
Get set for DPRTE 2018: The UK’s premier defence procurement event

The wait for Defence Procurement, Research, Technology & Exportability (DPRTE) 2018 to take place at Cardiff’s Motorpoint Arena on 27 March is almost over. Here we take a look at what’s on offer at this must-attend showcase. 

The stage is set for buyers, suppliers and defence thought leaders to be brought together in an engaging environment where they can network and discuss the latest market developments and opportunities. DPRTE 2018 is designed to strengthen links and communication between the MOD, its prime contractors and the entire defence supply chain. 

Attendees will have access to the DPRTE Product Showcase Exhibition (featuring over 125 suppliers), Live Keynote Arena, five Knowledge Transfer Zones and six Networking and Collaboration Zones. 


Live Keynote Arena 

The DPRTE 2018 Live Keynote Arena will host some of the leading and most influential speakers from across the defence procurement and supply chain marketplace. 

Attendees will have an invaluable opportunity to hear directly from those personnel who are actively engaged in both setting and delivering the direction of the UK’s defence procurement and supply chain strategy.  

Chairing the Live Keynote Arena this year will be Commercial Strategies Ltd CEO and former Ministry of Defence Commercial Director Les Mosco. 

He will be followed by the MOD’s Chief Commercial Officer, Andrew Forzani; Chief Economist and Director of Policy at leading defence trade association ADS, Jeegar Kakkad; the new Chief Executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Gary Aitkenhead; and Jacqueline Rock, Commercial Director for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). 


DPRTE 2018 will host five unique Knowledge Transfer Zones designed specifically to enhance the knowledge and skills of all attendees, both buyers and suppliers, who are engaged within the defence acquisition supply chain: 


Doing Business with the US Department of Defense zone  

In a first for DPRTE, the Doing Business with the US Department of Defense zone will provide interactive sessions designed to equip organisations with the insight and knowledge they need to develop business opportunities in the United States of America. The US defence market is the largest in the world with a proposed defence procurement budget of over $686 billion for the forthcoming financial year. 

Representatives from the US Department of Defense (DoD) will be on hand to provide advice and guidance on how to access the wealth of opportunities available within the world’s largest defence procurement marketplace through a range of training sessions and one to one meetings. 


Technology & Innovation Knowledge Transfer Zone 

The Technology & Innovation Knowledge Transfer Zone will host a series of training sessions aimed at providing participants with an insight into the latest developments and opportunities in this area. These sessions will encourage a greater level of collaboration with industry, academia and allies, in order to target new providers to boost the competitive advantage of UK defence and find answers to the most pressing national security questions from across sectors at pace.  

Supply Chain & Partnering Knowledge Transfer Zone 

The Supply Chain & Partnering Knowledge Transfer Zone will provide attendees with the chance to hear directly from prime contracting and supporting organisations such as Raytheon and Cammell Laird, as to how they can engage and actively pursue new business development opportunities across the wider supply chain. 

SME spend made up 19.4% of all MOD third-party spend in 2014/15. This figure equates to almost £4 billion spent both directly and indirectly with SMEs; of which direct spend was £822 million with over 5400 different suppliers. The MOD wants to build upon this success and has set a new target of directing 25% of its third-party spend to small and medium-sized enterprises by 2020. 

Export & Business Growth Knowledge Transfer Zone 

Supported by the Department for International Trade (DIT), the Export & Business Growth Knowledge Transfer Zone will provide exhibitors and visitors with specialist export advice and practical assistance, enabled through DIT’s Defence & Security Organisation (DSO) and its close working relationship with the MOD and the Export Control Organisation (ECO). 

Delegates have the opportunity to visit the DIT DSO stand to meet civilian and military advisers and to attend a number of seminar sessions aimed at the UK SME defence and security community. 

Buyer Excellence in Procurement Knowledge Transfer Zone 

In addition to accessing this wealth of industry expertise, DPRTE attendees can also visit the Buyer Excellence in Procurement Knowledge Transfer Zone, where Principal PASS Consultant Eddie Regan will be leading on procurement best practice and advice, which defence buyers can utilise to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their procurement exercises. 


DPRTE 2018 also contains six Networking and Collaboration Zones offering attendees a chance to meet and discuss buyer and supplier opportunities, share best practice, expand your knowledge and create new peer contacts: 


MOD Buyer Engagement Village 

The Village is the place to be to take advantage of a rare opportunity to engage directly with buyers and suppliers, network with colleagues, and make new contacts and connections. 

Unsurprisingly, for such a unique opportunity, appointments fill up fast so will be allocated on a first come, first served basis on arrival at the entrance to the Buyer Engagement Village. 

Prime Contractor Engagement Village 

Those attendees looking to speak directly with key Prime Contractors such as Airbus; Cammell Laird; BAE Systems; Commerce Decisions; DXC technology; General Electric; General Dynamics; MBDA; QinetiQ, Raytheon; and Rolls Royce should head for the Prime Contractor Engagement Village. Here they can learn more about developing relationships and exploring potential opportunities. The MOD is looking to open up its supply chain to SMEs and non-traditional suppliers so talking to Prime Contractors at DPRTE could be the first step to building new working relationships. 

Defence Procurement Pavilion 

New for 2018, the Pavilion sees key organisations such as DE&S, ISS, DIO, and Front Line Commands (Royal Navy, Army, RAF) brought together in a central area to create a unique networking opportunity and offer the chance to share and explore the ideas and best practice that are actively supporting and developing current objectives and initiatives. 

Innovation Zone  

Innovation is a key theme within the defence industry as the MOD seeks to leverage technology to establish a military advantage. The Innovation Zone hosts key organisations such as the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl); Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA); SBRI / Innovate UK; techUK; and Cranfield University, who will be on hand to offer guidance on potential funding options and bringing products / services to the defence and security marketplace.  

The Cyber Essentials Engagement Zone 

Led by the National Cyber Security Centre, Cyber Essentials is a security accreditation introduced and backed by government that enables organisations to showcase their credentials as trustworthy and secure, when it comes to cyber security. 

Cyber Essentials is the minimum standard an organisation needs to implement in order to bid for new MOD defence contracts, which include the transfer of ‘MOD identifiable information’. MOD will require suppliers to have a Cyber Essentials certificate by the contract start date at the latest, and for it to be renewed annually. This requirement must also be flowed down the supply chain. 

New for 2018, the Cyber Essentials Engagement Zone will provide an opportunity for delegates to gain insight into the many benefits achieved through accreditation, in addition to being able to access further advice and exclusive show offers.  

Defence Market Engagement Zone 

If you’re looking to find and win defence contracts and proactively engage with defence buyers and the marketplace, we’re here to help. BiP is the ONLY company that can uniquely deliver the intelligence and engagement tools you need to win in the defence market.  

With a range of special promotional offers on the DCI service, Cyber Essentials Accreditation, MOD Guide 2018 and Defence Online media packages – come along and learn how BiP can set your business apart from the competition. 


DPRTE is the most important event in the UK defence procurement calendar. It offers a unique line-up of the most influential and informed speakers who will provide invaluable insight not only into current and future developments in the defence and security sectors but also into the thinking and policies of the MOD moving forward. 

Don’t miss out on this fantastic chance to attend DPRTE 2018. Book now at

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