
GB-London: Specialist Radar and Fighter Platform Technical Support Services

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Notice Type:MOD Contract Notice

GB-London: Specialist Radar and Fighter Platform Technical Support Services
Region Codes: UKI

Section I: Contract Title
1. Contract Title: GB-London: Specialist Radar and Fighter Platform Technical Support Services
2. Section (DIO only):

Section II: Identification Numbers
1. MOD Contract Notice Nr: 700002060

Section III: Relevant Dates
1. Deadline for Expression of Interest: 29/05/2019
2. Proposed/Estimated ITT Issue Date: 05/06/2019
3. Proposed/Estimated ITT Return Date: 26/06/2019
4. Proposed Issue Date of Contract: 03/07/2019
5. Proposed Completion Date of Contract: 30/06/2024

Section IV: Issuing Branch / Organisation Details
1. Notice Address
Ministry of Defence, C&C, Other
Floor 6, Zone D, Desk 01, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB, United Kingdom
Tel. 02072183915, Email:
Attn: Ian Allpress

Section V: Product / Service Descriptor Code
1. Industry Codes:
71356300 – Technical support services.

Section VI: Summary of Requirements / Description of Work, Goods and Services
1. Summary of Requirements / Description of Work: Technical support services. The sensitivity of the material from which this work is drawn dictates that some of it must be completed within the offices of DI, or through a supplier’s secure infrastructure that meets the stringent security requirements. Individuals taking forward the work must be capable of working on material classified higher than Secret.

Technical support is required for several areas within Air and Space (A&S). We welcome tenders from companies that can meet the requirements of one, several or, all of the five elements described below. A competing company does not need to apply for all five roles. DI are willing to allocate the roles to more than one company to satisfy the requirements.

The roles described are intended to be filled by one person – or maybe two – per role. This will equate to there being one full time equivalent per role. DI does not consider recruiting a team of people (more than two) and associated project managers for each role to be the ideal scenario. One person per role will be the preference for DI, which is driven by IT set up costs and the demand for seating in Main Building. We require an element of consistency be applied to each role brought about by having dedicated individuals delivering the work.

DI will not reject a tender from a company that makes a proposal to undertake the work from their main offices rather than travelling to MoD Main Building, daily. Any company willing to pay to have the relevant computer network specifically associated with DI, installed at their home offices can do so. However, a security assessment of the suppliers proposed work location is a pre-requisite. The supplier will be responsible for all IT set up costs (plus removal costs at contract end) as well as those associated with any changes necessary to the intended premises security infrastructure. Being awarded a contract does not guarantee that the premises for which an installation is intended will meet the security criteria. It is not possible to confirm or hint at the cost of such a set up since every premises will likely be different. Any successful supplier wanting to adopt this approach will be expected to work from MoD Main Building until the infrastructure has been set up.

1) Modelling, Integration and Performance (MIP) deliverables and experience required

a. Provide a tech query answering service for DI CA A&S desk officers on point, mission and comparative fixed wing aircraft performance.

b. Investigate the aircraft design and aerodynamics of fixed wing air vehicles to produce aerodynamic data and aircraft performance assessments of specified aircraft.

• Liaise with appropriate UK and international SME to obtain intelligence on aircraft being assessed and agree the aircraft data which the overall aircraft assessment will be validated;
• Reverse engineering must be based on knowledge of manufacturing practices and design methodologies belonging to threat nations;
• Liaise with external contractors to provide technical oversight of work packages with aerodynamic and propulsion performance content including CFD work packages and propulsion modelling (experience using Cart3d and Virtual Sketchpad is desirable);
• This work must be undertaken as directed on legacy, current and future aircraft and UAVs, dependant on the DI CA priorities. Approximately 4 platforms annually (mix of air vehicles chosen at the discretion of the Authority);
• A high level of skill is required in the use of aircraft performance codes; PRFORM, AEROEST, APOSTL and MPPERER;
• A high level of skill in the use of MS Office Applications and TecPlot Focus.
• A basic level of skill in the use of NLR GSP (Netherlands Aerospace Centre Gas Turbine Simulation Program).

c. Maintain and enhance the tools used by the Authority to assess the aerodynamic design and performance of aircraft.

d. Maintain and contribute to the aerodynamic and performance knowledge database of threat aircraft.

e. Provide briefings, special reports and input to staff papers as directed by the authority through liaison with UK and international SME.

f. Provide assessments of export licence requests to make balanced value judgements on the potential to misuse detailed material. Up to 10 assessments annually as directed by the authority.

g. Deliver models based on customer demands and priorities, to assess aircraft performance and deliver intelligence.

• Creation and manipulation of specified aircraft and system representations in MATLAB-Simulink. Modelling the response of aircraft, in both quasi-steady state and through transients.
• Competent use of aircraft modelling and simulation performance codes such as MPPERER, HERCULES, MERLIN and HYDRA is required.
• Modelling must conform to TMAP principles.

h. Generate and maintain the aerodynamic and performance entries for Threatweb.

i. Identify ‘aircraft performance’ intelligence gaps and inform the relevant DI CA A&S desk officers.

The start date for LOT 1 is later than for LOTS 2-5. LOTS 2-5 will be contracted for the length of the contract. The start date for LOT 1 is January 2020.

