
Notification of CORTISONE Requirement for an Integration and Evaluation Partner

CORTISONE will provide a suite of scalable, interoperable medical information services (Med IS).

It will support the delivery of operational capability by providing more readily exploitable information for effective clinical, operational and management decision making. Moreover, it will allow the MOD, through the Defence Medical Services (DMS), to meet its legal patient safety and duty of care obligations. It will be delivered under five Themes using COTS products where possible.

CORTISONE is currently procuring the COTS solutions for Themes one and two through a nine-Lot OJEU procurement process.


In support of the activity described above Programme CORTISONE requires a partner organisation to install, integrate and evaluate the COTS solutions within an MoD provided hosting solution in order to identify the best fit of products to Defence Medical Services requirements. A challenging & complex programme of evaluation has been developed, which will evaluate eleven solutions for five Lots of product capability over a six month period.

It is anticipated that this requirement will be for the duration of eight months (June 2017 –Jan 2018) with options to extend for three months. The CORTISONE team is based at MOD CORSHAM, but to note that some activity may take place at MOD Test Facilities at Blandford or Andover (yet to be confirmed).     

An advert will be placed on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework (DOS) within the coming weeks for this Integration and Evaluation Partner. Any suppliers interested in this work, and who are on the DOS framework are advised to check it regularly via

It should be noted that any suppliers currently bidding through the OJEU procurement will not be eligible for this requirement.







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