
Independent Reporter

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: Transport for Wales, The Welsh Ministers and by the Wales & Borders Operator and Development Partner (ODP), on the Infrastructure Management of the Core Valley Lines (CVL), Southgate House, Wood Street, Cardiff, CF10 1EW. Tel: 0 2921673434. E-mail: . Web . Address of the buyer profile: (Tamara Evans), CF10 1EW.
Object of the contract
Main site or place of performance:
TfW is based in Cardiff, but intends to move its base to Pontypridd in 2019. The Service will cover the geographical extent of the Core Valley Lines in South Wales.
An Independent Reporter (IR) is to be jointly appointed by the Awarding Authority to provide impartial, expert advice to the ODP and TfW on the Infrastructure Management of the Core Valley Lines (CVL), covering matters such as:
a) the adequacy of the ODP’s annual Asset Management Plan and Asset Knowledge Management Plan;
b) payment adjustments to the ODP for maintenance activities because of discovered asset characteristics that attract additional payment under the GA;
c) the ODP’s annual proposals for renewal works; and
d) the asset management impact of the Authority’s proposed levels of funding for renewals.
Tenderers must register their interest to gain access to the AWARD e-sourcing portal and the Invitation to Tender (ITT) pack by completing a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) and returning it to Transport for Wales (TFW) via email to
The CA can be found in the Additional Documents section of this Notice on Sell2Wales, or alternatively you can request a copy from TfW via the email address above.
Any questions relating to the CA should be submitted to TfW via the email address above.
TfW is a wholly owned, not-for-profit company that was established to provide support and expertise to the Welsh Government in connection to transport projects in Wales.
An Independent Reporter (IR) is to be jointly appointed by the Welsh Ministers and by the ODP.
TfW, on behalf the Welsh Ministers is procuring an Operator and Development Partner (ODP) for the Wales and Borders Rail Service and South Wales Metro, and the role principally comprises:
– Operator of the Wales and Borders rail services;
– System Designer (to preliminary stage) and delivery manager for the Core Valley Lines (CVL) Transformation; and
– Operator and Infrastructure Manager for the Core Valley Lines (CVL).
The CVL comprise the routes from Cardiff Queen Street heading north to Merthyr Tydfil, Aberdare, Treherbert, Coryton and Rhymney and heading south to Cardiff Central and Cardiff Bay. The ODP is to lead the Transformation of the CVL into a metro-style, high frequency operation with improved journey times. To enable CVL Transformation, ownership of the CVL railway assets will be transferred from Network Rail to the Welsh Government. The ODP will also be responsible for the Infrastructure Management of the CVL on behalf of the Welsh Government from the date of Asset Transfer.
The IR Service is summarised as follows:
a) Determining, based on a non-compliance with one of the ODP’s CVL Asset Assumptions or based on a Material Discovery, how an Emerging Charge should be adjusted to become Firm Charges or how a Firm Charge should be adjusted to become a Fixed Charge;
b) Assessing and determining other Infrastructure Management payments to be made to the ODP in accordance with the Grant Agreement (GA), if instructed to do so by one of the parties;
c) Reviewing, assessing and advising on the following ODP Infrastructure Manager plans; initial, annual and periodic:
Asset Operational Management; Safety; Asset Management; Asset Knowledge Management; Environment Management; Renewals and Enhancement; Discovery and Inspection; Disaster Management and Business Continuity;
d) Commenting and advising on the ODP’s Risk Based Management Framework and Standards and Derogations Management Process;
e) Advising on the impact of an Excluded Risk on Day to Day Asset Management, Cost, Performance, Reliability and Urgent Renewal requirements;
f) Assessing and advising on the Asset Management, Cost, Performance and Reliability impact of a proposed renewals deferral by the Authority;
g) Should the ODP and TfW fail to agree on any review, comment, approval or determination and elect to resolve any dispute using the GA dispute resolution procedure, providing and supporting any information as required by the appointed the appropriate dispute resolution process;
h) If requested by the Appointors, comment on an Asset Protection arrangement on the CVL;
i) Reporting on ODP compliance with its current Asset Management Plan in the period immediately before CVL Asset Handback at the end of the GA;
j) If required, advising on and providing certification in relation to the ODP and TfW performance in relation to the Asset Maintenance bond; and
k) Assessing and advising on whether the ODP and TfW are complying with the policies, decisions and requirements of the ORR.
The IR must be independent of both the ODP and TfW, so that it can provide its services and meet its duties impartially.
All the above capitalised terms are defined in the contract documentation provided with the procurement documents available on the webiste below.
CPV: 71311200, 71311230, 71311300
Administrative Information
WA Ref:81483
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate : 11.6.2018 (12:00:00)
For further information/documentation regarding the above contract notice please visit
Other Information
Estimated value of requirement: Value excluding VAT: 3 500 000.00 GBP
Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents available on the website above.
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 84
This contract is subject to renewal: Yes
Description of renewals:
The Contracting Authority has absolute discretion to, by notifying the Independent Reporter in writing at least six months prior to the Expiry Date, to extend the Term by any period they wish and as many times as they wish up to a total duration of 17 years.
Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
Information about options
Options: No
Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
List and brief description of conditions:
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents available on the website above.
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents available on the website above.
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents available on the website above.
Contract performance conditions
Please refer to the Invitation to Tender documents available on the website above.
Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract
Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 6 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 11/06/2018
Local time: 13:00
TfW Offices in Cardiff
Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: No
Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Additional information
Tenderers must register their expression of interest to gain access to the AWARD e-sourcing portal and the Invitation to Tender (ITT) pack by completing a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) and returning it to TfW via email to
The CA can be found in the Additional Documents section (you must register your interest in the Contract Notice on Sell2Wales to access this section)of this Contract Notice on Sell2Wales, or alternatively you can request a copy from TfW via email to
Any questions relating to the CA should be submitted to TfW via email to
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
(WA Ref:81483)
The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia.


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