2) Fighter platform analyst support deliverables and experience required

• Support the review of, or provide:
o technical assessments on DI’s primary web-based product. Approximately 12 assessments annually at the discretion of the Authority. Undertaken by comparing the last published threat assessments to any recent intelligence data to identify any new information that will change the scope of the existing assessment (Priority Task);
o vulnerability assessments of potential threat systems required by customers across UK Defence, including strategic (cross-government), operational (Air Warfare Centre) and capability customers (Air Cap). Approximately 3 assessments annually at the discretion of the Authority;
o a technical overview, looking at for example the advantages and disadvantages of a particular airframe design, the capabilities of a particular defensive aids suite and, an overview of likely future stealth technologies. Approximately 6 brief written overviews to be provided annually at the discretion of the team leader;
o in short time (3 hours approximately) a technical query answer service giving insight to scenarios such as; advantages of a particular airframe material; the integration process for an avionics system. Approximately 6 brief written overviews to be provided annually at the discretion of the team leader.
• Willingness to travel and participate in international conferences and intelligence exchanges and if necessary deliver presentations on matters of interest. Approximately 1 conference annually. An example of a theme is ‘6th generation aircraft: capability overview, advantages, disadvantages, vulnerabilities and likely future aircraft designs’.
• Experience required of undertaking detailed, technical assessments of aircraft systems, including weapons, propulsion, airframe and avionics, signatures and sensors.
• Technical degree-level education and/or relevant experience of aero systems engineering is essential.

3) Dassault Systèmes Solidworks support

Produce 3d Solidworks CAD models primarily (but not exclusively) for the Fighter shop analysts.

• Proficiency in the use of Dassault Systèmes Solidworks. Capable of creating fit for purpose 3d CAD models sometimes from limited information and imagery using a broad experience of aircraft design and general arrangements including ducts and exhaust nozzles. Approximately 3 models a year to be produced at the discretion of the Authority;
• Proficient in the use of photogrammetry techniques to ensure that measurement assumptions made in the production of any CAD models are derived from reliable, tried and tested techniques. Limited imagery will be available to the CAD modeller. It is likely that any imagery available will be limited, will have been acquired from varied sources and created using more than one type of camera.
• Produce approximately 3 general arrangement drawings per year;
• Liaise with internal MoD and external agencies, including civilian companies and international intelligence partners, to enhance DI’s CAD model production capability.
• Desirable; Working knowledge of Bentley Microstation software.

4) Airborne electronic warfare analyst support deliverables and experience required

• Review extant and undertake new technical assessments on DI’s primary web-based product (Threat Web). Approximately 20 assessments annually at the discretion of the Authority. Undertaken by comparing the last published threat assessments to any recent intelligence data to identify any new information that will change the scope of the existing assessment (Priority Task);
• Act as the subject matter expert to support the technical assessment of airborne electronic warfare threat systems.
• Provide briefings, special reports and input to staff papers as directed by the authority through liaison with UK and international SME.
• Manage and/or participate in compartmented projects as directed by the authority.
• Technical degree-level education and/or relevant experience of airborne electronic warfare systems is essential.

5) Integrated Air Defence System (IADS) support deliverables and experience required

a. Technical support
• Review extant and, undertake new technical assessments on DI’s primary web-based product (Threat Web) to include analysis of early warning search radars and target acquisition radars; Approximately 20 assessments annually at the discretion of the Authority. Undertaken by comparing the last published threat assessments to any recent intelligence data to identify any new information that will change the scope of the existing assessment (Priority Task);
• Subject matter expert to support the technical assessment of IADS including ground-based air surveillance radar, passive detection, jammers and commands, control, communications and computer (C4) systems;
• Respond to adhoc requests to include RFIs (Requests for Information) from customers across Defence;
• Technical degree-level education and/or relevant experience of ground-based radar (passive, active and integrated) engineering is essential;

b. AMBER model production
• Produce a minimum of four high fidelity Amber Radar models per year to TMAP standards;
• Essential; Matlab and Simulink experience;
• Undertaking sensitivity analysis;
2. Main Place of Performance or Delivery: LONDON
3. Can a supplier bid alone for only a part of the contract?: Yes
Section VII: Reverse Auction
1. Reverse Auction: Yes. A Reverse Auction, conducted using electronic means, may be used as part of the procurement process for this requirement. Specific relevant information on Reverse Auction usage will be given in the Invitation to Tender.

Section VIII: Estimated Value of Requirement
1. Estimated Value of Requirement: Category F1c: 870K – 4.5M GBP

Section IX: QA Standards
1. QA Standards: BS EN ISO 9001 with appropriate scope

Section XII: Additional Information
1. Additional Information:
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.Suppliers interested in working with the MOD should register on its Supplier Information Database (SID), available at The SID is a catalogue of potential suppliers available to all MOD procurement staff, and is the main supplier database used by MOD. Please note that the registration and publication of a company profile on the SID does not mean or imply that the supplier has in any way been vetted or approved by the MOD. Suppliers wishing to compete for a contract opportunity must respond to any specific call for competition by submitting a separate expression of interest in accordance with the instructions in the contract notice.
The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter), the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect any changes in national law or government policy, whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise.

Advertising Regime DCB:- These contract opportunities are published on mod Contracts Online and in the MoD Defence Contracts Bulletin.
Suppliers must read through this set of instructions and follow the process to respond to this opportunity.
The information and/or documents for this opportunity are available on
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Suppliers must log in, go to your Response Manager and add the following Access Code: ZVR3V3S5X8.

Please ensure you follow any instruction provided to you here.
The deadline for submitting your response(s) is detailed within this contract notice, you will also have visibility of the deadline date, once you have added the Access code via DCO as the opening and closing date is visible within the opportunity.
Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this opportunity prior to the closing date and time, especially if you have been asked to upload documents.
If you experience any difficulties please refer to the online Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ�s) or the User Guides or contact the MOD DCO Helpdesk by emailing or Telephone 0800 282 324.


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