
LinkedIn 2012 hack: what you need to know in 2017

 The LinkedIn 2012 hack was one of the first major examples of large organisations suffering a breach. The hack prompted LinkedIn to advise all users to reset their passwords and last week the National Cyber Security Centre issued some further guidance around what best practice business and consumers can do to remain vigilant. So five years on from the LinkedIn 2012 hack what do we now know and what lessons can we learn to avoid our passwords falling into the wrong hands.


LinkedIn 2012 hack: what you need to know

On Friday the NCSC published a summary of guidance for people concerned about the 2012 hack of LinkedIn. This was in response to recent press articles stating that the credentials of a number of MPs, government officials, and police officers were still being traded three years after the data was stolen.

How can I improve my password security?

According to the NCSC despite the regularity and significance of Cyber attacks password security still remains the main area of concern  with many asking “how can I improve my password”. The NCSC have created a great info graphic of how passwords are hacked and offered some simple steps to create more secure passwords. You can find this information below:

linkedin password

What best practice can my business take?

With Cyber Essentials certification the NCSC has set what is the minimum standards todays organistations should be conforming to in order to remain secure against common Cyber Attacks. If you would like more information on the Cyber Essentials scheme you can request it using the form below.


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