
High-Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL) – CDC Roybal Campus, Atlanta, GA

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States

High-Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL) – CDC Roybal Campus, Atlanta, GA

Department of Health and Human Services

Official Address:
2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000 Atlanta GA 30341-4146

Zip Code:

Philippa D Butts, Contracts Specialist, Phone 7704882684, Fax 7704882847, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:

Project Overview

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) operates high-containment laboratories (HCLs) to study some of the most virulent threats to public health. Outbreaks involving pathogens such as the Ebola and Zika viruses place increased pressure on our national research resources to maintain appropriate biocontainment environments. CDC’s need for continuous high-biosafety level (BSL) containment laboratory space is growing as the threats from existing and emerging high-consequence pathogens are discovered. The design and construction of the High-Containment Continuity Laboratory (HCCL) on the Roybal Campus in Atlanta, Georgia will meet these needs.

This Solicitation includes full and complete Architectural/Engineering (A/E) design and related services. The Architect-Engineer shall furnish architectural, laboratory planning, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, structural, civil, and any other design disciplines required to perform pre-design studies, program development, investigations, evaluations, design and construction document production, cost estimates, construction administration services, commissioning support, participation in an independent value engineering process, and other related professional services. The Government will utilize the services of a Construction Manager as contractor (CMc) for pre-construction and construction services. The A/E will be required to work with the CMc firm at the pre-design phase through project completion and will agree to accept the relationship of trust and confidence, and covenants with the Government, to furnish the requisite skill and judgements and to cooperate with the CMc in furthering the interests of the Government.

The A/E contract award shall be in accordance with a Two Step Design Selection Procedure. This procurement is unrestricted with regard to business size. Only prime A/E firms and their major consultants (civil, structural, architectural, interior design, laboratory planner/consultant, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, building automation controls, security, and cost estimating) having offices within a fifty mile radius of the CDC Roybal Campus, will be considered for this procurement.


The HCCL will be a highly flexible biological laboratory comprised of BSL-3E and BSL-4 laboratories and associated support. The multi-story research building will house adequate laboratory space for eighty laboratorians. The HCCL will have gross building area of approximately 96,000 square feet and has an estimated project cost over $100 million. Research space is approximately 16,000 square feet, and the remaining approximate 80,000 square feet supports related mechanical, electrical, and plumbing operations and infrastructure.

All biosafety features and systems of high containment laboratories will be included such as HEPA filtered supply and exhaust air, air pressure resistant doors, pressure cascade zoning, effluent collection and treatment, pressure decay tested coatings and penetrations, and other systems such as high purity breathing air and chemical decontamination showers that support BSL-4 workers donning air pressure resistant suits. The HCCL’s architectural character and massing will complement the finishes, textures, and colors of the adjacent Roybal Campus laboratory buildings. The Project includes utility infrastructure extensions necessary to connect the building to existing Roybal Campus utility systems with below grade utility tunnels for chilled water and steam services.

Step I Solicitation

Pursuant to the requirements of FAR Part 36, this notice constitutes Step I solicitation of prospective Offerors for this requirement. The Step I process requires the potential Offerors to submit their past performance and capability information, including Standard Form 330, for initial review and short-list selection of the Offerors that will be invited to participate in the Step II Solicitation/Request for Proposal (RFP) by the Government. The evaluation criteria for Step I are as follows:

1. Past Performance (45 points)
2. Proposed Team Member’s Professional Qualifications (40 points)
3. Team Experience Working with CMc’s (15 points)

Step I and II assessment ratings of the evaluation criteria/factors is as follows:
a) Outstanding. The Government has no doubt that based on the Offeror’s response to the selection criteria that same will lead to the successful completion of the project.

b) Good. The Government has little doubt that based on the Offeror’s response to the selection criteria that same will lead to the successful completion of the project.

c) Acceptable. The Government has some concerns that based on the Offeror’s response to the selection criteria that same will lead to the successful completion of the project.

Step I Proposals shall be provided in no greater size than 8 ½” x 11″ hard copy format, not to exceed 25 total pages, excluding the durable cover pages. A page is each single face of a sheet of paper. Proposal shall be spiral bound. All text shall be a minimum of 12 pt. font. Prospective Offerors shall possess the necessary permits, registration and licenses that are required to carry out all tasks covered under this Solicitation. Prospective Offerors desiring consideration are invited to make a Step I submission of a letter of interest from the legal entity proposing to submit a proposal, along with eight (8) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the Step I proposal which may include the A/E of Record’s completed Standard Form SF 330.

