
IT Infrastructure Programme – Programme Discovery Phase

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

2. Awarding Authority: Charity Commission for England & Wales (Commission) (CCEW), GB. Web: › Organisations
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: Migrate and upgrade Dynamics 2011 to Dynamics 365 Online and dependant systems to SaaS or cloud services and Office 365 and End User Compute Windows 10. Define roadmap, target architecture create and delivery project business cases.
5. CPV Code(s): 72000000, 72200000, 72212000, 72262000
6. NUTS code(s): UKD, UKD7, UKD72, UKK, UKK2, UKK23
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Location : South West England
Address where the work will take place : Split between:
South West – Brendon House, House, 35-36 3PN, Upper High St, Taunton
North West England – Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Merseyside L20 7HS
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: Not provided.
9. Estimated value of requirement: Budget range: £100k to £300k
10. Closing date for applications 28.12.2018 (23:59).
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information regarding the above contract notice please visit
12. Other information: Deadline for asking questions: Friday 21 December 2018 at 11:59pm GMT
Latest start date: Monday 22 January 2018
Expected contract length: 3 months
About the work
Why the work is being done: The awarding authority’s Microsoft Dynamics and core line of business applications and services are end of service life and make it challenging to support new business objectives, improving back office services and improving customer experience.
This programme of work will upgrade the Charity Commissions core IT systems to supported versions taking advantage of SaaS and cloud services benefits of economy of scale, security and reduce support and maintenance costs.
Problem to be solved: The discovery phase will initiate the IT transformation programme and will help understand and answer the following questions:
What and how we build new technology platforms to replace aged IT systems, how we provide a modern Dynamics CRM platform
How we remediate existing security vulnerabilities and understand quick wins we can close out quickly to reduce security threats
Assess and provide recommendations for business process re-engineering process flows, data points and requirements for casework edesign project.
Understand and define the Charity Commissions Casework Redesign Implementation (CRI) solution delivery workstream
CCEW target architecture and roadmap, business cases, cost and timescales.
Who the users are and what they need to do: As a Charity or Trustee we need to be to able to start, operate and close a charity effectively to meet our compliance obligations.
As individual members of the public we need easily accessible Information so that we can confidently support charities.
CCEW need assurances regarding maintance and change delivery so we can meet our regulatory obligations.
Any work that’s already been done: Previous project scoping information and any architecture diagrams will be made availible to the supplier.
Existing team: Predominatly working with the internal Information Services teams; which is made up of a Solution Design, Software Development, Testing, Strategy & Governance, Infrastructure, Service Delivery Teams (ServiceDesk & Application Support), and a Data Team. These teams are made up of a mixture of skill, knowledge and experiece levels of both the Commission, technical role, methodologies and ways of working.
There will also be engagement with non-technical colleagues in the wider Commission and other suppliers.
Current phase: Discovery
Work setup
Working arrangements: On site for meetings or workshops with internal stakeholder. Teleconference or video conference may be useful for follow up sessions. Remote working for documentation is fine. The two main sites are:
South West – Brendon House, House, 35-36 3PN, Upper High St, Taunton
North West England – Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Merseyside L20 7HS
Security clearance : Delivery team members must have completed the HM Government Baseline Personal Security Standard (BPSS) check and be eligible and prepared to undergo the clearance process to at least Security Check level.
Additional information
Additional terms and conditions : GDPR compliance
All contractors have completed security checks (BPSS clearance)
Skills and experience
Buyers will use the essential and nice-to-have skills and experience to help them evaluate suppliers’ technical competence.
Essential skills and experience : Experience of upgrading Dynamics2011 to Dynamics365 Online, Exchange2007 to Office365, Ms SQL to Azure SQL Database, Objective to SharePoint and Objective SaaS, Bespoke.Net SQL backend Charity Register system to Azure.
Experience of integration including Scribe, Mulesoft, store procedures, scheduled tasks, Unix on Windows scripts and other integration points,
Experience of BYOD and Windows 10 and security wrap to meet HMG Security Policy Framework.
Experience of incoporating security & privacy by design into requirements, solutions and delivered digital services
