
New MOD Chief Information Officer appointed

Charles Forte has been appointed new Ministry of Defence Chief Information Officer and will be responsible for the development of MOD strategy and policy on all MOD Information and Communications Technology, including cybersecurity.

Following an open competition to both internal military and civilian candidates and to candidates from outside the MOD, the Permanent Secretary Stephen Lovegrove and General Sir Chris Deverell, Commander Joint Forces Command announced the appointment of Charles Forte as the new Defence CIO.

Mr Forte has 36 years industry experience gained from leading Information Technology companies globally. He has previously had the role of CIO at British Petroleum and in an interim position at Thameswater. He was also the Chief Executive Officer of Global IT Service at Prudential.

Lieutenant General Ivan Hooper, who has been acting both as the Chief Executive Officer of Information Systems & Services (ISS) and the Defence CIO will hand over the latter role to Charles when he joins the Department. Charles is expected to start in post towards the end of January 2018.

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The post New MOD Chief Information Officer appointed appeared first on Defence Online.


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