1. Past Performance of Offeror (45 points)
Emphasis of the Past Performance responses shall be on the design and construction documents production of BSL-4 laboratory facilities. Minimum responses shall include, but not be limited to the following: (a) Past performance on similar contracts with U.S. Federal Government agencies clearly maintaining defined project scope, schedule and budget. (b) Past performance on similar contracts with other Government and private industry maintaining defined project scope, schedule and budget. (c) Demonstration of user satisfaction with quality of work. (d) Demonstration of successful planning and logistics techniques in phased projects within an operational campus environment.

Provide information for a minimum of one (1) representative BSL-4 laboratory past projects designed by the Offeror. Minimum BSL-4 experience requirements shall include the activities of facility programming, engineering and design, and architectural design and detailing. For each project indicated, Offeror shall provide a client contact name, and current telephone number, and e-mail address. In addition, to meet the required minimum proposal criteria, all proposals must provide a clear and concise record of any and all claims filed by, or on behalf of the proposed Offeror, and against the proposed Offeror including all partner members for the past ten years, with the outcome described.

2. Proposed Team Member’s Professional Qualifications (40 points)
Qualifications of key personnel shall be provided, including but not limited to: Project Manager, Project Architect, Laboratory Planner/Consultant, Lead Civil Engineer, Lead Structural Engineer, Lead Mechanical Engineer, Lead Electrical Engineer, Lead Plumbing Engineer, Building Automation Controls Engineer, Biocontainment Consultant, Security Consultant, Lead Cost Estimator, and Rock Blasting Consultant. Minimum responses shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Professional experience, designating responsibility and title of person as it applies to BSL-4 design experience. Relevant experience shall only include that which was gained via actual design by the key personnel of BSL-4 laboratories and systems. Any and all claimed key personnel experience gained as either: 1) a member of a firm which served as the Prime/Lead A/E, but actually subcontracted the specialty BSL-4 component to a Sub-designer; or 2) wherein the key personnel did not actively participate as part of the BSL-4 design team, shall not be included. This requirement is waived for Civil Engineer, Lead Cost Estimator, and Rock Blasting Consultant. (b) Past shared project design experience of Prime A/E team and the team consultants. Additionally, each Offeror shall provide a client contact name, current telephone number, e-mail address, and project name of two projects demonstrating the key personnel qualifications. Client Contact information may be the same or different than those provided for other factors.

3. Team Experience Working with CMc (15 points).
The Offeror shall demonstrate its past management of project scope, schedule and budget of microbiological laboratory projects in cooperation with a CMc and Owner. Provide any pertinent information which clearly demonstrates the Offeror’s ability to work in cohesive and collaborative team environments with a CMc and Owner while maintaining the scope, schedule and budget project requirements.

Following the review, evaluation, and rating of the Step I proposals, the Government will create a competitive range to select a maximum of the three (3) highest rated Offerors to be considered for the Step II Request for Proposals (RFP).

Step I responses are due by 12:00 noon (Eastern Standard Time) on Thursday, October 11, 2018. Proposals received after this date and time shall be late and nonresponsive and therefore will not be considered. Prospective Offerors are advised that as required by FAR 52.219-9, a large business successful Offeror will be required to submit for approval, a subcontracting plan outlining which portions of the work to be subcontracted will be awarded to small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, and HUB zone small businesses. This plan is not required with the submission of Step I proposals, but an acceptable subcontracting plan must be agreed upon prior to contract award to any large business firm.

Additional information relative to this specific project is not available and requests for it will not be considered. Site visits will not be arranged during the Step I Solicitation process. All proposals must reference Solicitation number 75D301-18-R-67933.

Step II Solicitation

During Step II, a Solicitation including the detailed Statement of Work (SOW) and Project Development Study (PDS) will be issued to each firm selected from the Step I submissions. The detailed selection criteria for Step II will be provided with the Step II Request for Proposal (RFP). Firms selected for Step II will be provided a walking tour of the project site and possible tour of the existing facilities at the Roybal Campus. Each firm must submit a technical proposal for A/E services. The Step II proposal due date is expected to be completed by the Offeror in approximately seven weeks from the issue date of the Step II Request for Proposal.

