hotel & Leisure, Retail, Industrial


Planning stage: Plans Approved, Detail Plans Granted
Contract stage: Tenders, Tenders Returned

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Storeys: 2
Units: 1
Floor Area: 998
Council name: Sedgemoor
Application number: 06/09/00016, 06/15/00015
Application date: 15/12/2009, 23/10/2015
Published: 22/01/2010
Last updated: 04/05/2017
Project ID: 10027288

Latest information: Tenders have been returned.

Tender information: Tenders returned.

Scheme description: Scheme comprises construction of a two storey club house, construction of bowling green, tennis courts and creation of parking spaces and access thereto including natural ventilation and Changing Spaces & BS8300.
The associated works include sewer systems, landscaping, infrastructure, enabling and access roads.

This will be delivered in 2 phases.
Phase 1 – Club House
Phase 2 – Bowling Green and Tennis Courts.

Planning description: Detailed plans have been granted.

Client: Brean Leisure Park Ltd, Unity Farm, Coast Road, Berrow, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01278 751595. Fax: 01278 752102. Website: Email:, Contact: Mr Richard House. Job title: Owner
Contact: Mr Andrew March. Job title: Owner

Plans By: Wolsterholme & Partners, The Studio, Marston Lane, Somerset, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01373 464500. Website: Email:
Architect: Arturus Architects, 40 Quayside, Hotwell Road, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0117 3169 467. Fax: 0117 923 7489. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Simon Stacey. Job title: Architect Associate

Drainage Engineers: Hydrock, Over Court Barns, Over Lane, Almondsbury, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 02920023665. Website: Email:, Contact: Dr David Lloyd. Job title: Technical Director
Contact: Mr Jon Cracknell. Job title: Senior Flood Risk Consultant

Quantity Surveyor: Chappell, Unit 2, Davron Court, Whitehouse Place, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0117 963 3400. Fax: 01179 633 411. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Paul Chappell. Job title: Proprietor

Structural Consultant: JDL Consultants, 68 Macrae Road, Eden Office Park, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01275372154. Fax: 0117 946 7116. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Alexander Kyte. Job title: Structural Engineer

Additional information: Start date and contract period are guidelines only.

Please note Chappell will be undertaking the Project Management as well.

Sector categories: Hotel & Leisure, Utilities, Infrastructure, Offices, Retail, Industrial

Materials: Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Doors, Timber~Doors, Fire~Fittings, Suspended ceilings~Fittings, Bathroom~Fittings, Kitchen~Fittings, Fire alarm system~Fittings, Fire escapes~Fittings, Access controls~Floors, Raised access~Floors, Carpets~Heating, Air conditioned~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Drain Covers~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Kerbing~Site Works, White Lining~Fittings, Emergency Lighting~Walls, Rendered~Walls, Brick~Roof, Pitched~Roof, Tile~Windows, UPVC framed~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Tarmac Surfacing~Site Works, Gravel~Architectural Hardware, Rainwater Goods (Metal)~Doors, Aluminium~Doors, Steel~Fittings, Balconies~Fittings, Balustrades~Lift, Disabled~Roof, Aluminium cladding~Roof, Photovoltaic Panels~Roof, Standing Seam~Site Works, Concrete Paving~Site Works, Lighting Columns~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Walls, Stone~Walls, Timber cladding~Windows, Aluminium framed~Windows, Rooflight


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