
Grants to Organisations to Help Improve the Quality of Life – Very Short Deadline

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, C/o York Committee, The Homestead, 40 Water End, York, YO30 6WP. E-mail: (Data Protection Officer), YO30 6WP.
Object of the contract
The Awarding Authority makes grants to organisations to help improve the quality of life in the Specified Location, with particular regard for those who are experiencing or affected by poverty and disadvantage.
CPV: 85320000, 85300000, 98133100, 98330000
Administrative Information
Deadline Date 4.7.2018 (14:00)
For further information regarding the above contract notice please visit:
Other Information
York Committee Deadlines 2018
Notification Of Decision During w/c 3 September 2018
York Committee community grants
Who can apply?
The Awarding Authority makes grants in response to applications from charities and other voluntary and not-for-profit organisations.
When considering applications for grants, the York Committee gives priority to applications which fit within our main areas of interest. Our purpose is to build and develop strong and empowered communities without poverty or isolation. Our definition of ‘poverty’ is “when a person’s resources are well below their minimum needs, including the need to take part in society”. In line with JRF’s ‘We can solve poverty in the UK’ strategy we want to encourage voluntary and community organisations to make solving poverty an explicit goal. We therefore welcome applications that demonstrate how they can contribute to solving poverty in York.
In particular, our local research in York identified two specific areas of need:
to increase and better co-ordinate access to benefits advice, debt advice, support with developing financial capability, and information and advocacy for those in or at risk of poverty;
to increase local community-based activity to prevent and reduce isolation where poverty is a contributing factor or barrier
Grants are not normally given to:
Animal welfare groups
Archaeological work
Routine maintenance or construction of buildings
Research, including medical research
Political campaigning
Overseas visits
Additional information
For additional information, read our privacy notice for York Committee grant applicants.
Strategic Grants
We are not currently taking applications for strategic grants
Please visit the website above for documentation


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