
GB-New Malden: 456 Flats & 1 Office

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: 456 Flats & 1 Office
Client name: Redrow Homes – East London~21780639
Site address: Tesco Site, 265 Burlington Road, Merton, London, KT3 4NE
Value: GBP 23290000
Start date: 15/05/2020
Region: London
Sector: Private Housing, Utilities, Offices, Infrastructure


Planning stage: Early Planning, Detailed Plans Submitted
Contract stage: Contract Awarded, Contract Awarded

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Storeys: 15
Units: 457
Floor Area: 499
Council name: Merton
Application number: 19/P2387
Application date: 12/07/2019
Published: 24/07/2019
Last updated: 24/07/2019
Project ID: 19255002

Latest information: Detailed plans have been submitted.

Please note the addition of the project name.

Please note the contact name of the Mechanical and Electrical consultant.

Please note the Client , new branch location is London has taken over from Basildon.

This is a Developer/Builder scheme.

Tender information: Contract has now been awarded

Scheme description: Scheme comprises demolition of the existing buildings and construction of two blocks of development ranging in height between seven and 15 storeys and comprising 456 new flats, of which 114 will be one beds, 290 will be two beds and 52 will be three beds,(35% affordable homes) 499sqm of B1(a) office space will be accommodated at ground floor level along with 220 car parking spaces, 830 cycle parking spaces, a realigned junction onto burlington road, hard and soft landscaping and associated residential facilities. The application also includes minor changes to the layout and configuration of the retained tesco car park. The development has been designed to meet secured by design requirements .This project includes mechanical ventilation units with heat recovery (MVHR) & natural ventilation. This project has been designed using building information modelling ( bim ). This project also includes associated infrastructure works and access roads.

Planning description: An application has been submitted for detailed approval.

Client: Redrow Homes – North West, Unit 5, Stratford Railway Station, 7 Station Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 02083588340. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Ricardo Rossetti. Job title: Planning Director

Architect: Flametree Properties, 1 America Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0207 208 2000. Website: Email:
Planning Consultant: Davies Murch, 3rd Floor, 86 – 90 Paul Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0203 856 4140. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Jon Murch. Job title: Director

Landscape Consultant: Exterior Architecture, 1S, Hewlett House, 5 Havelock Terrace, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 020 7978 2101. Website: Email:, Contact: Ms Helene Saulue. Job title: Design Associate CMLI
Contact: Mr Leighton Pace. Job title: Managing Director

Fire & Safety Consultant: Fire Design Solutions, 152 – 154 London Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01322 387411. Website: Email:
Consulting Civil Eng: Patrick Parsons Ltd, Floor 4, Central Square, Forth Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0191 261 9000. Website:
CDM Co-ordinator: MDA Consulting Ltd, The Bell Building, Norfolk Row, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 020 7399 0888. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Mark Fowler. Job title: Director

Other Consultant: becg-Built Environment Communications Group, The Pump House, Garnier Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01962 893 893. Website:
Other Consultant: Hodkinson Consultancy, The Heights, 59 – 65 Lowlands Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 020 3603 1600. Website: Email:, Contact: Ms Zoe Lowther. Job title: Associate
Contact: Mr Nikhil Doshi. Job title: Associate Director

Acoustic Consultant: WSP Group, 6 Devonshire Square, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 02073371700. Website: Email:, Contact: Mr Chris Wood. Job title: Engineer
Contact: Ms Sarah Whydle. Job title: Senior Acoustic Consultant

Mech & Elec Consultant: Silcock Dawson & Partners, Golden Cross House, 8 Duncanon Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 020 7484 5084. Website: Email:
Structural Consultant: Patrick Parsons Ltd, Floor 4, Central Square, Forth Street, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0191 261 9000. Website:
Drainage Engineers: Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd, The Sussex Innovation Centre, Science Park Square, Falmer, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01273 704 441. Website: Email:,,,,, Contact: Mr Mark Naumann. Job title: Principal Engineer
Contact: Ms Mona Cowman. Job title: Associate
Contact: Mr Ryan Hofman. Job title: Lead Engineer/Operations Manager
Contact: Mr Daniel Cook. Job title: Manager & Principal Flood Risk Consultan
Contact: Mr Nick Drewett. Job title: Flood Risk Consultant
Contact: Mr Bojidar Boiadjiev. Job title: Graduate Engineer

Main Contractor: Redrow Homes – North West, 2 Aurum Court, Sylvan Way, Southfields Business Park, Laindon, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0126 888 6400. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Ricardo Rossetti. Job title: Planning Director

Sector categories: Utilities, Offices, Private Housing, Infrastructure

Materials: Windows, Solar Panelling~Walls, Brick~Fittings, Balustrades~Fittings, Balconies~Roof, Photovoltaic Panels~Roof, Green/Sedum~Foundations, Piled~Lift, Passenger~Fittings, Fire alarm system~Fittings, Fire escapes~Site Works, Sewer Outfall~Fittings, Emergency Lighting~Doors, Fire~Site Works, Railings~Site Works, Message Signs~Roof, Flat~Site Works, Lighting Columns~Fittings, Bathroom~Fittings, Kitchen~Site Works, Road Drainage~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Site Works, White Lining~Site Works, Drain Covers~Heating, Comb. Heat & Pwr Sys.~Doors, Sliding folding~Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Floors, Carpets~Windows, Double glazed~Doors, Timber~Doors, Double glazed~Site Works, Kerbing


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