

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United States


Department of Homeland Security

Official Address:
Office of the Chief Procurement Officer Washington DC 20528

Zip Code:

Jenista M. Featherstone, Phone (202) 447-0721, Email


Date Posted:


Contract Description:
This is a notice of intent to award a Sole Source Procurement. This is not a Request for Quotation or Proposal.
No contract will be made on the basis of this notice. The purpose is to allow interested parties to asset and explain their capability to perform the work described.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate intends to issue a sole source purchase order to the lnterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) to cover annual membership fees for agency participation. INCITS is the forum of choice for internation technology developers, producers, and users for the creation and maintenance of formal IT standards. INCITS is an accredited by, and operates under rules approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). INCITS’ mission is to promote effective use of Information and Communication Technology through standardization in a way that balances the interests of all stakeholders and increases the global competitiveness of member organizations.

The membership will entail the following: CS1 – Cyber Security
The 2018 membership will include the GIS, M1 and CS1.
• CS1 – Cyber Security
INCITS/CS1 was established in April 2005 to serve as the US TAG for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 and all SC 27 Working Groups. The INCITS/CS1 area of work includes standardization in the following areas:

*Management of information security and systems
*Management of third party information security service providers
*Intrusion detection
*Network security
*Incident handling
*IT Security evaluation and assurance
*Security assessment of operational systems
*Security requirements for cryptographic modules

Protection profiles:
* Role based access control
*Security checklists
*Security metrics

Cryptographic and non-crytographic techniques and mechanisms including:
* confidentiality
* entity authentication
* non-repudiation
* key management
* data integrity
* message authentication
* hash-functions
* digital signatures

Future service and applications standards supporting the implementation of control objectives and controls as defined in IS 27001, in the areas of:
* business continuity
* outsourcing

Identity management, including:
* identity management framework
* role based access control
* single sign-on

Privacy technologies, including:
* privacy framework
* privacy reference architecture
* privacy
* anonymity and credentials
* specific privacy enhancing technologies

• L1 – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems form a distinct class of information systems through their unique requirements for collecting, converting, storing, retrieving, processing, analyzing, creating, and displaying geographic data. The generic nature of GIS, organizing information by location, is interdisciplinary and not specific to any application.

The work of L1, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) consists of adopting or adapting information technology standards and developing digital geographic data standards. Digital geographic data standards are concerned with creating, defining, describing, and processing such data.
• M1 – Biometrics
INCITS/M1, Biometrics Technical Committee was established by the Executive Board of INCITS in November 2001 to ensure a high priority, focused, and comprehensive approach in the United States for the rapid development and approval of formal national and international generic biometric standards. The M1 program of work includes biometric standards for data interchange formats, common file formats, application program interfaces, profiles, and performance testing and reporting. The goal of M1’s work is to accelerate the deployment of significantly better, standards-based security solutions for purposes, such as, homeland defense and the prevention of identity theft as well as other government and commercial applications based on biometric personal authentication.
M1 serves as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (U.S. TAG) for the international organization ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 on Biometrics, which was established in June 2002. As the U.S. TAG to SC 37, M1 is responsible for establishing U.S. positions and contributions to SC 37, as well as representing the U.S. at SC 37 meetings.
Responses should address the following points:

1. Are you an A_NSI certified Standards Development Organization, following the consensus process principles outlined in 0MB Circular A-119?

If yes, provide specific information regarding your certification, and provide detailed information how your organization follows the consensus process principles outlined in 0MB Circular A-119.

2. Do you have an open membership process and can you ensure diverse participation in the process by government, academia and the private sector?

If yes, explain detail how this element is met.

3. Do you have a successful track record in developing and promulgating consensus standards in the areas of Cyber Security and L1 – Geographic Information Systems?

If yes, provide specific information on effort performed and completed that demonstrates the successful track record.

4. Is your organization a member of any international standards organization like International Standards Organization? Can you provide a liaison and collaboration with ISO?

If yes, provide specific information demonstrating how you meet these elements.

Responses due by April 13, 2018.

Response Date:

Sol Number:


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