
How Much is Spent on Humanitarian Aid?


Over the past three years there has been debate around how much the UK is spending on humanitarian aid and where the money is going to.

Using Tracker Intelligence our customers can access this type of information as well as intelligence around humanitarian aid tenders.

Find out more about Humanitarian Aid tenders and spend below.

 where are humanitarian aid tenders placed

How Much is the UK Spending?

The UK has managed to maintain its promise to spend 0.7% of national income on overseas aid. It has been estimated that as much as £13.3bn was spent on aid during 2016.

With questions surrounding this spend, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott stated that “Britain does indeed spend more per head than most other western countries. This is a good thing. Instead of saying Britain spends too much, we should urge other countries to spend more.”


Does Britain spend too much on foreign aid? | Diane Abbott and Jonathan Isaby

The ugly arguments against foreign aid that are currently surfacing in the tabloid press are rooted in xenophobia, toxic little Englander sentiment and ignorance. The ugly arguments against foreign aid that are currently surfacing in the tabloid press are rooted in xenophobia, toxic little Englander sentiment and ignorance.


Top 10 Countries that Receive UK Aid

  • Pakistan
  • Ethiopia
  • Afghanistan
  • Nigeria
  • Syria
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • India
  • Bangladesh

On top of this, around £1bn of the money the UK pays to the EU budget is allocated to the foreign aid budget.



UN Humanitarian Aid Budget

The United Nations funds projects all over the world. The money that is raised by the organisation goes to resources inside war-ravaged countries and neighbouring states.

It has recently been announced that the UN plans to spend £17bn on humanitarian aid alone during 2018. This global aid appeal aims to help 91 million of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Several types of resource are needed for the humanitarian crises in Syria and Yemen alone.


united nations - humanitarian aid tenders


Tender Opportunities from Humanitarian Aid

Many tender opportunities arise from the money that is allocated to foreign aid budgets and spent on humanitarian aid and emergency responses.

In the UK, humanitarian projects usually take the largest proportion of aid money. The Department for International Development (DfID) website explains how UK aid goes to specific regions, countries and programmes.

An example of this is the Calais crisis. In recent years, the UK Government pledged £12m to help France tackle the problem with the migrant camp in the town. This money has funded a number of tenders across several sectors including food and drink, shelter and security.

How to win Humanitarian Aid Tenders

Tendering for humanitarian aid projects is incredibly important. Governments must ensure that value for money is obtained, as the aid is funded by the taxpayer.

A tip for businesses seeking to win humanitarian aid tenders: your organisation should be employing as much research intelligence as possible. DCI offers customers the tools and experience that are necessary to win humanitarian aid tenders.

A member of our team can walk you through the whole process during a 30-minute DCI demo that is tailored to your business.


Contact us to request a DCI demo today.


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