
Major MET Investment prompts potential Security Tenders availability for suppliers

Yesterday London Mayor Sadiq Khan unveiled increased investment and additional resources to the Metropolitan Police this year as well as outlining future commitments to investments. This positive move should be welcomed from suppliers interested in securing security tenders & blue light tenders with an additional £60million of funding.

This positive move to offset potential cuts that were being faced by the police force will be as a direct result of the application of income gained from increased business rates in London. A move typically not seen of the back of business rate rises.

The Security tender’s opportunity

For suppliers interested in what blue light tendering opportunities this may present, they can expect to see potential additional opportunities to tender in this space for non-policing activities as well as security tenders that are in existence currently likely to be increased in scope or published anew in order to support the addition 1,000 police offers that this move will support.


The additional 1,000 police officers was originally planned for 2019-2020 however this announcement will speed up the requirement for business ready to support to occur much sooner. As security tenders are published as a result of this news, suppliers will be looking to compete in order to win potential security tenders and frameworks or support existing frameworks that will grow in scope as a result of an increase in the Metropolitan Police requirements.

Where is the £60m being spend?

If you are looking to bid for security tenders you may be wondering where this additional £60 million pound is being invested beyond additional officers. Over the next 12 months the mayor has stated he will invest an additional £55million in the Metropolitan Police so they can avoid borrowing to fund previously planned projects in Buildings and new technologies.

The additional £5million is being invested to fund extra officers and support the Metropolitan police recruitment drive.


How can suppliers get involved?

For suppliers or buyers looking to get involved in security tenders, DCI offers a source of all blue light and emergency services tenders. Our dedicated business intelligence and our experience within the security and defence sector make us ideal partners for any supplier looking to find their next business opportunity.

As resulting security tenders and frameworks are published these can be pushed to your inbox daily ensuring you receive relevant tenders. DCI also offers your business the added benefit of staying ahead of all key news and security legislation and investment developments through our marketing intelligence services provided on DCI packages. It means less searching for security tenders and more proactive winning of them.

Learn more about the support and opportunities available through DCI in the Security and Counter Terrorism sector here.


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