Experience of integrating with and transitioning from legacy systems and existing digital services to new services
Experience of creating an effective services/API architecture (preferably utilising mulesoft)
Experience of government digital standards and having passed GDS service reviews
Experience of advising and guiding a client organisation upon its long term architectural decision making
Experience of augmenting a clients internal team successfully
Experience of developing highly collaborative relationships with client delivery teams, other suppliers & management inc organisational change.
Experience of successful agile adoption by a client organisation and using agile controls to manage delivery & expectations of a client
Experience of successfully combining waterfall and Agile methodologies and advising a client of the choice of the correct methodology.
Experience of maturing a client organisations ability to define requirements
Experience of supporting a client to ensure operational readiness, post-live support
Nice-to-have skills and experience: Experience of developing digital services with Liferay, MS Dynamics CRM 2011, MS SQL Server 2008, Mulesoft, DROOLS, Jenkins, Docker, Objective, AWS, Test-rail, Jira, Confluence
Experience of building a clients organisational digital capabilities within the civil service sector
Evidence of resources that have existing BPSS security clearance that will support the speeding up of on-boarding teams.
Organisational Change Management Experience
Experience of the charity sector
How suppliers will be evaluated
How many suppliers to evaluate : 3
Proposal criteria: How you would ensure continuity & consistent delivery through the course of the contract
Your approach to addressing & helping a client with low maturity/skill levels
Your ability to rapidly stand-up your own team,
Your approach to working as a blended team with our organisation and other suppliers and ability to take direction from Commission colleagues
Your approach to ensure a client has always appropriately understood a subject/update/report
How you would address and mitigate the risks of a lack of technology specific technology stack skills.
How existing technical debt would be identified & addressed and how the creation of technical debt in any infrasructure or developments from contract start would be addressed
Outline the Defect Management process you would use for this engagement
The Risk Management approach/method you would propose for use in this engagement
How you would apply Change Management within a specific piece of work/SoW and within the over-arching contract
How you would propose to apply Project & Portfolio Governance within this contract
How would you propose to address the challenge of waterfall governmental planning & budget activities against the GDS requirement for delivery to be achieved using an agile approach
Provide referenceable experience of successfully achieving required business and digital outcomes to budget and timescales within a portfolio of work for a client
How would you propose to address the openness & transparency of contractual margins rather than the Commission relying upon “right to audit”
Please provide examples of quality measures for each stage of a project and Entry and Exit Criteria to each stage of: Design/Development/Test/Migration/ Release/Warranty
Please outline the artefacts that will be provided for any infrastructure or development work with the purpose future infrastructure upgrades or development work.
Outline your experience of engaging with clients to broker usage of COTS,SaaS,Paas, cloud services to deliver a solution, explain how you articulated the benefits vs on-premise infrastructure or custom-built software.
How you would proposed to deal with conflict with the Commission
Cultural fit criteria :
Advise what controls would be used to ensure the achievement of outcomes and manage expectations, and how & when these have been successful for you in other engagements
Provide examples and explain to us how you would ensure successful collaborative working relationships as part of a multi-supplier delivery team
Describe how you would successfully engage with internal project & product management personnel, provide previous examples where you have done this.
Provide examples that support what your approach would be to coaching and mentoring internal delivery & management teams
How would you (and have previously successfully) approached the lifecycle of a digital product and/or service
Provide example/s of successfully and harmoniously challenging a client where you believe they are not best fulfilling their outcome and achieving a better result/outcome.
How would you take responsibility regarding a change of scope / increase in forecasts from the expectations that had previously been set
Detail how you will ensure effective communications across the portfolio of work and within a specific project.
Payment approach : Capped time and materials
Assessment methods: Written proposal
Work history
Evaluation weighting : Technical competence
Cultural fit
Questions asked by suppliers: No questions have been answered yet


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