The assessment ratings of the Step II evaluation criteria/factors is indicated in the Step I Solicitation requirements above. The following criteria represent the Step II selection criteria/factors which will be used by the CDC’s Source Selection Panel (SSP) for the source selection process:

1. Design Phase Key Personnel Allocation (25 points).
Identify percentage of time each individual listed as key personnel will be allocated to this specific project. Provide resource alternatives should additional manpower be required of the key personnel and/or augmented by additional resources. Provide means Offeror will employ to ensure that the key personnel listed will be available throughout the course of the project to ensure that the project is indeed successful.

2. Management Plan and Organization of Proposed Team (55 points).
Minimum responses shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Organizational structure and demonstrated ability to organize and manage similar contracts. Include how this was successfully employed on past projects. (b) Provide preliminary CPM design schedule and provide Offeror’s planned course of action to properly address any design schedule slippage and to incorporate possible changes to the scope of work while maintaining the design/contract completion date. (c) Provide Offeror’s project cost control measures that shall be utilized throughout the design and construction phase to ensure that the project remains within budget. Also include A/E interface and recommended procedures with the CMc and Owner during the design and construction process to ensure budgetary compliance. (d) Provide Management plan reflecting coordination of disciplines, design quality control and peer review to ensure the highest possible overall quality of design documents with little or no design related issues.

3. Construction Administration Services Plan (20 points).
Provide detailed Construction Administration Services Plan including but not limited to: Submittal Review, Testing and Inspections, Quality Control, Mock-Up Review, RFI Review, Commissioning Support, etc. Provide key personnel listing and qualifications for the Construction Administration Phase and anticipated time allocation for each respective individual.

As a part of the selection process during Step II, each of the teams selected for Step II will also be asked to make a 45-minute presentation to the Source Selection Panel (SSP), followed by a 45 minute follow-up questions and answers period at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia at a specific date and location to be determined. It is recommended that the Offeror’s key personnel for assignment on the project be present and actively participate during the presentation. Teams are invited to clarify their proposals during the presentation. CDC will pose questions to the proposed team members in the second portion of the meeting based on standardized questions, as well as specific questions in accordance with the submitted proposals from Step II and the Offeror’s presentation.

Step II Proposals shall be provided in no greater size than 8 ½” x 11″ hard copy format, not to exceed 40 total pages, excluding the durable cover pages. A page is each single face of a sheet of paper. Proposal shall be spiral bound. All text shall be a minimum of 12 pt. font. Step II Proposals will be submitted with eight (8) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy.

The Government will make an award to the responsible prospective Offeror whose Step I and II proposals conforms to the solicitation, and is determined to be the highest rated Offeror. The Source Selection Authority (SSA) will direct the source selection process. A SSP will support the SSA by making a recommendation for the prospective Offeror’s selection. The proposals will be scored according to the technical evaluation factors and standards outlined in the Solicitation/Request For Proposal (RFP). The technical proposals will be reviewed by the SSP prior to the SSA’s review. After the technical evaluation has been completed, the contract may be awarded without discussion on the basis of the initial proposals. The Contracting Officer may request minor clarifications to resolve ambiguities or omissions during evaluations without having discussions. However, if the Contracting Officer determines discussions are necessary, Offerors will be advised in accordance with FAR 15.306(d) (3) and FAR 15.307, of technical deficiencies and significant weaknesses and may be given an opportunity to clarify and submit a final proposal. Additional information for Step II will not be submitted until the completion of the Step I selection process. Offerors selected to participate in Step II competition for award of a contract will be notified in writing. Contract Award will be subject to availability of funds.

Submission Instructions

Email is the preferred form of communication for questions relating to this Pre-solicitation. All questions concerning this solicitation shall either be emailed to EZO2@CDC.GOV or sent addressed to the Contracting Officer in writing at the address below. All communications must reference the Solicitation number 75D301-18-R-67933 and be addressed to the Contracting Officer. Contract Award will be subject to availability of funds. Offerors, shall in order to reduce the possibility of error and to increase the quality of our service to you, must include the name of the Contracting Officer for the particular project on all deliveries, packages, etc. The electronic copy shall be emailed to EZO2@CDC.GOV. The hard copies shall be sent to: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office of Acquisition Services, Attn: Philippa Butts, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta, GA 30341, Room 3208, Mail Stop K-71.

See Attachment -Solicitation Notice AE

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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