
GB-Tunbridge Wells: 13 Houses/2 Flats

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: 13 Houses/2 Flats
Client name: Nevill Estate Co Ltd~960627281
Site address: Land at, Fern Close, Frant, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 9BW
Value: GBP 1125000
Start date: 02/09/2019
Region: South East
Sector: Private Housing, Private Housing, Infrastructure, Utilities


Planning stage: Plans Approved, Detail Plans Granted
Contract stage: Tenders, Tenders Returned

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Units: 15
Council name: Wealden
Application number: WD/2016/1519/MAJ
Application date: 02/08/2016
Published: 10/08/2016
Last updated: 30/04/2019
Project ID: 16288474

Latest information: Main contractor due to be appointed early July 2019.

Tender information: Tenders returned.

Scheme description: Scheme comprises construction of 15 new residential units containing 13 houses and 2 flats (of which 5 are affordable homes) comprising four one bedroom, five two bedrooms and six three bedroom properties, along with associated infrastructure, (including contributions towards the provision of a dedicated pedestrian crossing over frant green road) the retention of the stewardship car park, ancillary parking, landscaping and internal service roads including SUDS. The associated works include sewer systems, cable laying, landscaping, infrastructure, enabling and access roads.

Planning description: Detailed plans have been granted.

Client: Nevill Estate Co Ltd, Estate Office, Eridge Park, Eridge Green, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01892 750766. Website: Email: Contact: Mr John Bee. Job title: Estates Manager

Planning Consultant: Cubed Projects, Ridgers Barn, Bunny Lane, Eridge, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01892 750018. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Julian Black. Job title: Director

Architect: Stephen Langer Associates, York Cottage, Major Yorks Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01892 524555. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Guy De Montfort. Job title: Architect

Drainage Engineers: Unda Consulting Ltd, Old Brighton Road, Southpoint, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01444 819200. Website: Email:,, Contact: Mr Edward Bouet. Job title: Senior Consultant
Contact: Ms Jackie Stone. Job title: Flood Risk Consultant
Contact: Mr Scott Ferguson. Job title: Surface Water Specialist

Additional information: We are unable to verify the contact details of the Drainage Engineer since 23/10/2018, 11/01/2019.

Sector categories: Private Housing, Infrastructure, Utilities

Materials: Walls, Brick~Walls, Rendered~Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Floors, Timber~Floors, Carpets~Roof, Pitched~Roof, Timber truss~Roof, Clay tile~Fittings, Suspended ceilings~Windows, Double glazed~Windows, Rooflight~Doors, Timber~Site Works, Kerbing~Site Works, Tarmac Surfacing~Site Works, Drain Covers~Site Works, White Lining~Site Works, Hardcore~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Power Cables~Site Works, Pedestrian Refuge~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Road Drainage~Site Works, Sewer Outfall~Fittings, Fire escapes~Fittings, Kitchen~Fittings, Bathroom~Fittings, Access controls


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